Monday 30 June 2008

In Šilo, Krk

Here I am, in Šilo, Krk. It's almost 11pm of my second day here and I'm lying on my bed with the TV on. Nikolina is in the kitchen, probably sleeping already. We were at Punta Šilo for a while, drinking beer and just watching the motherland across the hum of the waves in a summer night. When I say we, I mean Nikolina, my BFF, and and my room mate and colleauge Romana. She's a... vivacious girl. Maybe a tad to much for my taste. I especially didn't appreciate waking up in the middle of the night to the sight of her with my cell phone in her hand. I mean, c'mon! But apparently she'd left her own in the cafe and was only trying to set the alarm on my cell for the morning. Uwkey. My boss didn't seem to happy with the whole incident even though I told it like an amusing anecdote with her right there, and not like an incredible invasion on my privacy while I was sleeping. By someone I'd only met a few hours ago. I'm hoping it's not gonna happen again. I'm willing to give her a benefit of the doubt.
Tomorrow I'll be working my first shift in the afternoon. I'm kinda scared cuz I haven't been working in a very long time but I guess it'll work out. Gawd, I hope it will. I'll let you know.

Saturday 28 June 2008

So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiederesehen, Goodbye...

I guess this is going to be my last post for a while. A while being a month or a few days, who knows.

I don't know why this feels like such an end. Probably because I feel I won't find many of you when I return. I know 2 months isn't an eternity but suddenly this virtual world I've created for myself seems to be so fragile. Parts of it are already slipping out of my hands. Sands of time, I guess.

First and foremost, Wet For Went has been shut down as of two days ago. WFW has been planning to shut it down for a while now and then originally intended to do so on July 1, but since I'll have been gone by that time, she did it a little earlier so I could say my goodbyes. I'm grateful for it because I've made friends there. Real friends who will hopefully remain being a part of my life regardless of the blog, even though I'm pretty sure the odds are against it.

FCoWM has been closed for a while now. Well, not closed entirely, there's a private section for a handful of us, and the plan is for it to be reopened when I return. They want me to take over and I'm so flattered, you can't even imagine. The Church holds a very special place in my heart, but I don't really know if I'd be able to do it justice nor do I know if there'll still be the need for it in 2 months.

My fellow bloggers have stopped blogging, one by one, with the exception of Darth.
I've made some new... acquaintances, I guess, at LJ, but fun as they are, they won't be able to replace you guys.

I'm not saying I'll stop blogging. I've kept a journal for almost as long as I can remember and I'm not gonna stop now. I have the need to write, you know? I have to get the words out of my system. I just don't think anyove would be here to read them. But it's OK, people move on.

I guess what I'm trying ot say is: this might be a goodbye. Not necessarily, but if it is, I hope you had fun. I know I did, and I'll cherish you, my dear friends, forever.

Enjoy your summer and see you around. *fingers crossed*

Thursday 26 June 2008


So I passed the first part of the exam LAST YEAR, I just couldn't pass the second part for like... FOREVER. And now... Now I pass the SECOND part and they tell me they've lost the FIRST PART! GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
Seriously. It's fucked up beyond belief. When will I ever pass a Croatian exam? WHEN??!

All sorted out! C, baby, C! Woot!

Wednesday 25 June 2008


Hey, if anyone who still reads this blog would like a postcard or maybe even a letter from Krk, e-mail me your address.
I have the addresses of following: Nic, MB, Bel, AJ, WFW, Maichan, SU, Dhor.

YKM, I might have lost yours. Oops.
Doc, your new address, please?

Village Fair

Oh man. So June 24 is the day of our village and municipality (I'm an awesome translator with wide vocabulary, that's why this explanation rocks so much). There's sports tournaments, cooking contests, folk dancing, some fair rides, plays... stuff like that in days before and after. Last night was the main event night (lol, don't think anything fancy) so this band played and I DANCED at the well lit concrete football pitch in front of the stage with tons of my fellow villagers. It. Was. Awesome.
At first we were sitting at the nearby restaurant drinking and then I said I wanted to go to the pitch so we went and then I kinda danced a little, you know, in one place, tapping foot, swaying hips a little, singing along...
Then we got hungry and went to the centre only to find our fave fast food joint closed. But the woman was still inside, cleaning up, and when she saw Sonja and me peering at the door she unlocked it and let us in. Burgers at 11pm, baby! Nothing like it. So we're inside, in the dark, waiting for the burgers when two boys come to the door. Of course, now they want in too so the woman tells us to unlock the door and let them in as well. Two minutes later another two guys come along and before you know it, the place is packed. LOLOLOL We get our burgers and head back around 11.15 or so.
As we returned to the pitch, we got us some beer and sat down. Then this friend comes along and pulls me up to dance and then I get Sonja up too and I dance and dance and dance till I think my new precious Ipanemas will get torn. And then I dance some more. The cowboy dance and the duck dance and all the dances in between. I dance and dance and dance till I think I will drop to the ground. And then I dance some more and I dance like nobody's watching. I had an awesome time.
And as we're going home, around 12.30, there's still a queue of people in front of the fast food place.

Tuesday 24 June 2008

Quiz Galaxy

You most resemble Marlon Brando

You are very smart, and very talented, although you don’t really enjoy social company. You prefer to live alone, go to movies alone, cry alone in the corner...

Take this quiz at
Also, proceed to see some of my potential epitaphs and obituaries.

This last one is just ... BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

The last one is by far my favourite of the bunch. Pure perfection.

I'm So Gonna Miss You, Guys

I know, I know, I said it before, but look what just came in the mail today:

Wanna hear what it says? Sure you do.

To my dearest Kristina,
Wherefore must thou abandon me and the Internets?
The pending Dark Ages will be a trying time for us both.
My only solace is that if I can't have you,
neither can anyone else
(till you get back).

See? See why I'll be missing my virtual friends? Cuz they're REAL and they care and I love them.

Maichan, I love you and thank you so much! It's going up on my postcard wall, of course. :)

Monday 23 June 2008

It's Hard To Come Up With A Title For Every Post

So... (What a great way to start a post, ain't it? I'm amazing, really. I should be kept away from the keyboard and/or pen at all times. I'm a disgrace.) Anyway. (Oh yeah, much better.) Seriously though.
I'm leaving on Sunday. Yep, in 6 days. That's SIX DAYS. I'm kinda excited. And nervous. I mean, been there, done that, an' all, but it's been a while since I've done the job and y'know, it' ll take some time to get down with it again.
What the fuck is with this writing of mine today? I sound HORRIBLE! No self-respecting student of English would let him/herself be caught writing this shitty. Yeah well.
My sister bought me a huge-ass bag today. With wheels. So I can actually manage it around. Because I have zero strength in my arms. I'm probably the weakest person I know. A wuss, if you will.
I've been doing some preparations for the trip already. When I say "preparations", I mean burning favourite podfics on CDs and trying out the discman to see if it still works. That's what you get for not having a kick-ass iPod but a lame-ass mp3 that can store pretty much shit. So CDs it is.
I worry everyone will forget about me while I'm gone. Not family and RL people, obviously, but you guys. When I abandon my blog and chats, who will wait for me after the two months have passed? Who, huh?
If you want a postcard from the most beautiful coast in the world (it so is, no matter what you say!), slip me your address.

Sunday 22 June 2008

Condom Balloon

Because boys (=sister's BF) are immature.

Saturday 21 June 2008

Firefox 3

Are you using Internet Explorer? Why?!
Anyway, I'm not. I've been converted to Firefox a while ago and a couple of days ago I switched to the newer version. I was afraid I'd lose my bookmarks (it's my pr0n a'ight? I need it!) but I was reassured by some nice people at R+ forum that it would not happen. And it didn't. YAY.
One of the best things about the new version of FF is that I can once again save pictures and audio files (audio files are my pr0n, in case you wondered. Now shut up) without having the whole thing frozen for minutes. So YAY again for the new version.
But here's the fun part. Today my (gay) friend from the R+ forum told me there was the gayest add-on to this FF3 - rainbow coloured tabs! Eeee! I support the gay! (Yes, my pr0n is of the gay kind. Seriously. Shut uuuup!) So now my tabs are rainbow coloured. Let me show you them:
See? Pretty pretty pretty gay!
(Uh... About that Hugh Jackman in the Google bar... I was gonna treat my friend with his pics for the awesome tabs he treated me with. Yeah. That's all.)

Friday 20 June 2008

Notice The Gray

I hate Turkey.
The country. Not the animals.

ID Pic

I can't believe for once in my life there's a half-decent ID pic of me. Taken today. I'm in shock.

I need it for a card for the job something, whatever.
Anyway, I leave next Saturday.

Wednesday 18 June 2008

Oh Sadness

Remember me going crazy over this upcoming play? So they're finally coming to Osijek! Squee, yes? No. They'll be performing on June 30. When I'll most likely be on the bus or already at Krk. OMG sadness! I wanted to see Živko on stage again SO MUCH! Stupid me going to earn ton of money at the coast.

In other news, it's Sonja's bday today so HAPPY BIRTHDAY, OLD GIRL!

I updated Firefox to 3.0. Kinda nice to be able to save stuff without everything freezing for minutes. Minus point: can't access photobucket. Like, AT ALL. But I can't get to it from IE either so I'm crossing fingers for it to sort out soon or I'll.. I'll... I'll be a sadface.

I'm waiting for the flowers that Lindy sent and Mum planted to bloom. One is just about to. Aaany day now... It's kinda awesome to have something real and tangible (not that I'll be petting it or anything, cuz that can't be good for a flower, methinks) and ALIVE from someone "virtual".

Also, Croatia is in the quarter finals! Wooot! Send us positive vibes on Friday, please! Thanks. :)

OMG! I just checked Nick Hornby's blog as I often do (it's on the right in the links) and I cannot but to copy/paste his entirelast post because... well, if I wasn't madly in love with him already, I'd certainly be now:

In his…

…sports column in today’s Evening Standard, former Tory politician David Mellor reckons that “with Croatia and Turkey through to the quarter-finals, it is even more blindingly obvious what a great chance England would have had, if they had qualified. Frustrating, isn’t it?” I had to read this twice, just to make sure that I wasn’t missing some elegantly-disguised irony, but I’m pretty sure it’s not there. Perhaps he has forgotten that the main reason Croatia are playing in Euro 2008 at all is that they beat England twice, home and away, in the qualifying group.

Conversely, the main reason England are not playing at Euro 2008 is because they lost twice, home and away, to the team whose progression to the last eight apparently demonstrates why England might have won the competition.(One can only presume, on recent form, that Croatia would have been quite happy to play England for a third time, in the tournament proper.)

Croatia probably won’t win the tournament, but the “blindingly obvious” conclusion to be drawn from this is that England would have had no chance - not least because England’s qualification would have resulted in the hopeless Steve McLaren still being in charge. Perhaps what Mr Mellor means is that England would have had a much better chance of winning if all the teams superior to them had been banned from entering? This, of course, is a much more robust argument.

Nick Hornby

Friday 13 June 2008

People I Miss

Doc. Seriously, girl. Same time zone. C'mon. Log into MSN from time to time, a'ight?

Lindy. I get it you're busy. But really. Just say HI when you can.

WFW. I have no words. WTF? You're home all the time and we never talk. I hate that. And I knew it would be like that.

Nic. What the hell happened to us, honey?

MB. The world has come between us, I guess. Stupid life.

Bel. Well, at least we talk sometimes but not nearly enough.

YKM. At least we try, right? But it's not working all that great. I hate it.

You all know where to find me. I miss you.

Thursday 12 June 2008



Tuesday 10 June 2008

Become A Croatia Fan

Yes, YOU!
For me? Please?
If nothing, go learn some Croatian. An example of what you might learn:

~ Well, yes, I am pretending I am Croatian but that's because they have knocked out England.

~ Pa da, pravim se da sam Hrvat I to je zato što su oni izbacili Englesku.

~ Pa da, pra-vim seh da sam Her-vat (r rolled) ee toh yeh zah-toh sh-toh soo on-ee is-bah-tsee-lee en-gless-koo.

Check the video out, for gorgeous girls and adorable kids. :)

Monday 9 June 2008

Fucking Fuck!

This is just UNACCEPTABLE!
I have an exam on Thursday at 6pm.
Croatia - Germany, you guessed it - Thursday at 6pm!!!!

Sunday 8 June 2008

Family At A Wedding

My family went to a wedding yesterday. The daughter of my Mom's and my sister's ex-boss got married. So they got all dressed up and left and I couldn't shake off the thought of all of them being in the same car and what if I wake up in the morning and they're not back and I'm all alone? Morbid much?
Anyway, some of my stunning sister for your viewing pleasure:

Saturday 7 June 2008

Oh Mother.

Mom and Mom's work colleague are talking.

MWC: You know, Valentina is stunning. Does your eldest look anything like her?
Mom: No.

Friday 6 June 2008


I'd know by now if I were gay, right? I'm sure I would. I mean, I could still be gay but I'm probably not. Right?

Thursday 5 June 2008


OK, so you know I've been sorta "active" in this Supernatural fandom. Well, there's this community called CAPSLOCK_SPN and everyone must at all times use capslock. Naturally, everyone slips from time to time, and then who ever catches them, demands penance (called peendance, lol).
Of course, it was bound to happen to me and this person catching me demanded a limerick about Dean Winchester and the Impala. It took quite some time to write it, its rhythm and rhyme, its form... Limericks are hard, people! Anyway, I thought you might appreciate it. Nic the most, probably. So here goes:


*bows then runs in mock shame*

Wednesday 4 June 2008

Life Snipets

Yesterday. Class.
People are talking. The professor calls out one guy.
- Sven! - and gives him a look.
- Sorry - Sven at least has the decency to appear contrite.
- I'm holding you personally responsible for that part of the classroom - the professor says.
- Can I... you know... beat them?
- Spank them? - the professor smirks.
- I think they might enjoy it - Sven retorts.
- Well, it's up to you. But they're mostly guys...
Sven turns read. The class claps spontaneously.


Today. DM.
I'm paying for my deodorant. The checkout is almost at the door so an elderly woman pretty much just pops her head in and says: - Hello. Do you have chandeliers?


Later today. Again, DM.
Nikolina and I are standing in the line and a young couple is behind her. Making out.
- And who are you? - he says to her in an attempt of whispering. He fails at it.
- A princess? - she asks in baby talk.
- Mmm... no - he nuzzles her, for fuck's sake.
- Well, I dunno... You should tell me... - baby talk continues. Until it's interrupted by more making out. *insert obnoxious sounds* In. The. Checkout line.
And they weren't even attractive.*

*Of course it matters! When attractive people are making out, it's like watching a movie scene. When they're unattractive, it's plain out gross. Who's with me?


My sister bought me Gisele Bundchen's Ipanema sandals today! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! It's like wearing air!
And then I go and meet Nikolina and the first thing she says cuz she's awesome like that, God bless her, is: Are those Ipanemas?

Monday 2 June 2008

I Should Write For A Living

What?! I didn't say it. That's what I was told.
Remember this awesome comment on my first journal? So today I got back two latest ones. The first one was this one more or less, I have to censor them a bit sometimes, make them shorter or longer, cut out the swearing and so on, you get the picture. The comment was: Excellent! There is nothing I feel I should add, you said it all! The second one was this one, the one I was reluctant to hand in, thinking it was too... bitchy? Yeah, bitchy and non-academic. lol But then I get it back with: All I can say is: irony is a mighty weapon in your hands! Once again, excellent! You should write for a living!
It's like... WOAH!* Because, commend my writing and you've given me the world. It has made my day. It really has.

*All right, all right! Someone who describes their feelings with "It's like... WOAH!" should definitely NOT write for a living. I am perfectly aware of it, TYVM.