Thursday 28 June 2007

I Hate My Life

I'm gonna fail the exam tomorrow. I'm gonna flunk the year. I feel like throwing up all the time.
And who says NO when HT offers him/her his cell number (in purely academical purposes)? ME, that's who! *banging head at desk* I couldn't think straight. It was the first time that we ever sort of talked informally. I even addressed him informally (cannot explain that in English since there's no distinction between 2. persons of Sg. and Pl. in English, but there is in Croatian).
Anyway, I'm still hating my life. I am going to fail and I'll never get my degree and I don't wanna live and I wish I wasn't crying right now.
I wish... I don't know... SOMETHING. Some kind of a change, for the better. I wish I had people to talk about this. People who'd understand. People who'd spend time with me. People who'd take me out. People who'd hold me by the hand and just say nothing. I don't know. I am in a very very dark place right now.
And it seems to me like no one cares.


9 spoke back:

nicbeast said...

*Taking Kriss by the hand to the couch to sit. Hands her tub of ice cream, adult beverage and John Cusack movie. Smiles, says nothing grabs own spoon and digs in watching movie.*

Krissie said...

Sweet of you, Nic. If only it could help...

D-HOR said...

*Wedges ass inbetween the two of you so I can have the best access to the ice cream, remembers this for Krissie, not me and just steals nicbeasts spoon.*

D-HOR said...

Let's see, no good. Hmmmm. You live in Croatia me the States.
I can send you a Care Package!!

Let's see, what would be good?????

Dirty books
A coupon for an online "Toy" store
A teddy bear
(ew, teddy bear and "toys" are creepy next to each other)
Good Chocolate
Some cool lipgloss
AAAAND 5 free bitch slaps for anyone of your choice.

E-mail me a safe address that isn't your house (in case I'm some kind of weirdo internet stalker) and consider it done.

Krissie said...

Awwww, Lindy!
I've given out my address to people on the internet so many times that one more would make no difference! lol

Anonymous said...

*holds you close*
*sings you this song in an angelic voice:*

Everything will be alright (everything will be just fine)
Everything will be just fine (everything will be alright)
Everything will be alright (everything will be just fine)
Everything will be just fine (everything will be alright)

Windows and your doors are closed
Seeing the world in black and white
Still singing the same old song
Don't know where you went wrong
Life is just the way it's always been

Three days, and forty miles away
Are the roads that life goes
Can't buy the way I've found
I want you here around
in the end, after all the cops are down

Everything will be alright (everything will be just fine)
Everything will be just fine (everything will be alright)
Everything will be alright (everything will be just fine)
Everything will be just fine (everything will be alright)

It'll be alright
It'll be alright
It'll be alright

One thing that sucks about virtual friends is that virtual hugs just aren't the same. I can only say; they are as heartfelt.


D-HOR said...

Well then get on it hor, it's on my blogger profile page.

Anonymous said...

You think nobody cares, but we do!
So many people care about you, they may not be next door but they are real and not so far to reach thanks to internet, phones, letters.

Effortlessly Average said...

Actually, I understand. Totally. You only need reach out.