Tuesday 26 June 2007

Tuesday Nothings

It's really hard to write about ordinary things after my last post. Does silly little problems I have even matter when you look at them with some perspective?
But then, the Earth is still revolving... And I failed an exam. And I failed miserably. But hey, not like I was studying that much. September it is going to be. Then again, I passed Intro to Sociolinguistics, got a B, and I was certain I was going to fail.
All in all, I don't like my life all that much lately. I am seriously stressing out and I don't feel like doing anything. All I wanna do is stare at the ceiling. I think I've had enough of going out and all. Saturday a girl from our group is having a birthday party but I really really don't feel like going.

People are falling in love all around me. They are cute and as I listen to them, I can't seem to stop grinning. It's nice, I suppose, to believe in love. I'm over it but there are still plenty of optimists left in the world. But I'm still gonna stick to my imaginary crushes. So much easier...
As the reruns of PB S1 began to air, I renewed my crush on WM and I'm gonna enjoy it, dammit! lol

3 spoke back:

D-HOR said...

"All I want to do is stare at the ceiling."

Mmmmmmmm that honestly sounds like a yummy thing to do right now. I need to exercise but I'll take the ceiling plz.

Anonymous said...

You need to check that blue mood out of your system and party again! Not so long ago you thought it was fun, it still is.
Don't worry about your stoopid Morphosyntax test, you've had plenty of As and Bs all year long! You're my Genius Brat:
And we have reruns of PB s1 too... WM all wet wearing only a towel! Those were the good times. I cherish them.
Life goes on I guess. CMOK.

Unknown said...

i don't get it. when you say that you feel like staring at the ceiling, do you actually do it?

cos i did/do that and now i'm on my 3rd year with 22 exams left to deal with...

stop staring at the ceiling.

SM reporting from a shit creek, without a paddle.