Saturday 23 June 2007

Saturday Morning Blabber

This is going to be boring. Just saying.
I went to my friend's birthday party last night. I was really looking forward to it. And then, as we got there and I had my first drink, I got extremely sleepy. I couldn't sit up straight. So I laid myself down on the bench I was sitting on, closed my eyes and listened to people talk. Then her friend (who is accidentally the guy who I had my very first date with when I was 17 - don't laugh, Darth Sardonic claims I'm a late bloomer and I choose to believe him; then we joked about it, I said something like knowing him for almost 10 years and he was like "Is it that long?!" and I said it was and that I was 17 and he said he was 13 or 14, bastard, lol - he's 9 months younger, and he said I wore a Kelly Family T-shirt - I DID NOT!, I was a fan but didn't wear that kind of things in public) kept throwing beer caps at me. I asked him to come and let his lap play a pillow for me but he said he was too hard for a pillow. Men! lol I couldn't drink. What is wrong with me? Maybe I was just tired but I don't know.
Today I'm staying home. There's "Runaway Jury" on TV. I love that movie for two reasons and don't love it for one. First: it's based on my favourite Grisham's book ever. Ever. Second: John Cusack stars in it! Hello?! JOHN CUSACK! When that movie was to be made I was excited about it even before I knew he was gonna be in it. Imagine my joy when the casting was done! Exactly. Now, the reason I don't like it is because they've changed the original story. In the book the suit is against the tobacco industry and in the movie it's guns. Well, nothing is perfect, right? Still, can't wait. Oh I know I totally have the movie on tape but still... lol

And then tomorrow is... ha... how to explain this... It's the day of my village and it's the day of our parish, St. John the Baptist, so there'll be a village fair (thanks, Trap, for the word - I'm not functioning this morning at all), a football tournament and some kind of a band is going to have a concert later at night, and everyone will be there so it should be at least mildly amusing. Maybe we'll ride the carnival cars or something again.
And that would be my plans for the weekend.

Later that day... (lol)
I just watched "16 Candles". I've never seen it before. It sucks. But did you know that young John Cusack was in it? So adorable and so dorky. I love him.
I'm bored now.

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