Tuesday 19 June 2007


... cuz I think this one is just pretty (and it doesn't show my boobs for a change, lol)

Off Topic: Yesterday I was looking for some T-shirts and ended up buying one tank top saying I love boys with a guitar. If you think that sign is weird (cuz I was wondering if that meant it's a group of boys gathered around one with a guitar or what...), listen to this: there was a top saying WHENEVER YOUR LONELY. Thinking of Friends all of a sudden, and Rachel's 8 page long letter to Ross that made him fall asleep... Then there was one that might get you a random beating up on the street every time you wear it: YOUR BOYFRIEND BOUGHT ME THIS SHIRT. Uhm, uwwwkey... Some girls are stupid, they might take it personally. I wouldn't wear it (unless, of course, someone's boyfriend actually buys it for me, but I can't see it happening).
Well, this was really boring so I'm wrapping it up.

ETA: ...that has nothing to do with previously written, but I'm bored so...
This has been a really hot day. I actually studied. And language history nonetheless. I mean, I studied something connected with history. Now that requires will power when it comes to me. And it's for a Croatian exam. *proud of self*
People on forum just won't lay off my Freak Sisters. I was told that LCB himself had the camera in his hands and was focusing on guess what. I am annoyed. Seriously. I mean, if that's all that I am then I'm in serious trouble. But I also heard I was the most beautiful and loveliest girl there so... My mood went up. lol
A stroll down the memory lane: I have always been the ugly duckling. Always. You know how at 14 or 15 it's time for the first boyfriends and holding hands and first kisses and all that? Well... All of my friends (but one) had boyfriends. Me - never. I was called Volcano by the boy I liked because of my skin problems, for instance. That worked wonders for a teenage girl's confidence. So for the next few years I wore black, kept quiet, read books (books unfortunately filled my mind with the ideal of love that doesn't exist and I'm not over it yet), wrote diary about the non-existing life (still doing so) and waited... For what, I didn't know.
Then last summer, at Krk, I was suddenly a girl that got noticed! How that happened, I had no idea! I'm thinking the three S's - sun, sea, summer. But now... Dunno. Did I grow up into a woman? And when? And how?
Still... (us women, never satisfied! lol) I would much more like to be noticed for what I say and who I am than for what I have growing on my body. Like when I meet people online and they talk to me. They don't care what I look like, all they care about is what I have to say. And I love it.
Anyway, I had a point with this... I'm sure I did. *reading back* Oh yes! This boob-discussion went so far that I actually asked the guy who is making the DVD to cut out certain parts and he was gracious enough to do it. So I'm thankful. I feel humiliated enough as it is. So yeah, compliments are nice, but they can only go so far. And I'm done.

OK, I'm not done. It's 2am and what's going through my head is "Why doesn't he want me?" ??!!! I know he's no good and I know he's bad news and I shouldn't be thinking about him anymore but WHY DOESN'T HE WANT ME?! It's not cuz he loves his girlfriend. People who love their significant others don't go around behaving like he did. And if never wanted me, then why saying all those things? Why? Why?! WHY??!

7 spoke back:

Anonymous said...

That's just it, babe. he DID want you, but your being so adamant about not jumping in the sack before getting to know him better caused him to back out. He WAS attracted to you, he wanted sex for God's sake. But you wanted more, and this asshole wants to keep his girlfriend. It's not you who are not attractctive enough, it's him being a sleazebag.
Now, you keep on having fun with those non-virtual people. Keep on growing your confidence. Someone will notice your intelligence and sense of humor, and still want to lay his head between your inviting sisters.


Krissie said...

Bel, that doesn't answer my question. (Not that I expect you to give the answer to me, no one can, it was an rhetorical question.)
He knew I didn't want anything more but sex and still nothing happened.
So it has to be me.

nicbeast said...

On a lighter note, my favourite shirt said "Tell your boyfriend to call me"

Anonymous said...

It's still him in my opinion. He backed out because he has a GF.

*putting fingers in ears*
*not listening to Krissie talking bad about herself*


YKM said...

I'm with Bel on this one krissie...
he did want you (probably still does!) but just lacks the balls to go through with it.

he's probably banging his head against the wall about that missed opportunity. Guys are all talk and ego but when it comes down to it they chicken out.

and however much I would love for you to get laid with him, I'm kinda glad it didn't happen. He does have a gf, and whether she's a bitch or a total sweetheart, cheating is never OK.

Imagine how you could have felt after you had sex? you would definately be 'the other girl who knew about the gf and still had sex with him'. Things like that usually come out...

I know we all joke about it but I also know you're an awesome girl with a good heart and you would be devasted yourself if it were you as the gf...

as for him..just another guy following his dick and unfortunately for the female population of your city (forgot the name lol) the outside is not too bad to look at.

ok, I'm done.

Krissie said...

YKM, I found myself nodding while reading what you have written...

AJ said...

*nodding head in agreement with YKM*