Monday 25 June 2007

Wrong To Say No?

Is it wrong to not sleep with someone who needs comfort? Because last night I told him NO.
Mostly because I just know he would fall for me all over again. Been there, done that, don't wanna do that to him ever again. He actually said PLEASE and call me a bitch, but I still said NO. I said that's not why I was there, and he said he knew but that no one should ever miss an opportunity. I laughed (yes, we laughed a lot, oddly enough, considering the situation) and said I knew that but still. Then he asked what was it about me that makes him want me every time. I said I didn't know about before but this time I was sure it was only him wanting to feel something else, anything else. And he shook his head and said that wasn't it. Then I laughed again and said it had to be me being so irresistible. Then he kissed my neck so softly... but I still said NO. He asked if he was making me uncomfortable and I told him that after all these years he could never say or do anything that would make me uncomfortable, or embarrassed, or offended. Then I told him it wasn't him, but me not wanting it ever, not being able to relax and he said "It's a shame." and I couldn't help but to think of the last time I've heard that.
Why is it that I only want those I cannot have?
Was it wrong to say NO?

3 spoke back:

Anonymous said...

You are a great friend. You gave him all he needed.


Anonymous said...

And there's a difference between can't and can't.


D-HOR said...

Nope, you did the absolute right thing. You know him well and know the best for him AND you.