Thursday 31 July 2008

Alive And Well

Hey, everyone!
I read your messages when I caught a minute online but it doesn't happen often. The laptop I got suddenly decided to refuse to connect to the Internet. Go figure. Maybe it'll get fixed, maybe not. Until then, I'm OFFLINE. Sadness.
Other than that, everything's fine. I've worked out my issues with the boss. He told me to stop acting like a brat (shut up, Doc!) and that I should know that when he yells at everyone he doesn't yell at me and that if he ever had any problems with me he'd tell me in private. And then he made me the boss (so to say) of other waitresses. LMAO
Speaking of, CR has been fired and on her last day here she got drunk. Like, REALLY drunk. As in vomiting in the middle of Neptun. As in laying in the middle of the road talking on the phone. As in laying on the beach crying. Drunk. We're glad to have her gone.
I have a new roommate now. She's Jelena's BF's sister. Let me tell you, she's not a good waitress. I'm bad, I know that. I'm slow and when there's a crowd - I panic. But I do my best, try to have a smile for everyone and do all the little things I'm supposed to do, like keep the toilets clean, fridges full and so on. But man, do I have a handful with these two, the old one and the new one. They leave me such messes I had to make a list of things I require done before I take over. LOL But the boss told them my word is as good as his so there you go.
Anyway, that's about it. A couple of cute guys but one has a GF and the other, after eyeing me (and me him back *ahem*), came with a BABY! *sadface*
So let me know how you're doing, I get all of the comments in my mail and I get to check it once in a while so don't hold back, a'ight? Oh and it's only one more month, hang in there. I'll be back. Thanks for asking about me. I miss you all.

Saturday 19 July 2008

I Want To Go Home

This year in Neptun everything sucks monkey balls. The atmosphere is rotten as rotten eggs. The boss is constantly mad at everyone. The co-workers can't seem to see eye to eye. Everything's fucked up beyond words. It hasn't been working from the word go.

Yesterday CR had an outburst in the middle of the cafe for no apparent reason. We've all been under fire and the most unfortunate thing was the guests who were able to witness the whole thing. She and MC had a quarrel about shifts they're supposed to work today and I just fled. Seriously. I just left. It was unbearable. I just didn't want no part of it. CR was sorry later, really, but just because she's clearly mentally unstable, it doesn't justify her.

Today the boss went berserk because the parasols at the terrace weren't up. I mean, really! If that's the biggest problem, he should get on his knees and thank the Lord. I understand that there was much more to the issue than just that but still. That was no reason for him to go crazy and even more so, he complained about us to the practically entire village who were sitting at the dinner table. Call me crazy, but I believe there's a better way of dealing with issues than dragging everyone and anyone into the discussion of the work related problems.

The thing is, I don't like it here. I'm unhappy. I was excited about coming, Neptun's felt like home almost. but now that's not how it is. It truly is Siberia, as Fuzzy from LJ would put it. Nothing we do is good enough. CR might even get fired over what happened yesterday, the boss said so more than once today. Sadly, crazy as she may be, we need her. The work gets overwhelming sometimes (weekends, usually), and let's face it, if MC and I are left alone in this, the mistakes will only multiply. It won't solve the problems, it will only cause more of them.

I don't know what to do. Money's never been the most important thing to me. Sure, earning some spending money is awesome, but I was looking forward to being here, with these peple, in this place. This place that I'm beginning to hate. Money's not worth losing my peace of mind. It just isn't and honestly, there's little keeping me here at this point.

Wednesday 16 July 2008

No News

I'm just letting you know I'm alive and well, haven't been eaten by Krk's cannibals. LOL
CR is still crazy, if anything, she gets a little crazier every day. And dirtier. I swear, every time she leaves the bathroom, the shower tub is covered in footprints in sand or dirt, I don't even know (not that I necessarily want to know where she puts her feet during the day either). One of these days she and I are going to have to have a serious conversation about the fine art of sharing a space with strangers because she's clearly clueless.
In other news, she's stopped tearing the bread apart. She hasn't started buying it though. My next step is to buy me and Jelena bread and literally hide it because this is getting absurd. BUY A FUCKING LOAF OF BREAD FROM TIME TO TIME!!!! Jeez. I don't even know if she's completely dumb or just plays dumb and riding along but which ever it is, I'm putting a stop to it.
Also, she joked about my BO today. Dude. I do not smell. I shower at least twice a day. AND! I know how to rince the tub after myself. Bitch.

Maja's arrived to Krk the other day, to a nearby town, Malinska. She's supposed to visit me tomorrow on my day off. I was supposed to have a day off today but we had to switch cuz we have groups of Belgian teenagers today here. Also, CR was supposed to work 2 x 4 hours today as help but has somehow managed to have me do it. I don't really care what shift I work but what the hell was that?! Not to mention she came to inform me of the change yesterday afternoon while I was SLEEPING! Seriously. Could it not have waited till I woke up? I'm starting to think she's either seriously demented or simply a bitch. Oh and she's the type who calls everyone "dear" and "love" and says thanks for every single tiny thing you do and it's so getting on my nerves! STOP THE FUCKING SWEET TALK AND DO SOMETHING THAT COUNTS! Gaaaah. This was supposed to be a happy passage about Maja, not about the CR. She's driving me crazy. Can you tell?

Also, the lack of cute guys around here is plain out appalling. That is all.

Friday 11 July 2008

CR Strikes Again

I don't even know where to start. Last night I went to the cafe to see if Jelena was done so we could go for that traditional pizza and CR was closing. So she said to me: I cleaned the toilets, would you go check it? I didn't quite get why should I but I went anyway. I entered the toilet and saw everything was a mess. Clogged toilet bowls, paper all over the place, dirty sinks... So I returned and gave her a strange look and told everything was dirty and she goes: I know but I wanted you to check if there's anything missing, soap or paper towels and so on. I went back and saw everything was fine and returned to tell her so. And she goes: I know, I refilled everything yesterday. For a long moment I just stared at her. Then she said: Oh never mind, I'll go clean it myself. Uh... Did I miss I something? Was I supposed to do her job?
Anyway. Jelena and I came to the apartment and got ready to go (but not before we spent some time wondering what the hell was that) when she came maybe 5mins later (no way in hell she cleaned that shit in such a short time!) and started mumbling some nonsense. I swear, we had no idea what she was saying. So we left and Jelena asked me if she was drunk. I said I didn't know and she told me she could smell alcohol in her breath. Then we left, had pizza, talked our hearts out and when we returned the room I share with CR reeked of alcohol fumes and sweat and just... ew.
So this morning I asked CR if she was drunk and she got all affronted and denied it. I told her she spoke nonsense and she thought I meant she was talking in her sleep and totally didn't believe me it was when we were all awake. Coockoo much?!
And then on top of everything she stomped in like an hour ago and started rumaging through things, hers as well as mine and Jelena's, saying she had lost her passport and money and practically accused me of taking it. Then she got me to go with her to Punta Šilo and look for it because that's where she was last night talking to her precious BF. Of course we didn't find it. I asked her if she knew where she was exactly and once again she got all offended cuz she was oh so sober and normal last night. Even though she clearly wasn't.
I dunno what to think. Is she crazy? Was she just drunk? Does she have a personality disorder? I don't fucking know. I just know I'm gonna go insane and I'm gonna go insane soon.
Oh and another little bread incident: this morning Jelena and I found the bread torn as if the wild animals have got a hold of it. Apparently she broke it with her hands last night. And we're supposed to eat it after her?! Jeez. The fun part was when Jelena asked me: Who did this? and I gave her a look and she just nodded and we understood each other. Somebody kill me, kill me now.

Monday 7 July 2008

Wearing Ranty Pants

Hmm... where to start? So much to complain about, so little time. LMAO
Remember the moron colleague? Well, she's not only rather dumb but also lazy. Winning combination. Why would she clean? Someone else will do it. Namely me. And before you ask why I would do it, I'll tell you. Because when something's fucked up, my boss literally explodes and he doesn't care who he's yelling at. Then we're all idiots and stupid and worthless according to him. OK, before you go all appalled with this, you should know that even though he explodes and says the worst things you can imagine (I almost started crying the other day), he cools down just as easily. And he doesn't mean it, he's not a bad man, he's just temperamental. But then again, he's from Mediterranean, it's a given. Nevertheless, I try to avoid these situations as best as I can so I try to have everything under control but it's hard when you're dealing with a moron.
For instance, the girl cannot add to save her life. Rather unfortunate for a waitress. LOL She has to write down an order for four people. FOUR PEOPLE! I write down for ten and up, and that's mostly as a precaution. But whatever, not everyone is the same. However, everyone should be able to fucking clean after oneself. Am I right or am I right? Now Crazy Roomie (CR) and I are trying to train her not to fuck up the bottles in the fridges. It messes up with counting and everything. Just put the beers with beers, waters with waters, juices with juices, sodas with sodas... But nooo! Moron Colleague (MC) has the ability of fucking shit up like nobody's business.
CR is in love. She met a guy about 10 days ago here and is now talking about getting married. I'm not making it up. He was here for the weekend and she spent most of her shift standing in the middle of the cafe exchanging saliva with the guy. Also, if I never hear his name again, it'll be too soon. Altough I don't know why I'm sick of him when he's the funniest, the smartest, the greatest guy in the whole wide world! Which I could've discovered for myself if he didn't have her tounge in his mouth all the time. Oh don't give me that look! I'm so not jealous, I just think it's unprofessional.
There's a thing about working here that bugs me. This centre is a really big house with cafe, 4 suits for guests and my boss' apartment. He lives here with his family. So yesterday his wife made lunch and they all came down to eat. Of course, they invited us as well but I wasn't hungry and CR had her mouth full anyway. And then when they ate they just dropped the dishes for us to wash. It doesn't sound like a big deal but it makes me feel humiliated. I can't explain it. We're staff, I get it, but it somehow doesn't feel right for us to do their private dishes. It's always been like that and it won't change. Yesterday afternoon a friend of the family brought 4 huge baking tins full of strudels and other cakes, we al ate, it was yummie. But guess who had to scrub them clean at 10pm. *raises hand* Yeah. Don't get me wrong, I love these people and they're awesome in so many ways (hello, LAPTOP [speaking of, my boss forbade me to share it with CR, he said he gave it to me, not her, which is both awesome and puts me in an awkward position, lol]), but some things just make me feel inferior. And I don't like feeling like that.
On the bright side, Jelena is coming on Wednesday. i can't wait. We chatted last night and two times she said exactly what I was thinking. First, she asked if we were gonna go for a pizza at this gas station on the island that has the kitchen open all night long and we used to go there to eat at weird hours. I said we better do cuz I was planning to. Then she said: I sleep two nights at home and one in Zagreb and then I'm there. which was so funny cuz earlier that day I totally though to myself, just like a child would: I sleep three more times and then she'll be here. LMAO I can't wait for her to be here. I really need someone to vent to. In person, that is.

Saturday 5 July 2008

Not OK!

Man. Things like this can make me go berserk. Yesterday I bought ne some bread. I haven't eaten any so of course, I'm counting on having bread in the house. And then this morning I haven't had the chance to go to the store which is 15 min on foot away, but whatever, I have food. Except that I don't. Cuz my room mate has eaten all of it but half of a slice that has gone all dry cuz she hadn't stored it properly. So I ask her why she hadn't told me she ate it all and she goes: But I left you some! COME THE FUCK ON!
I don't care if she ate it, don't get me wrong, just fucking TELL ME! Argh.

Friday 4 July 2008


This is pretty much everything I have to say about this day. It's so freakishly hot it's hard to breathe let alone anything else. I woke up with throbbing headache behind my forehead. Of curse, it might have had something with the fact that I stayed up till 3am ONLINE (lol) and woke up before 7. My sleeping is seriously fucked up.
In other news, I'm working with an idiot. No, really. I'm not the world's greatest waitress, I'm not. But this chick... OMG. She has to jot down the order of four people. I mean, COME ON! We don't serve food. That's FOUR DRINKS. Also, she made a terrible mess in with bills and money and lemme tell you, sorting it out DID NOT help my headache one bit.
Today there's a huge group of people coming to the centre. It's gonna be one busy night. My feet won't be happy since I have like a gazzilion blisters from yesterday. Oh joy.
I haven't been in the water yet. I sunbathed for an hour or so. I just don't feel like it. There's time, I guess.


Best news ever! My boss who is awesomest of them all gave me his laptop to use while I'm here! Can you believe it? Anyway, I'll post properly very very soon, most likely tomorrow morning but right now I'm too ecstatic to be coherent! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!