Wednesday 6 June 2007

Lovely, no?

I've stumbled upon this picture of Nicole Ritchie and... Dunno. I usually don't pay attention to these things but I had to react. So this is supposed to be beautiful. Attractive. Sexy. This is what most of us is trying to achieve by not eating or exercising or popping pills or vomiting or...
Great. Juuust great.
Why are women so stupid?
Waxing, plucking, dyeing, starving... Changing in every way possible just to get... What? A man? Because honestly, does that make us feel good? Happy? Do we really care if our bellies are round or flat? Do we feel better when we go to bed hungry or after a yummy bowl of ice cream? As long as my heart isn't drowning in my own fat, no one can tell me that not eating dinner is for my own good.
And yet, as so many others, I obey. Or at least I try. And feel guilty when I fail.

4 spoke back:

D-HOR said...

AAAAKK!! Somebody give that girl a penut butter sandwich. With butter. And maybe some lard mixed in for heavens sake.

D-HOR said...

And a bra.

And a hair brush.

Krissie said...

In that name, I'll be eating something really unhealthy right about now! lololol

Anonymous said...

I could transfuse her my fat. Really I totally could.