Sunday 3 June 2007

Sunday Blabber

Yeah, I totally know you don't care, but hell, it's my blog, right?
So, after waxing sister's bf yesterday, she kinda talked me into waxing my own legs this morning.
There's no way in hell I'm letting someone do that to my... *ahem* Well, that. And I'm still sticky here and there. Stupid wax. I wonder who it was who first thought to him/herself "Hmm, wouldn't it be great if women would shave their legs? And OMG, how awesome would it be if they would shave their private places?! I wonder if I could talk one of them into trying it." Apparently, there was that one woman. Stupid bitch. See, the thought of shaving legs never crossed my mother's mind when she was a girl. Yeah, I know, your mothers probably did shave theirs, but here it was unheard of. I long for those good old times. Seriously. I hate shaving that much. The razor irritates my skin to an unimaginable extent. It gets dry, it sometimes peels off, itches, burns even. I should've been born a hippie...
Am I over-thinking the whole hair-removing thing? Does that surprise you? Don't I over-think everything??!

Still crushing. Still the only bloody thing on my mind. Yesterday Maja said to me "I can't study!" and we decided it was not a day for studying. Well, what about today? Because to me, nothing has changed. Mental, I'm telling you.

Anyway, we've won the game. 1:0 ended up being the final score. So yaay team.

Oh, if you catch me online this afternoon, chase me away, OK? I really have to study! Thanks!

5 spoke back:

Anonymous said...


Yeah, hair is hell to have. I hate hair, can't stand them.
And hair removing wax was invented by the Arabs, so lemme tell you girl I was raised with wax ready to remove the first little hair to make an appearance in my body! HURT MUCH!

If I loggin msn will you be tempted to get some distraction?

Anonymous said...

Should have read this before I commented on the previous one, figures...

I find that shins are the most painful place to wax...then again, I've never had my armpits waxed and I don't wax *everything* down there either. We're women dammit, not 10-year old girls.

Krissie said...

If I loggin msn will you be tempted to get some distraction?
Yes, yes I will! Please, come!
(I'll study in the evening, sis is working nights.)

AJ said...

Eff waxing...Nair, people...NAIR!

jenny said...

Oh. My. Gawd!!!! ROTFLMAO!!! I read the waxing story from back in Jan and I luaghed so loud, Hubby came to investigate! Poor girl!

I have never ventured into waxing myself, and now after reading that tale, I never will. Hairy coochie be damned!

Thanks for the laugh!