Sunday 24 June 2007

Baby Girl Needs Your Prayers

We've just heard that my friend's new born baby girl is in critical condition, something is wrong with her lungs.
If you pray, please mention her in your prayers. Thank you.

UPDATE (Monday, June 25)
She probably won't make it. Her vitals are not functioning anymore and my friend is just waiting for the worst news in his life.
I've spent most of the night with him, you know, just being with him. What do you say when he asks: "Why me?"

3 spoke back:

Anonymous said...

I'll be thinking of her.


Unknown said...

holy shit.

i still haven't figured out the 'why me?' question. is it nature's terrible joke or sth completely random happening to good people. why didn't it happen to hitler's mother?

now i'm just blabbering, it's just anger coming out of me.

hoping for the best

grom mi je sprzio komp, pa se necemo cut neko vrijeme :(

Krissie said...

Thank you.