Friday 31 August 2007

Friday Blabber

I haven't posted for a few days, mostly cuz hell broke loose on another front. lol Most of you know what I'm talking about, and the ones that don't... Well, I'd rather pretend I'm normal to at least some degree than to reveal the proportions of my obsession to the entire world.
I'm supposed to go to a concert tonight. Sister and bf are taking me. Hopefully. I hope we'll get the tickets. I've never seen Tony Cetinski live and I would really like to. I didn't even like his music till about 2 years ago when I fell in love with "Kad bi dao Bog". Of course, crazy as I am, I didn't just like the song, you know, like it in a normal turn-it-up-and-sing-it-out-loud-when-you-hear-it kinda way. Oh no. I took the song as a sign. I listened to the words and thought the song spoke to me and I should obey, in a way. See, in the chorus it says something like "If God gave us love as our last chance, I'd take it over the entire world". At that time I was spending a lot of time with a friend that has always been sorta in love with me and I somehow thought that this song is telling I should give him a chance cuz I might be missing something. *giving people a few minutes to digest this*
Yes, I know that was a behaviour of a psycho. I was probably one step away from playing it backwards and burning cats in the oven. Obviously, it didn't work out, we broke up after two months. That's what you get from taking pop-songs as signs.
But then last year I bought the said artist's latest album and it turned out I liked the songs a lot and that was pretty much the only CD I listened to last summer and now it reminds me of the sea and the sun and the people I met at Krk. So yeah, I'm looking forward to going to the concert tonight, should we get the tickets.

UPDATE: Bastard! See, the guy I dated for two months is sister's bf's brother. And he was supposed to buy the tickets for us on his way from work an hour ago. But he didn't. Why? He didn't feel like it. What an incredible fucktard! God, I hate him! Now, that's some brotherly love, isn't it?
OK, so now the cute guy from my video, Davor, is our last hope. Hopefully, he'll buy the tickets.

UPPERDATE: Davor bought us the tickets. Leaving in an hour. Woo hoo.

Tuesday 28 August 2007

Variations On a TheMe

As usual, I ripped off someone else's blog and this time it was JV's 15 Minute Lunch. Anyway, I found this link there and couldn't resist but to play with it.

This is what I would look like if Boticelli had painted me. I know shit about art but it seems to me that when someone looks like Boticelli painted him/her, it's supposed to be pretty. All I can say is, thank God we have cameras.

This is what I would look like in a cartoon. I hope I'd never run into Little Red Ridinghood cuz I'm thinking she'd never stop asking me about the size of my eyes. And with this mouth I don't think I'd be able to devour her.

This is me as a baby. It's just that it's not. I didn't have all that hair. And I had blue eyes. And less cleavage.

This is me as an African-American. A blac... African-American girl once told me they don't have to shave their legs and bikini-zone, that it was simply not expected of them. I asked her how do I become African-American. Here's how. Though I'd have to work on the tan of the rest of my body.

And finally, this me in Planet of the Apes. Helena Bonham-Carter has nothing on me!

Monday 27 August 2007

Phone calls, Pancakes, Perez

Yesterday some idiotic girl kept annoying my dad with prank phone calls to his cell. Apparently he dialed the wrong number in the morning, than forgot all about it. Then later in the day she calls, he answers, she asks if he had called, he says he hadn't, she hangs up. She obviously didn't believe him, she thought someone was messing with her. And then she started her terror. First she sent a text message saying something like "You better tell me who you are quickly or I'll get annoying." My dad didn't answer and she started calling him just to hang up as he'd answer. For God knows how many times. Then I sent her a text saying "I think you have a wrong number." but that just pissed her off or something because she so didn't stop. So the last time she called him at 11pm! What a stupid bitch! I felt so sorry for my dad, to have a completely unreasonable Serbian bitch harassing him had to be horrible. (I know she's a Serb cuz of the language of her text. Fuckers, the war wasn't enough for them!) Then dad came to my room, all annoyed but with a great idea: he was gonna use her number and have some ads published, for selling cars and cell phones and possibly sexual favours so that she'd taste her own medicine! Ahahahahahahahahaha! I laughed my ass off! Brilliant! A bit extreme though. So I called our service centre at eleven something. I had to wait cuz apparently "none of the operators were available". Lazy fucktards! No way in hell were they all busy around midnight! So I listened to the world's most annoying music ever, heard that crap about busy operators and then finally some chick answered.
- T-mobile. How can I help you?
- Uhm, I was wondering if it was possible to ban incoming calls from a particular number?
- Well, you can ban ALL incoming calls.
No shit! And hey, did you know that you can TURN YOUR CELL PHONE OFF too??! I love my cell phone company.
Anyway, the Serbian bitch didn't call today so I guess we won't have any ads published... For now.

My sister said earlier: "You know what we haven't had in ages?" I asked what and she went: "Pancakes." Since her wish is my command...

And lastly, at a certain point I went "In your face, Perez!". Right now it seems like I should take it back. So I take it back... For now.

P.S. I'm in a title. A misspelled one (sory, Linds, but it's just too funny!), but a title nonetheless! Go check!

Sunday 26 August 2007

Sunday Night Blabber

Another Sunday slowly passing.
Yesterday I was at the pool again with Sonja and Davor (the cute one). It was all right, the water wasn't that cold so I would actually get in without hesitation. But there was a lot of people and idiotic men would jump in and splash the water all over and I just hate that. It's just rude. And juvenile. So I spent a lot of the time under a tree reading a book while the two of them were swimming. Yes, I am that antisocial. I still got a little sun-burnt. Notice the reddish tone of my skin. lol
I've had the weirdest dream. I was in some house and someone was with me I just can't remember who it was and we found a secret passage and ended up in a room where we found boxes of chocolate in a cupboard and then we ate them and it was my favourite kind, Griotte.
Obviously, I have nothing to write about. I think I have used all of my words yesterday in that long ass post. Must. Rest.

I found this over at some blog.
Grab the book that is closest to you.
Open it to page 161.
Find the fifth full sentence.
Post the text of the sentence.
Don't search around for the coolest or most impressive book you have: use the one that really is closest to you.

For a moment he thought they had not left the wedding after all: They still seemed to be surrounded by people.
From "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows".
Yes, it's still the book closest to me.

Saturday 25 August 2007

Behind The Wheel

(by request - Lindy, knock yourself out!)
I don't drive. I have a driver's license. I've had it for almost 7 years now. I just don't drive.
I never really wanted to drive that much but it was a given: one turns 18, one learns to drive (in Croatia 16 year olds are not allowed to drive). My aunt from Germany even gave me the money for it so I basically had no choice. So I found a driving school that held lectures in my village so I wouldn't have to go to the city for the theoretical part but only to drive once I pass the written test. Unfortunately, we had no idea that the guy who held the lectures was a thief who would rob me of my money (and not just me but a bunch of other people who were trying to get their licenses there) and that I would have to pay to a regular school the entire fee once again. (So thanks, Auntie, but we basically threw you money out of the window.) (And before you all ask me why we didn't sue or something - try trying a case in any of the Croatian courts. And good luck with that.)
So I passed the written test the second time I took it (stupid much??!) and it was time to sit in an actual car. I knew absolutely nothing about cars. Not a thing. So my instructor took me the the place where the first lessons take place: I obviously don't know the English word for it but it's like a playground with tracks circling and crossing each other, where one learns how to control the car in the first place. He asked me if I knew how to start a car, I said I had no idea whatsoever and he showed me the drill. So we switched places, I pressed the clutch, turned the key, pressed the accelerator, the car made some noise and... died.
We were out of gas. Now, a reasonable person would have taken it as a sign from above saying Step away from the car, slowly, and never ever return. But not me. I was just getting started.
I wasn't the best student my instructor has ever had, I can tell you that. But he used to say no one makes the class go faster. lol He called me Otrov (Poison) or Vještica (Witch). I believe it was because of my sharp tongue. We laughed a lot. And I made some dangerous moves. For instance, once we were in a pretty crowded street and I somehow hit my hand at the wheel, let it go and yelled: "Oh my God, I think I broke my nail!" and then examined said nail while my instructor was grabbing the wheel trying to keep us and the people on the street alive. Another time we were in a street not particularly wide where there were cars parked along one side and a car came from the opposite direction, I panicked, let go of the wheel, covered my eyes and yelled for my mother. Once again, instructor grabbing the wheel...
Believe it or not, I passed the driving test the first time I took it. True, I almost ran over two little girls but I got my license nevertheless. And there I was: out in the street, behind the wheel.
First I had to get used to our car. Learning how to drive in a new car and then having to drive a piece of junk that was as old as me wasn't the easiest thing. And my dad is not the best confidence builder in the world. In fact, I would return home crying so many times that mom almost forbade us to go for a drive again. Once I was trying to get into the garage but I was too slow. Dad yelled "Steer! Steer!" and then "Brakes! Brakes!" but I hit the step on the left and the wheel got stuck. The car wouldn't move. I silently left the car and went straight to my room, leaving dad to fix the crap I have caused.
Then dad bought another car, two years younger. Not an improvement, really.

Honestly, the biggest problem was the fact that I hated driving. I would get in the car and froze stiff. I would grasp to the wheel so hard that my fingers would turn white, I would sweat, I would get hot flushes and would be blinded with panic. Of course, things would happen.
I rubbed at a peach tree once I was getting out of the garage without even realising it until I saw dad in the rear-view mirror waving frantically at me. See, I had no feeling of the car whatsoever. Sometimes the engine would die and I wouldn't even notice till dad would warn me. Hard to believe, right?
Once we went out on a Saturday night and we were in a near by village when all of a sudden I saw the police car with the lights on behind me. I pulled over, terrified. I had no idea what have I done. Then they sat in their car behind me for a while. Finally, one cop came to my window and asked for my license and registration. I handed them to him, he took one quick look, gave them back to me and said they had thought I was a Gipsy driving around in a stolen white jetta. Uhm... I wasn't. I was so upset it took me six times to start the car and leave.
But the worst thing that has happened was when Sonja and I were going to pick my sister up from school. So we were on the road between Darda and Osijek and there was this truck going really slowly. Now, I don't mind slow, really. The slower the better. But I would have been late so I overtook it. And then, as I was returning to my track, my car went berserk! I steered it back to my track and it threw me back to the right track and I tried to control it but it just kept swerving from one track to the other till it got off the road and down, down... heading to the water. I was sure we were going to die. And no, my life did not flew in front of my eyes. All I could think about was: "We are going to die." You see, just a couple of weeks before that a brother and a sister had an car accident and drowned at the very spot. But somehow, instead of going straight to the bottom, car went kind of diagonally and crashed into a tree. I have no idea how we climbed up to the road again, all I know is that both of us had dirt under our nails. We got out without so much as a scratch. What had really happened? Apparently, the front left tyre got flat slowly so I didn't even notice (I wouldn't notice that my car is not running so this was no surprise). And as I steered to the left trying to get back to my track, it got under the... whatever the thing that the tyre is on is called and threw the car out of balance and out of my control.
The car was only slightly damaged and I was back in it within two days. Still scared, still panicking, still hating to drive.
The funniest thing happened when my parents were replacing the front door. They threw the old door frame to the yard. So I was getting out of the garage and I saw that the door frame was in my way. I got out, asked dad to move it but he said I had plenty of space. Guess what? He was wrong. I ran right over it with the back left wheel, it rose up, hit the side of the car and stayed in that position. I got out of the car, shut the door, gave the key to dad and walked to work.
A few weeks later I got into the car for the last time. We went out for a drink. It was night, it was cold, it was foggy. As we were about to go home (mind you, we never left the village, I had to drive for about 3 streets maybe) I didn't see a thing. Windows got white with the condensation and I couldn't see a thing. To pull over by the road till they clear out - never crossed my mind. I drove blindly. We got to my street, to my house, and I turned over to my drive way across the canal. I missed it. OK, not completely but the front left wheel drove by the driveway and the car got stuck, with one wheel in the canal and the rest of the car on the driveway. Dad got out, shook his head, got into the canal, ordered me to drive back as he used all of his strength to lift the car up. He managed to do that somehow and the freed the car.
I have never driven since.

My Home

So Lindy doesn't have to do the research herself. lol

The coat of arms of Darda is blue with a crowned semi griffin holding a silver sabre and three roses . The coat of arms is based on the family coat of arms of Esterházy von Galantha, one of the most important Croatian noble families and rulers of Darda in 19th century. The ancient Esterházy coat of arms was similar, but the griffin was shown completely, standing on the crown. Kazimir Esterhazi built a castle in Darda that is a cultural monument today. The flag is yellow with the coat of arms in the middle.

The centre of Darda. That is the statue of phoenix, representing Darda rising from the ashes of war. It is also the statue in memory of every man and woman who gave their life for our freedom.

This is the Esterhazy castle. It is situated near the lake, in a park. It is empty for the time being.

The chapel of the castle. It was devastated during the Homeland War but it has been renewed in the last year. This is our old church of St. John The Baptist, but there is also a new one being built because this one is too small (Darda has the population of cca 7000, btw).

The new church in making.

Lake Ðola.

Friday 24 August 2007

Friday Nothings

I was at the pool today. Again. Imagine that. AND! I'm going again tomorrow. With people. Among people. Surreal. And if you're really really nice to me, there might be teeny tiny picture of me in a bathing suit for you to see.
Anyway, I'll tell you about the experience of watching "The Bourne Identity" on Monday night. First of all, you should know that I've been wanting to see it for a while now (yes, I know I'm terribly late but sometimes it happens with some movies - I get interested in them when they become a trilogy) so the last couple of times when my sis and her bf would go to rent a movie, I'd ask them to bring this one for me. Alas, it would always be out. And then I saw it was going to be on TV on Monday. Woo-hoo, I went. Out loud. I was really excited. So Monday night came, I made popcorn, got all cosy in my bed and the movie began at 8pm sharp.
And then... The storm rose in the next 5 minutes or so. At 8.10pm there was a power failure. That lasted till 9.30. Let me tell you, sitting by a candle with the hail outside while your wet smelly dog runs around the living room barking madly at the sounds of thunder can also be fun.
Next time my sis and her bf go to rent a movie...

Thursday 23 August 2007

Thursday Blabber

I had coffee with Maja today. Anja was supposed to come (haven't seen that girl in ageeees; got a lovely postcard though) but she couldn't be bothered with coming by bus and she didn't have the car. Isn't it wonderful when you go "I saw a movie with Robert Downey Jr. ..." and before you finish the sentence the other person goes "OH! I wanted to watch it but I forgot! I love him..." ? No explanations necessary, we both know we're both thinking the same thing - Larry Paul. lol And she went to see Harry potter again too and she didn't mind standing in front of the poster with me while I admired the veins on that boy's... *ahem*'s arms. See, that's what I call a good sport!
I'm going to the pool tomorrow. Again. Thats' the third time this summer. I think I might overload myself with it. Too. Much. Sun. And. Fresh. Air.

Wednesday 22 August 2007

Lazy & Bored

Nothing is going on in my life. So watch me take an easy way out of coming up with what to write about.
Lindystar, a hor funny as hell, that you might find linked in The Blogs I Like on the left, made fun of me in her latest post. Gotta love her! So instead of writing something myself, let me just POINT THE WAY! Have a laugh! I certainly did.

Monday 20 August 2007


Remember how I said I was going out for a night of utter boredom? Well...
One drink turned into 5-6. Combine that with not eating entire day and do the math. I got drunk. Like I haven't got drunk since 2003. I remember talking about the year of celibacy. I remember trying to show my sister's bf how my legs aren't shaved. At the table in the bar, that is. I remember dancing with different people in a club. To the world's worst turbo folk music there is. They tried to make me dance with this guy but I refused. I kept some sense. I think. Then I asked to be taken home. Where I put myself to bed. Then got up. And puked in the middle of my room. In the dark. Then had to clean it. See, I naively thought that was it. I threw the alcohol out and I was safe. Little did I know. About a half an hour later I manged to get to the bathroom then ran into mother as I was walking out. She didn't suspect anything. So I went back to sleep. I walked up around 8am when my sister returned from work. Guess what happened then. Why yes, I was still sick and she saw me. I asked her to keep quiet. She screamed at me "Clean it up!" and "I can't believe you!" and "You're 25! Will you ever learn?!" but didn't say anything. Until I got sick again right before lunch and mother followed me to the bathroom. Crap. Then my darling sister blurted out that I puked before and yelled at me for embarrassing her around the village and asked what I have done and if I puked in public. I said I didn't but she didn't believe me until her bf and Sonja told her I didn't. All my mom wanted to know was if I made out with anyone. Again, I said I didn't and they both just shook head at me in disbelief. Anyway, later my sister yelled at me some more because she can't stand when people come to her and tell her about me and said that the was shaking with rage when she caught me vomiting in the morning (I'm sorry I bring it up so often but it's how it was) and said I shouldn't go out if I can't act normal and all kinds of stuff. I slept through the day, avoided sudden moves, had some soup and slept some more. Sonja was there, probably to comment the event with my sister and just got her more mad by saying "I guess some people have the need to drink." Like I drink on regular basis. That didn't help, didn't help at all. So there was all this fuss when all that actually happened was that I got drunk and danced. But welcome to my life. We were taking pictures and videos but I had to ask sister's bf to delete it from his cell before he came for obvious reasons. I'll just say that at one point I said "Shoot me drinking!" Not the wisest idea, I realise now.

Today I went to get my new ID. It's hideous. So so ugly. Horrible. Luckily, I'm not stuck with it for ten years as I originally thought, but for five. Yay.

Saturday 18 August 2007


I'm getting unlimited Internet next month. Yes, I am. UNLIMITED. INTERNET. STARTING NEXT. MONTH. !!!! I am beyond excited. Until now I haven't been able to watch any YouTube videos or d/l music or movies or new Prison Break episodes. YES, that too! And just in time for the new season. God bless my sister because she decided she simply has to be able to watch YouTube clips and exercise with Renata Sopek online even if she had to pay for it herself!
However, next month is also the month of exams. *shudder* So let's sit back and see how that works out! Or say a prayer for me so I don't look like THIS:
when I graduate. Thank you.
And now I'm off to watch The Holiday with my sister cuz y'know, Jude Law in that final scene is just all kinds of cute and sexy and adorable. And even though I don't think that movie had to last 128 minutes (!), it's worth watching it for that last scene. Or, if you think Cameron Diaz is as annoying as I do, you can just fast forward to it. But then you'll miss all the beautiful Kate Winslet and who wants that?!
I'm going out tonight. Just for a drink. Yes. Doing my hair, picking out clothes, putting make-up on, plucking eyebrows out... all for, most likely, an hour of utter boredom. Yippie-yay-yeay!

Thursday 16 August 2007

Thursday Blabber

I watched a movie on TV last night, for the first time in a long time. And it was a movie I haven't seen before. Lately I usually just watch the movies I already saw and liked. Anyway, I watched Heart and Souls with Robert Downey Jr. I just love him. I totally should have listed him with the rest of my crushes, lol. I think I first noticed him in Chaplin where his performance was just amazing, IMHO. I liked him in Wonder Boys and I absolutely fell in love with Larry Paul in Ally McBeal. So if there's a movie with him in it, I'll watch it. And it wasn't a master piece, obviously. It was rather a sappy fantastic drama but man, was he great when he played the other four characters who would possess his body! I just love how he can do both drama and comedy with such an ease.
I might get unlimited Internet from next month. Imagine that! And then, as I shared the exciting news with WFW, she reminded me of Prison Break starting next month and I was like WOAH! cuz I totally forgot about that and how I'll be able to watch it almost immediately. So fingers crossed to everything working out.
And I guess that's it.

Wednesday 15 August 2007

Cake, Anyone?

The last post I wrote was very very serious, and you know I usually don't do serious. So to get rid of the bitter taste in our mouths here are pictures of a cake my mom made for today's holiday. It's called Indian Village (yeah, INDIAN! we're not very PC here. lol).

And this is what a piece of it looks like (placed on this particular book by accident):

And since were talking deserts, this is the ice cream I made for my sister yesterday, not because I'm particularly fond of her but because I like my family to go ooooh! and aaaah! when I make something like this:

Tuesday 14 August 2007


Exactly 16 years ago, I was punished for the first time in my life for stealing corn. I was 9yrs old and as I was playing outside with some boys from my street (and at that time it made no difference how old was anyone, kids from 5 to 15 would all play together), someone decided it would be awesome to go to the fields of corn a little outside of the village and get some so we could bake them in an open fire. I tagged along and was made a watcher, making sure no one would catch us. As we returned, mom asked me where I had been, I told her and she got mad and grounded me.
So how come I remember the exact date? Because it was the day when we left our home for 7 years without even knowing it.
As Dad returned from work, he told my mother to pack some stuff for us because he was taking us to our grandma's for a few days. You see, the next day was the Catholic holiday, Assumption of Mary or as we call it, Velika Gospa, and there was the air of uncertainty and fear because people who were our neighbours just yesterday were suddenly a threat. So we packed some summer clothes, waved at our dog and went to visit grandma. I thought it was quite ironic (or I would have, had I at that point known what ironic meant) how instead of being grounded, I'm gonna go visit grandma and hang out with my friends there. Who knew I'd be hanging out there for a lot longer than a few days.
Dad came one week later, escaping at the very last minute. Baranja je šaptom pala. Baranja fell silently, they said. He brought some clothes for us, but it was old, things we grew out of (God knows where he had found it, he had no way around the house, at that time we were never certain if he even knew he had kids since he was always working, all day long), things that were mostly useless. What happened to my dog, where was Alf, I wanted to know. He was left at my aunt's who decided not to go, thinking she was an elderly lady, thinking she was safe. Little did we know. No one was safe. Old people were being kicked out of their houses, women were raped, men were slaughtered. She was unharmed, though, and was able to get out a year later. A Serbian family came to her house, she had to sign a paper saying she's leaving them her house. (She left them Alf too so when we returned home 7 years later, they were still there and so was my dog and we took him home. He recognised me, imagine that!) But I digress.
So when my dad came, he had arranged with one of his friends for all of us to go to Hungary, to a village where that friend of his had some family. Across the border, in the middle of the night, terrified of the unknown. My dad's passport had expired, they only let him into the country because of his Hungarian name and because he speaks the language. We were there for about 2 weeks, 14 of us in one house. My sister and I hated it and kept asking to go back to grandma's. And so we went back. The expired passport was not an obstacle for returning, even though the customs officer at our side asked my dad why was he returning when so many were leaving the country. But that's just how my dad is, he couldn't live with himself hiding while others were fighting for his home. So we returned and he joined the army in making. No uniforms, almost no weapons, no planes, helicopters, tanks. All they had were their hearts, courage and patriotism.
Then it got really bad somewhere before Christmas and off we were, to yet another part of the country, the three of us left to mother's relatives we have never seen in our lives who had found us, God knows how, and insisted we came to where it was safe.
We were there for three weeks, this time it was 11 people in the house. The phone lines were so overloaded that most of the times Osijek was unreachable. All we could do was listen to the news announcing the numbers of killed people, hoping, praying dad wasn't one of them. We were even enrolled to school during that brief time and me, a 10 year old girl attending the school for only two weeks was the announcer at a Christmas show at the school. So after the show all these mothers surrounded me, asking my teacher who I was and in the middle of this commotion, I started crying and they all got worried, asking me what was wrong, and I said: "Everyone's dad is here except for mine."
We returned to my grandma's shortly after, we just couldn't bear being so far away from him. A few more months of nights in the basement under fire, of listening to the news on the radio, of calling hospitals and Red Cross and the Crisis Centre, praying his name wasn't on any of the lists and then it all calmed down. We moved to Osijek in 1992 and stayed there till 1998. My home was across the river, occupied. So close and yet so out of reach. Years later, after two brilliant operations of Croatian Army (that was built out of nothing), our country was finally freed of the aggressors and we were able to return to our home that we had to leave 16 years ago.

Monday 13 August 2007


Well, that online quiz said that "lesbianity is strong in this one". I must say, I have never met a random girl or a woman that I thought was attractive but there is one woman that is welcome in my bed anytime! Not to mention she's one hell of an actress. Kate Winslet:

10 Things I Hate About You

I hate the way you talk to me,
And the way you cut your hair.
I hate the way you drive my car,
I hate it when you stare.
I hate your big dumb combat boots
And the way you read my mind.
I hate you so much it makes me sick,
It even makes me rhyme.
I hate the way you’re always right,
I hate it when you lie.
I hate it when you make me laugh,
Even worse when you make me cry
I hate it when you’re not around,
And the fact that you didn’t call
But mostly I hate the way I don’t hate you,
Not even close…
Not even a little bit…
Not even at all.
10 Things I Hate About You
This is one of my favourite movies ever. And yes, I know it's just a silly teen-comedy but when I saw it for the first time, the similarities between me and my sister's relationship and the one between the sisters in the movie was amazing. But I already wrote about it, so I'm not gonna repeat myself. I just thought of the movie and since I have nothing else to say, that would be all.
Oh and I added a lot of pictures to "Diary of Krk", in case you want to check it out (just click on the label "krk"). They have little to do with the posts they have been added to, though.

Currently reading: Howards End, Edward Morgan Forster; rereading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, J.K. Rowling; and Croatici Auctores Qui Latine Scripserunt

Saturday 11 August 2007

Saturday Morning Blabber

I ended up slightly drunk last night. How, one might ask. Well...
We went out to dinner, Sonja, Dražen, Davor and me. We went to Kovač Čarda for the best fiš paprikaš in the area.

The boys took us by total surprise when they paid for it and we didn't even have to repay them in sexual favours. Then, as we got in the car and left the village, suddenly there was this heavy rain, wind, fog... I couldn't see a thing. We stopped for a few minutes, the rain seemed to have calmed down so we continued but then it got even worse. The road, the sky, the forest on both sides of the road - all of it was just a gray blur to me. I have no idea how was Dražen able to drive. I kept thinking we'd get killed. At least the last supper was good, right? Anyway, we survived (obviously) and got back to Sonja's. She got really upset when she discovered the window was left open and one of her books, the one she's studying from right now, was soaked. Stupid rain. But then she brought wine for them and Stock and Coke for me and the plan was to get drunk. I didn't really, just a little bit but Sonja and Dražen did. My sister's bf then came too so I took his cell and took pictures (if I find out how to transfer them from the cell to the computer, I'll add them later) and even made videos of the two of them dancing. Yeah, OK, I danced a bit too, but I still claim I wasn't drunk. Davor fell asleep. it's what he does. The first time he was ever in my house he got so cosy he fell asleep too. It was too funny. About ten people in the room, making noise and what not, and he sleeps like a baby. Then I gave Dražen a foot massage. After all, he did buy me a dinner, lol. He said I should get a statue. LMAO Then I got bored and went home.

Oh and, we're not going to the hills. That's cancelled,thank God.

I've added some pics and I managed to upload the video too! Imagine that!

EDIT: I almost forgot to write about something that has deeply disturbed me yesterday. Sonja told me about it. She was out for a drink with these guys and Dražen's brother, this guy, shows up, not entirely sober. So they're talking and he asks: "And how is Kiki?" smiling widely. And then Davor goes: "And as soon as you mention Kiki, you smile..." Married bastard! I know you won't understand why it bothers me, but... I'm supposed to be over him. It's been fucking years and he's married and has a bloody cat and I watched the video of his wedding and... I know this will sound so incredibly stupid but I wish he wouldn't mention me ever. I hate men.

Friday 10 August 2007

Friday Blabber

OK, so who complains about spending time with their friends? Seriously. Am I insane? Well OK, I am, but that was rhetorical. I should be grateful I have any friends at all. And I am. Sorta. I'm just not the type for going away from home. Into the wilderness. Yes, there's a house and I'm pretty sure there's running water and electricity, but it's still up the hill somewhere. I'll be without my computer and TV. For the first time in a very long time. *worried* But it should be good, right? I mean, there will have to be alcohol. But I really don't like this group sleeping. No, not like that! Just the six of us in two rooms. Boys too. I don't like them, they snore. Then I can't sleep. Why am I going again?! Oh yeah, cuz they're my so-called friends. Friends that never call or anything. Friends I only see at Sonja's if we happen to be there at the same time. Friends I friendly chat with if I run into them accidentally in the street or train but don't have real interest in their lives. Now that I think about it, can I actually call them my friends? Seriously, why am I doing this??!
My sister is watching Click. And I'm in the room. Meaning I'll probably be watching it too. And I really don't want to. Stoopid Adam Sandler.
I was looking for some interesting blogs to read. After skipping blogs of people interested in bonsai, anthropology and knitting (Sorry, Nic ;) ), I stumbled upon Blogget Jones's Diary. If you want to read about the horrors of dating, check it out. On that note, I'm so happy I don't do that. Dating, that is. Or anything involving men, really. They suck. And not in a good way.
And apparently, this might explain my opinion: I took another online test (I do that a lot, don't I?), Are you a lesbian? and this is my result:

You scored

The lesbianity is strong in this one. You love the ladies. Either that or you just like cats and bad music. I bet you've got a good collection of baseball caps. Or are they scalps from your sexual conquests? Oh, no. They're baseball caps (sorry 'bout that).

Go and see for yourself. Then let me know, k?
BTW, I have no baseball caps.

Thursday 9 August 2007

Thursday Blabber

Maja's back. I saw her today. She just spent 2-3 weeks on holiday and we ended up talking about TV shows and Harry Potter. No life whatsoever. We're invited to Jelena's birthday Sunday and we both don't feel like going. I also have other plans. No, really. Stop laughing. I do. We're supposed to go to Sonja's weekend house (OK, I know that is so not the existing term but it's the best thing I can come up with now) in the hills not far from here. When I say we, I mean Sonja, my sis, her bf, our two friends and me. So we're supposed to go there Saturday and spend the night. I'm not exactly thrilled so when she asks what we should buy to eat and when we should go and stuff, I'm all like "Oh, there's time!" and "Saturday is far away!" and shit. Now I'm toying with the idea of telling Jelena I have plans and telling Sonja I have to go to that birthday... However, Sonja reads this blog from time to time. lol And Maja is trying real hard to talk me into going with her. But I don't think I'll be going. Hills I won't be able to avoid though. Well, it may not be so bad after all. I hope. Fingers crossed and shit.
I'm antisocial. And hungry.

Currently reading: The Spear, Louis de Wohl

Wednesday 8 August 2007

Pool Is Not As Cool

Went again today. See post below. Minus the lunch and the rain. And water was not as freezing. That is all.

Tuesday 7 August 2007

Pool Is Cool

And I mean that quite literally. We went to the pool today and the water was so cold it would take me about 10 minutes to gather the courage to enter both times I made myself get in. I gave up completely the third time. I pondered on the thought of going into the one for kids cuz the water was a bit warmer there and water that is up to my knee would also save me from drowning but I guess it would have been a little too odd. Besides, inflatable swim bands seemed to be a must-have and I didn't want to stick out for not having them. And for being a grown up. My bikini is too small. I bought it when I was much thiner, when I had about 15 pounds less and now my boobs are almost falling out of it. Wonderful. But no way in hell am I buying a new one when this was the first time this entire summer that I went swimming. (When I say swimming, don't take it literally. I don't really swim, I stand by the edge of the pool holding to it or sitting on it. In case you didn't realise, I'm not much of a swimmer.) OK, we're going again tomorrow but then that's it. Good thing was that there was not many people, at one point the pool was completely empty. Before the rain, Yes, there was rain but later in the afternoon and it was actually a good thing because at that point I was bored anyway and wanted to go home. There was no cute guys whatsoever. None. Zero. Nada. Not a single one. It's so sad. We had a great lunch though. Mmmm food then at least. I had calamari and fries with tartar sauce. Yes, I'm simple like that. I didn't get sunburned, it's a miracle since I can't remember the last time I have exposed myself to the Sun. Applying so much lotion that I had white marks on the skin might have prevented it though. All in all, it was a nice day.

Monday 6 August 2007

Movie Blabber

Uhm no, I don't have a life. Uwkay...
I finally saw Step Up and to answer the question WFW asked, yes, that does imply that I was anticipating to see it, that I wanted to see it for a while.

Anyhoo... It's horrible. I like movies with dancing. Really. A lot.
I loved Dirty Dancing obviously,

and liked Chicago,

I liked Save the Last Dance

and even Honey.

Yep, I'm saying it out loud. The best part of She's All That was IMHO the mass dance scene at the prom. But Step Up... OMG, so bad. The story couldn't be thiner and the guy, Channing Tatum, is so not attractive. His neck is wider than his head. It's like Hulk after he transforms, only not green. And those ears... Dumbo much? The dancing was lame too. Anyway, it sucked. And when a movie sucks, at least the lead should be hot. At least I got it on DVD, I didn't pay for the ticket to see it cuz had I done that, there would have been blood. Just saying.

I also saw half of Click.

I had to turn it off. Honestly... Can you say Not funny? It might have something to do with the strong dislike of Adam Sandler and Kate Beckinsale. The dude is just not funny. And then there's David Hasselhoff. The Hoff. Jeez.

Now I still have Memoirs of a Geisha to watch.

It better be good. I can't remember the last time a saw a good movie. Well yeah, Harry Potter, but I understand that might be just because I'm such a fan.
There was The Life of David Gale on TV on Saturday.

Now, that's a good movie. And not just cuz Kate Winslet is in it. (Funny thing. One would think that after Titanic the crush on Leo would stick. Instead, I'm still in love with Kate Winslet.) And now I really wanna see Little Children. Must find it somewhere