Friday 30 November 2007

Beans, Beans, The Magical Fruit...

I had a friend over tonight. I made us tea Lindy sent me. Original India Spice. Strangely, its scent was much stronger than its taste, but it was lovely nonetheless.
And then we tasted some BERTIE BOTT'S EVERY FLAVOR BEANS! OK, Sonja did. She got CHERRY first which she loved. Then I got DIRT. That tasted like dirt. Seriously. I was a kid once, I know what dirt tastes like. it was dirt. Then I shoved it into her mouth and she confirmed it was indeed dirt. Oddly, it wasn't as bad as one would expect. Then it was her turn again. She got what we first thought was vomit but what turned out to be CINNAMON. Obviously, it was just fine. Then I got a pale one. BUTTERED POPCORN, I thought. Suure... It was the most horrible thing ever! I sucked it for a bit, realised it was gross,and gave it to Sonja to taste it. She bit into it and spat it out immediately! EARWAX. We think. Just... eww. Then she really wanted to taste VOMIT. Which turned out to be wonderful, like Bazooka chewing gum. Unless, of course, it was TUTTI-FRUITTI. The colours on the box don't exactly match the beans. So we shared vomit/tutti-fruitti. Then I had TOASTED MARSHMALLOW. Now, we don't have marshmallow here and we were both very curious about it. It was yummy. Creamy and wonderful. We shared that too. Too bad there was only one of those. Then she had PICKLE. She said it was very pickle-y. I told her she could have it all for herself. I was considering tasting SAUSAGE but I didn't after all. I wrapped it up with BLUEBERRY. It was very blue.
Funny, I thought the flavours were just for fun. Till I had dirt in my mouth. It was an interesting experience though.

Foolish Games

This time I ripped off Sgt's blog.

MEME Rules:

1. Put your MP3 player on shuffle
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
3. You must write the name of the song no matter what. No cheating!

Leave Right Now - Will Young (I should start saying that to people as a comeback to anything they say.)

Sin Sin Sin - Robbie Williams (You can't make this up. Not true... *trying to keep a straight face*)

Shut Up - Black Eyed Peas (Why yes, I do prefer them to shut the fuck up.)

You (Or Somebody Like You) - Keith Urban (Hmm, I could use to feel like someone else for a day...)

Bother - Stone Sour (OK, perfect. Not the title but the song: I wish I was too dead to care. Yes.)

Someone Else's Dream - Faith Hill (This makes no sense. Figures, since Faith Hill is my sister's music.)

I'll Be Home On Christmas Day - Elvis Presley (True, cuz I have no friends so I'm home every day.)

Whoever's In New England - Reba McEntire (Again, my sister's music, I swear. Means nothing.)

Keep Me Close - Chris Daughtry (No, not really. I prefer to be left alone.)

WHAT IS 2+2?
I Wish That I Could Tell You - Reba McEntire (Ahahahahahahahaha! I do suck at math but not THAT much!)

I Love You - Faith Hill (Duh.)

But It's Better If You Do - Panic! At the Disco (It usually is.)

This Magic Moment - Dirty Dancing OST (...hasn't happened yet.)

Let Me In - Chris Daughtry (Uhm... what?!)

Baby You Belong - Faith Hill (Don't we all?)

Breathe - Faith Hill (Since my Mom fears for my life, I guess it's true. lol)

You Give Me Love - Faith Hill (Not inappropriate but enough with Faith Hill already!)

One - Faith Hill (I'll die alone??!)

Jessie - Joshua Kadison (Sure.)

If My Heart Had Wings - Faith Hill (Yes, that's it exactly.)

Sway - Michale Bubble (Away?! *shrugs*)

Foolish Games - Jewel (Well ain't that nice - only my favourite song of all times and this is, after all, a game.)

P.S. I totally should have done this without Faith Hill. I swear I have some good music too. Really.

On A Dating Site

Boy_For_Sex: Hey, what's up?
Me: Hey, nothing much. Btw, I'm not for sex.
... *crickets*

For_Your_Dreamy_Eyes: What do you like? What do you want? I'll be your Santa! ;)
Me: BOOKS! Can you bring me books??!
... *crickets*

Thursday 29 November 2007

Sweets For My Sweet, Sugar For My Honey, Some Peanuts And Pumpkin Seeds

Two days ago I got a package from Lindy. Imagine that! It came all the way down from... wherever she is (I'm not making it easy for you to track her down and demand packages). In it there was a CD with pictures of Wentworth Miller that she promised as a prize for being the 10000th visitor of her blog. It contains 793 pictures. Yes, I counted them. And to my surprise, not only that there are quite a few of those I don't have saved on my computer but there are also some I've never even seen! Trust me, that's something.
But that's not the only thing that she sent. Oh no. She sent CANDY! Yeah, baby! Caramels, chocolate bars, pumpkin seeds, lollipops... aaand MAGICAL CANDY - Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans! It's Harry Potter candy, people! It's magic to eat! Now, I haven't tasted it yet (flavours like vomit and earwax are kinda putting me off) but I'm gathering courage to do it and then I'll let you know how it went. There's a lot of peanuts in the candy too. Must be an American/Mexican thing.
Further more, she sent a few flavoures of tea, she sent flower seed, she sent pens (that are awesome and I'm so gonna write Christmas cards with them!), incense sticks and probably my favourite - Vanilla Cola Lip Gloss! It's absolutely yummy and it brings together probably my favorite two flavours, vanilla and coke. Speaking of vanilla, some of the tea she sent is vanilla flavoured and I'm saving it for Christmas. (In case you haven't noticed, I love vanilla - its taste and its smell).
She also wrote a lovely letter (and your handwriting is perfectly fine and the paper is too cute) and I just wanna say: Lindy, I'm really happy to have met you and to get to have you in my life. And sorry for freaking out your bf with my postcard. You might wanna prepare him for another one coming. lol

Tuesday 27 November 2007

I'm On The Outside, I'm Looking In...

Wanna see how the cat spends his time when you're not home?, my sister asks in a chipper voice.
Uhm... sure, I say a bit scared cuz me thinks it can't be good.
And she shows me this picture.

Yes, that is my cat crying his lungs out outside the window begging to be let in.
I let him in eventually, she adds.
Well aren't you an angel! No, wait. I guess you're not.

Monday 26 November 2007


On my Journal #2 I got (and I quote): Excellent work! :-) . Yes, there was a smiley! lol And on my "The Lady Is a Groupie" paper I got (and I quote): Excellent! Well done! 5 . (5 is Croatian for an A.)
I just love love love when people like my writing. I just do.

So to Lindy and Belle, my idea-girls:

Sunday 25 November 2007

Duty & Death

I did my duty. I voted.
Today is the day of parliamentary election in Croatia. And it's really important to go out and cast your vote. Especially for a woman. I mean, we are blessed to be living in a country that allows us to vote and even though it's usually picking the lesser evil and can be quite a drag, it is, above all, a privilege. So no, no one can have my vote to manipulate with it. It's mine and I shall give it to whom ever I want.
Anyway, I'm red. Or would've been in America in the 50's. In Croatia today I vote for the Social-Democratic Party. I love how liberal they are, I love how they focus on the people living here. Sure, it's a campaign and we all know that promises made before the election are so often broken but still. They are the only ones always voting YES for the right of choice, for the equal rights of the homosexuals, against religion in schools and so on. I cannot but to agree.
I also believe that everyone has to choose for themselves. Unlike my sister who's been trying to make her bf vote for her party. lol She's an idiot.
My Dad took the wrong glasses with him, the ones he cannot really read with, so he said he'd vote for the number 11, thinking it's SDP, and I said I'd tell him if it is or not. lol Imagine me yelling across the room VOTE 22! (It wasn't 11 after all, it was 22.) I could've had the election declared irregular. Anyway, he manged to read it after all and he didn't give his vote to a random party.
And now we wait.

On a lighter note... A dead man. A bottle of alleged Valium. A naked guy on the roof top. A midget. A blackmail. A reverend on a tight schedule.
Seriously, people, if you haven't already, go see Death at a Funeral. I absolutely loved it. I suppose my sister didn't like it as much since I was laughing out loud while she was trying to sleep. (And I don't laugh out loud that often.)

Wednesday 21 November 2007

The Promiscuous One

I ripped off Belle's blog. From all of the above I am rare to find, great when found, not one to mess with, loving music, easily bored, hard to understand, patriotic, complicated to know. Promiscuous? Well, I used to be, I guess.
The rest is crap.


I couldn't sleep last night so I listened to some music and I heard a song I haven't heard for a long time. I've always liked it though so I'm gonna share it with you. There's no official video for it so you won't find it on youtube. I hope you enjoy it. And I too have no idea what the lyrics are about.

by Svadbas

Kreni sa mnom (Come with me)
Zadnji put (For the last time)
Vjeruj mi (Trust me)
Daleko od mraka bolje ćemo znati (Away from the darkness we'll know better)
Ništa nije teško (Nothing is difficult)
Naša lica još su lijepa (Our faces are still beautiful)
Zatvori mi oči (Close my eyes)
Neka kraj nas jure, nek se lome prsti (Let them rush beside us, let the fingers break)
Idemo na ples (Let's go dancing)
I Svijet je opet mlad (And the World is young again)

I samo šuti (And just be quiet)
Gdje su bile riječi kad nije bilo nade za nas (Where were words when there was no hope for us)
Samo dugi dani nestali u tami (Only long days gone in the darkness)
Gdje ništa nije važno (Where nothing matters)
Raširi ruke (Spread your arms)
Ruke su ti snažne (Your arms are strong)
Upri iz sve snage, nek se cijedi znoj (Push with all your strength, sweat it out)
Nek koža pukne (Let the skin crack)
Mi idemo na ples (We're going dancing)
I Svijet je opet mlad (And the World is young again)

I naša lica još su uvijek lijepa (And our faces are still beautiful)
Zatvori mi oči (Close my eyes)
Neka kraj nas jure, nek se lome prsti (Let them rush beside us, let the fingers break)
Idemo na ples (Let's go dancing)
I svijet je opet mlad (And the World is young again)

Raširi ruke (Spread your arms)
Ruke su ti snažne (Your arms are strong)
Upri iz sve snage, nek se cijedi znoj (Push with all your strength, sweat it out)
Nek koža pukne (Let the skin crack)
Mi idemo na ples (We're going dancing)
I Svijet je opet mlad (And the World is young again)

Udahni zrak koji dolazi (Breath in the air that's coming)
Sve je gotovo i mi smo spašeni (It's all over and we're saved)
I naša lica još su lijepa (And our faces are still beautiful)
Zatvori mi oči (Close my eyes)
Neka kraj nas jure, nek se lome prsti (Let them rush beside us, let the fingers break)
Idemo na ples (Let's go dancing)
I svijet je opet mlad (And the World is young again)
Idemo na ples (Let's go dancing)
I svijet je opet mlad (And the World is young again)
Idemo na ples (Let's go dancing)
I svijet je opet mlad (And the World is young again)

Monday 19 November 2007

Monday Blabber

"Hey, are you nearly done with your classes?" As I am still in class and my sound is off, I don't hear the incoming text and I only see it 20 minutes later. I decide not to reply immediately. It's nice of him but I don't want to make that rides a regular thing. It's a commitment. I don't do commitments. Of any kind. So I wait till I get into the train and then I reply "Oh my sound was off and I just saw the message." Yep, I lied shamelessly. "Where are you now exactly?" Oh my. Inquisitive much'? What's it to you anyway? "On the train." True, the train is standing at the station and is not going to leave for the next twenty minutes but again, not something he has to know. Besides, I am technically telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth - I am indeed on the train. "Cool. Well, if you want we can have that movie night on Saturday." I didn't reply.
I have no idea how will I feel on Saturday. Just like with those Monday rides. I don't want them to become regular because more often then not I just want to put my headphones on and turn the outside world off when I'm done with classes. I just want to sit on the warm train and listen to my music. Same thing is on weekends. I just want to stay in my room and watch "Dancing with stars" or whatever horrible show is on. I want to be alone. [/Garbo]

Can it be I'm likable? Today a girl I've only met a month and a half ago gave me a little gift, a Harry Potter bookmark she got for me at Interliber (the annual book fair held in Zagreb, Croatia's capital). She said she thought of me when she saw it and had to take one to give it to me. I am always swept away off my feet when something like this happens. Like last year, when Maja gave a tiny stuffed elephant for my birthday that has been attached to my bag ever since (I might wash it one of these days though...). But mostly I am genuinely surprised every time I discover that the majority of people are decent human beings.
Anyway, the subject of birthdays came up today and I said mine was on December 20 and these two girls started talking about cakes and parties and I said I didn't celebrate birthdays because I was a Jehova's Witness. I told them we only celebrate God and not ourselves, not even Christmas nor Easter. The only holiday we somehow acknowledge is Pesah. They first thought I was kidding but I was serious. Then they asked me if I went to people's houses to preach my faith and I said yes. I also told them about our weekly meetings where we study Bible. I could've gone for hours equally serious but then Anja outed me when she started to laugh. Damn! It was so funny.
Speaking of my birthday, I'm planning an online party. Bring your own drinks and I see you all on December 20 at WFW'S CBOX.

Sunday 18 November 2007

A Whole New World

I woke up this morning to a whole new world. I opened the window and looked to my right:
I looked to my left:A bit worried I got out and took a look at my back yard:Only to find out that an odd creature* has settled there:Who is he? What are his intentions? Is he a friend or a foe?
I'm staying in for the rest of the day.

*Creature by: Dad

Saturday 17 November 2007

The Lady Is A Groupie

Since you all helped me with your input, especially Lindy with the idea, and Bel with the title and fixing my poor grammar and style, I figured I'd share it with you. For your reading pleasure *trying so hard to say that with a straight face*, I bring you "The Lady Is A Groupie"!

It seems that celebrities are not such a new thing. In fact, the concept of a celebrity and everything that goes with it have been around for quite a long time. Sir Gawain was a celebrity of his time. Or at least that is what the legend makes us believe. People wanted to know everything about him. Tales were being told, the legend grew, and his name became known everywhere. As every other celebrity, he had admirers, or as they would be called today, fans. The Green Knight's wife was one of them.

The idea of a celebrity nowadays differs considerably from the idea of a celebrity of that time. In the past the most famous people were heroes. Heroes could have been kings, princes, sometimes outlaws, like Robin Hood, or knights, such as Sir Gawain. What made someone a hero were their heroic deeds. A man would go to a war where he would fight bravely, he would save lives, he would fight for some high ideals such as freedom or his country, and it would make him a hero. The others would tell stories about him and his fame would grow. It was also an honor to know a hero, to fight beside him or to be his friend.

Celebrity worship was no different back than it is today. People always seem to want to know their heroes, only today's heroes are famous movie stars or rock stars. People are hungry for the news about them, especially for the stories of their private lives. Most of all, they are trying to get near to them, to get to know them personally. It seems that being around a celebrity makes one a celebrity of some sort as well.

The best known if not notorious type of a fan is a so-called groupie. Groupies are girls follow their favorite bands and rock stars to their concerts and who spend all of their time around their favorite stars. More often than not these girls want to sleep with them only to be able to say that they have done it. Having sex with celebrities has little to do with love, it is more of a dream come true. Those are usually very brief affairs, encounters rather, and seldom if ever are they lasting relationships. A groupie would take it as a fun event, as some sort of her own heroic endeavor. It is her achievement, her own story to tell.

The Green Knight's wife was no different than those girls. She might have even been the very first groupie. She was probably leading a pretty boring life, locked in a castle while her husband was out hunting, or fighting enemies, or conquering land. All she ever got to do was to listen to the stories about all of those brave, famous people that she would never meet.

Therefore, having such a well known knight in her own house, at her disposal, must have been a thrilling experience. She had probably heard a lot of stories of Sir Gawain's adventures and of his bravery before she finally got to meet him. It is no wonder then that she acted like a true groupie the moment she got her chance. Her husband is out of the house, everyone else is sleeping, and she decides to seize the day and to seduce this famous man.

Being a woman, she had many tricks up her sleeve and she used them the best she could trying to achieve her goal, to seduce Sir Gawain. At first she playfully mocks him for being so careless to have her sneak into his room without waking him up. Then she suggests she would tie him up to his bed and have her way with him. The lady shows the strength of her will by telling him she would take him for her prisoner. She is also subtly reminding him of her position as the lady of the house, but he is not willing to submit to her yet. Then she flatters him, she tries to humor him by repeating what she heard about his bravery and glory and telling him that the whole world worships him. However, she never mentions love. To her it is only a game, a conquest of her own, and she only wants to win it. Finally, she seduces him by offering herself as his servant, realizing he is too proud to submit himself to a woman. She allows him to think it was he who won the game, not her.

In a manner of so many groupies centuries later, the lady succeeded to seduce a celebrity. Even though it may seem that she had to humble herself before him, it is actually exactly the opposite. She won because no matter how famous or important a man is, a woman can always make him do as she pleases. She can always get her way with him to realize her plan and gain what she wants from him, money, pleasure, or merely a story to tell. Therefore, groupies now and back then are the same. Women choose their game and they play it to win.

Thursday 15 November 2007


ohgodohgodohgodohgodohgodohgod. how can i feel this jealousy? or is that regret? it's the weirdest feeling. but goddamn, he looks so damn fine. he looks better than then. and even then i'd almost cum on my way to see him. and i know for a fact pictures don't do him justice so to think how he must have looked in person... if it was me, i'd never get through the ceremony, i would've jumped him in the church. i'm a masochist. i went through all of the pictures imagining myself being her. i guess i somehow kept thinking it might still happen if it was meant to be but now... i won't sleep tonight. i'm in for a lot of flashbacks. he was so good. i sometimes catch myself thinking of him wondering if things could have been different if i hadn't been so young. if we had been in the same country. if we had tried harder.
i wonder if he ever thinks of me.


I'm dreaming of a white Christmas...
Sure. Who doesn't. However, I do not dream of a white November 15. Motherfucking snow. Melting and shit. It sucks.

The Body

I'm exchanging messages on myspace with the guy that plays Wentworth Miller's body double on Prison Break.
It's exciting yet so very sad. It's the closest I'll ever get to him. *sigh*

Wednesday 14 November 2007


Mom: You're snoring, man.
Dad: Maybe, woman, because I'm sleeping.

Tuesday 13 November 2007

Uni Rant

Can you say incompetent? Can you say inept? I'm sure people at our student's office at the Uni can cuz after all, it' their name. You know The Incredibles? Well, these people should be called The Incompetents. Seriously. I've left my student's book there about 2 months ago waiting for the approval of taking some second year's classes. Finally it was done yesterday and I took my student's book back. Only to find out that they have put a class that is neither one of Croatian nor English study's class. It's insane. I am apparently taking the Managing of Informational Institutions now. What the fuck is that? I asked for ENGLISH LITERATURE, for crying out loud! So now I have to go back there on Wednesday and have it fixed. I don't believe it.

I've started working on my book report. It turns out I won't be doing Harry Potter after all but The Monk Downstairs. It's shorter (duh!) and I haven't read it before and it deals with a lot of issues so I'll have plenty to write about.
That's not the case with a paper I have to write for my lit class (why am I bothering when I'm apparently not taking it is beyond me). It's supposed to be based on 30ish lines of Sir Gawain and nothing else. We're not supposed to do any research of the secondary sources, just take these lines, come up with a thesis based on them, and write an 800 words paper defending our thesis. Believe me, you cannot draw a thesis out of that snippet. In fact, see for yourself.

`Good morrow, Sir Gawain,' said the lady fair, 'full carelessly thou sleepest that one can thus creep into thy chamber. Now art thou taken unawares, and I shall bind thee in thy bed, of that be thou well assured.' Thus laughingly the lady uttered forth her jestings. 'And,' quoth Sir Gawain, 'Good morrow, gay lady; it will be well pleasing to me to be at thy service, and I yield myself thereto, and desire thy favour as must needs be.' Thus did he dally with her with full glad laughter. 'But wouldst thou, lovely lady, be so good as grant me leave to rise and thus to set free thy captive? for I would fain rise from this bed and put on my robes, so should I talk with thee with greater comfort.' 'Nay, for sooth, good sir,' said that sweet one.' Thou shalt not rise from thy bed. I will give thee better counsel. I will cover thee up in thy bed and hold converse with my knight, whom I have taken prisoner, for I wis that thou art Sir Gawain, whom all the world doth worship wheresoever thou dost ride forth. Thy worth and thy courtesy are praised alike by lords and ladies and by all living. And now thou art here with me alone. My lord and his people are gone far away, and the other men are in bed asleep, and also my maids. The door is fast closed and secured by a strong bolt. So, since I have in this castle the man whom all love, no time will I be losing while it doth last,

In address.
Of me have thy will,
For thou shalt me possess.
Thy servant I am still,
As is fitting, I confess.'

`In good faith,' quoth Gawain, 'I think it would be gain for me were I not he of whom thou speakest, for to attain such worship as thou dost offer me herewith I wot well I am unworthy. By God, I should be glad, if it seemed good unto thee, to do thee service or pleasaunce in word or deed, and a pure joy it would be unto me.'

I know no one will read it but if some happens to anyway and comes up with an idea, I'm open to suggestions.

Saturday 10 November 2007


I've got nothing going on in my life and I've got nothing to write about. I am currently watching 24's first season. I saw seasons 2 to 5 but I never saw the first so I'm catching up. Anyway, since Jack Bauer is my favourite TV character ever, here are some fun facts about him.

¤ Jack Bauer got Hellen Keller to talk.
¤ Jack Bauer could get off the Lost island in 24 hours.
¤ Jack Bauer can break anyone and anything, but he will always break the protocol first.
¤ If Jack Bauer was in a room with Hitler, Stalin, and Nina Meyers, and he had a gun with 2 bullets, he'd shoot Nina twice.
¤ If everyone on "24" followed Jack Bauer's instructions, it would be called "12".
¤ Jack Bauer is the only human in the world with the ability to make Chloe O'Brien drop the personality disorder and patch him through.
¤ When someone asks him how his day is going, Jack replies, "Previously, on 24..."
¤ Don't ever ask Jack Bauer what is going on. He'll explain in the car.
¤ In 96 hours, Jack Bauer has killed 93 people and saved the world 4 times. What the fuck have you done with your life?

Wednesday 7 November 2007

Like A Bad Dream

I almost had sex last night. In my dreams.
No, really. I never dream of having sex. Making out is as far as my dreams go. And even that very rarely.
So I almost had sex. With dr. Christian Troy. I have no idea where that came from. Anyway, we were sitting on a couch and I have a feeling we were married. I was holding him in my arms, stroking his hair, kissing his forehead, wiping his tears away... Yep, he was crying, but I don't know why. And one thing led to another and soon enough we were both unzipping ourselves when this guy came to the door. It was my dream so I somehow knew he wanted to talk to dr. Troy, they were like best friends or something, and I knew he hated me for being there. I also knew he had the personality of Model Boy (some of you might remember him from the LCB posts) and he looked like Luke MacFarlane (I know, right?). So dr. Troy looked at me and I nodded like Go on, he needs you., and he smiled and left. And I woke up.
Seriously, my conscious is such a bitch.

In real life, I might have agreed to a date with a boy I really don't like. He's a friend and he asked if I'd like to see a movie with him some time and without giving it a second thought I agreed. Then I thought about it. Especially when he said Your place or mine? . It could be just two friends hanging out. Really. I have no idea. I hope it's just that. I guess it'll have to be MY place with my parents in the next room. Just in case. Oh man.

Monday 5 November 2007


Remember this post? I submitted that post as my first journal assignment last week and I got it back today. I had three typos. They were indeed typos, I wrote "to" instead of "too", "few" instead of "a few" when I know the difference between the two very well and never mistake them and "to live" instead of "to live in". All right, the latter might have been a real mistake. But my typos are not what I wanted to share. It's the comment the professor made that has touched me. I glanced at some colleagues' papers and saw a line or two of comments, yet mine was drowning in the red ink. At first I thought something was terribly wrong with it but then I read it. There was an arrow pointing from a sentence (a sentence that said: I, on the other hand, did nothing.) in the text to it and this is what it said:

I'm sure that's not true! I once felt the way you feel now, but luckily I do not any more. From time to time, I do feel depressed, but I turn to work then, and it's OK soon. I wish you would realize how smart and attractive you are, instead of wasting your time and energy on gloomy thoughts.
I can also relate to you because I also had problems finding what I wanted to do in my life (I'm still not sure whether I've made the right choice) but I assure you that you have all the time in the world to decide and realize your potentials!

It almost made me cry, having read something so touching and personal, but it was also wonderful in a way, because it somehow meant that she reacted to my writing, and above all, she knew who I was, I was noticed. I thanked her for her comment as I was leaving the classroom. I hope she knew how much I appreciate it.

Sunday 4 November 2007


Motherfucker! Fuck! Fuck! Fucking fuck!
I just got the Croatian version of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows to complete my collection. But isn't that something she wanted?, some of you might ask. Yes, dammit. That's why I'm so bloody angry. My sister bought it. One cannot take that book in one's hands and not smile. It's undoable. How do I hate her now? How?! Motherfucker.
And I was doing such a wonderful job of ignoring/hating her today. See, last night she had this huge scene with my mother, talking about this incident, crying crocodile tears, yelling about her sufferings and what not. I was in the living room during that time, acting like it had absolutely nothing to do with me. I said what I had to say and I was not going to discuss it any more. But then today my sister thought that we were OK because she talked to mother. And it wasn't, not from where I was standing. So she tried to crack a joke that I "didn't hear". A bit later she asked me to find her the episode of "Gilmore Girls" she had missed last week. I murmured "OK" and I did find it and started downloading it. So in the afternoon, as it was downloading, I turned the TV on to see Monty Python's "Holy Grail". Just as it was beginning, I saw MSN window popping up. Maja. Asking me about Geoffrey Chaucer. So I press PAUSE on the DVD and get to the computer to find her the link with the modern translation of it. And just then my sister comes in and throws tantrum because I can't be watching TV and at the computer at the same time because what would she do then. And I tell her I was downloading her "Gilmore Girls" and just replying to Maja about some Uni stuff and she starts yelling about pulling out the computer plug be-

(Took a pause to tie a bow on the new top she just bought and is trying on now and listen to this comment:
Are you braiding a braid or tying a bow? because I was apparently too slow. Can you say bitch?)

I lost a thought. Anyway, I turned the computer off and watched the movie. I also stopped downloading her show and wasn't gonna download it at all since she was such a bitch.

And then she bought me the book. And "Gilmore Girls" have downloaded. Goddammit! Motherfucker! Fuck! Fuck! Fucketty fuck!

Don't Call The Vet

Let's say you have a very sick, very old dog. Or a cat. I know some animals are more equal than the others but let's say dogs and cats are equally equal. Or, to be perfectly politically correct, let's just say you have a very sick, very old pet. A pet that has to be put to sleep. Alas, you're broke. And vets cost money. Lot of money. And you'd shoot your pet in the head but you're a sensitive soul and can't possibly bring yourself to it.
Well, I have a solution.
Elizabethtown. The most boring film in the history of film making. Guaranteed to put your pets out in 30 minutes or less. I survived only because I'm not very sick and very old, but that's not the case with your pet, now is it? So let Orlando Bloom take care of your dirty work. Painless,free and highly effective.
And your welcome.