Saturday 31 May 2008

Happy Birthday, Dad!

It was my Dad's 50th birthday yesterday.
Happy birthday, Dad, who will never ever read this so it makes no difference if I'm late with the congrats!
I look at him today and say: You know, I gotta say, you don't look a day older than 50.

Thursday 29 May 2008

Ten Top Trivia About Kris

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Kris!

  1. All shrimp are born as Kris, but gradually mature into females.
  2. Kris can jump up to sixteen times her own height.
  3. You share your birthday with Kris.
  4. Julius Caesar wore a laurel wreath to cover up Kris.
  5. It takes 17 muscles to smile, and 43 to frown at Kris.
  6. There is no lead in a lead pencil - it is simply a stick of graphite mixed with Kris and water!
  7. It can take Kris several days to move just through one tree.
  8. Kris is actually a mammal, not a fish.
  9. Kris, from the movie of the same name, had green blood.
  10. A chimpanzee can learn to recognize itself in a mirror, but Kris can not!
I am interested in - do tell me about

Wednesday 28 May 2008


Last night's Criminal Minds was particularly scary.

James Van Der Beek was guest starring.

Tuesday 27 May 2008


I am very much tempted to go to Blogthings and do random quizzes and then post the results to the blog just because I have nothing to write about. Not having anything to write about is particularly unfortunate at this point when I have two more journals to hand in on Monday and I'm stuck with zero inspiration. I suppose I'll use the marriage part of the second post below. Yeah, ~that~ one.

Do you like my new layout? It's so very gray! Which is rather odd since I'm feeling kinda sunshine-y these days. Which is also kinda odd since I'm under so much pressure and having exams and keep thinking how I'll fail my exams and be done with schooling forever and be a loser for the rest of my life. Yet, I'm doing it in a cheerful way. I'm psychotic, aren't I?

And getting fatter by the minute. Like, right now? I'm waiting for sister's bf to bring me pizza. At 8.30pm. How very healthy of me. But... Strawberries. Ripe strawberries from our garden. And Mum bought whipped cream. Mmmm yes. For after pizza. Shit. Oncoming fatness.

Four more weeks. I am home for four more weeks and then wheee! off I go to our gorgeous coast. Without my PC. *bites nails* I can't stop thinking about it. And about the job. I just ~know~ they'll try to put more responsibility onto me but they will not succeed! I shall not do anything more but serve people drinks. Yes.

I feel the need to mention my ~special place~ again but I'm not gonna touch that subject. Just like I haven't touched it in a very, very long time... Ahahaha! See what I did there? Surprise TMI, motherfuckers! But seriously, what is wrong with me?

I'll leave you with that thought.

Monday 26 May 2008

Holy Shit.

Have you seen James McAvoy's BODY in Wanted? Have you?
Cuz... Oh. My. God.

I've loved him for his talent. Now I love him for his torso.
Who knew one gets shallower with time.

Friday 23 May 2008

Of Marriage And Pussies

Lunch time. Just me and my mother. And a movie is beginning on TV. Something Winona Ryder something. OK, It's "How to Make an American Quilt" and I didn't need to know that. Anyway. Yadda yadda yadda and then Winona goes "26 is not an unreasonable age to get married." or something along those lines. I snort into my plate and say "Nonsense." And my mother goes: "Seriously though. You don't plan to marry? Like, ever?" (She didn't actually say "Like, ever?" ~

My PC just spontaneously restarted itself. Great, PC, congrats on having a personality and' all, you win the personality contest in front of at least a dozen of people I know, but fuck off, OK? I'm writing a post here, jerk! *ahem*

~ but it was implied and I heard it, dammit!) "Uh, no I don't plan to. I don't not plan to either. I don't really think about it." "But what do you think then?" "I don't know. I'm not saying I'll never marry, I'm just saying it's not likely. I really can't see it happening any time soon. Or, y'know, ever." And she says nothing more.
I mean, really. What is she thinking? I'm not going anywhere. I'm not meeting anyone, let alone dating. Even when I do meet a guy, I make sure he knows pretty damn soon I'm celibate and not interested in dating/casual sex/happily ever after. Any of that shit. It's just how I am. I wish she'd finally accept that.

T fucking MI part of the post - consider yourself warned:
I have this vaginal infection that comes and goes once in a year or two. Bacterial or whatever. It came back like two weeks ago or so and my mother noticed. She only noticed cuz of the discharge that is now of some colour, light brown or something (she does the laundry, she doesn't go around looking for my underwear just like that, OK?) so she asked me about it. I said I'd noticed but I've been a little (a lot!) too busy right now with the exams and shit to actually go to see the doctor and get the antibiotics. And then she says: "Your pussy's falling apart and you don't even care!" "So?", I deadpanned. "Not like I use it or anything."
She wasn't amused.

Seduction Style

Awesome. Kinda true.

Monday 19 May 2008


... the previous post?

A, baby! Woot!

Wednesday 14 May 2008

A Life Imagined

(For Dhor, by request.)

Even though Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being Earnest's main characters are men, the drama offers an insightful overview of the lives of young women of the age. Through portraying a few female characters of different age and upbringing, it shows the ways they used to go about their daily life but also gives an insight into their minds, their thinking, emotions, and actions. Women of the upper-class, especially the young ones, having little, if anything, to do from day to day, had to find different activities with which they would fill their days. It is no surprise then that they would resort to some unusual ones from time to time, such as writing fictional diaries, thus creating a life for themselves in a world they could control.
Women of the upper-class of the Victorian age spent their days with a lot of time on their hands: «The ladies spent their time promenading on the sea front, visiting reading-rooms and libraries, shopping, enjoying rural carriage-rides, holding "At Homes", musical soirĂ©es and dinner parties.» (Wojtczak) Visiting their friends and relatives is usually the central part of their day, so much that a lot of thought is put into what is to be served to visitors. It is of utmost importance to treat them with their favourite food and drinks, mostly because women with little on their minds can put a lot of thought into it. Therefore, it was not unusual for a woman to be «devoted to bread and butter» as Gwendolen is, especially since they had servants who took care of having their desires fulfilled: «The wealthy usually had a set of live-in servants and sometimes day-servants too.» (Wojtczak)
In between visiting each other at various parties and get-togethers, they still had enough time to read and often write themselves. It was not an unusual thing for a woman to keep a diary in which she would write of her experiences and emotions. Cecily, a young girl of the age of eighteen, does so: «I keep a diary in order to enter the wonderful secrets of my life. If I didn’t write them down, I should probably forget all about them.» (Wilde 1682) The irony of these lines subtly mocks the uneventful life of a young woman, but later on all subtlety is dropped when Cecily admits she often makes up the events about which she writes as it «usually chronicles the things that have never happened, and couldn’t possibly have happened.» (Wilde 1682) One of her ambitions is to have her diary published some day, it is «consequently meant for publication.» (Wilde 1690) Writing fiction novels as a way of entertaining themselves was also rather common and socially acceptable, so much that even older women such as Miss Prism do not hesitate to admit they had written them: «I wrote one myself in earlier days.» (Wilde 1682).
Resorting to a fictional inner life was a way for a young woman to take control of the world she lived in. The marriages were arranged by a girl's parents:
LADY BRACKNELL: Pardon me, you are not engaged to any one. When you do become engaged to some one, I, or your father, should his health permit him, will inform you of the fact. An engagement should come on a young girl as a surprise, pleasant or unpleasant, as the case may be. It is hardly a matter that she could be allowed to arrange for herself... (Wilde 1674)
It is perfectly acceptable for a young woman to have ideals and dreams of who she might marry but the final decision depends on her parents or guardians. She is irrevocably destined to lead the same uneventful life as every other woman of the Victorian age. There is an indisputable truth to be found in Algernon's words: «All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy.» (Wilde1678) Every girl is to have a life that is exactly the same as the next one's. They all know it and all they can do is form alliances with each other when they recognize themselves in one another as Gwendolen and Cecily do: «Something tells me that we are going to be great friends. I like you already more than I can say.» (Wilde 1693) Sooner or later they will be caught in the same unbreakable loop of days that are all alike.
Young women of the Victorian age, as presented in Wilde's The Importance of Being Earnest, led rather empty lives. Their days repeated themselves and they had to come up with ways of entertaining themselves to their best abilities. Turning to fiction for the thrills they were missing in their reality was the only thing they could do. That is not something they should be judged for. If anything, they should be admired for it for they have found a way to rebel, even if it was only in their minds.

Monday 12 May 2008


Back in the day Doc called me. I told you about that experience that was both terrifying and wonderful. Terrifying cuz it was actually SPEAKING ENGLISH to a person on the phone, and wonderful cuz HELLO!, Doc called me!

Then some time later I spoke to Bel via Skype and that was also terrifying and wonderful, and just a tad awkward because of the uncomfortable silences that you don't notice when you're chatting in writing. But it's always nice to hear a voice of someone you consider a friend.

Three days ago I called WFW, again via Skype. It's so funny, I d/led Skype months ago pretty much so I'd be able to talk to her but was always too self-conscious about my spoken English and also, IT'S WFW!, she's a celebrity in my inner world, so I never did click that green phone button. Not until three days ago anyway. And then I just did. And it was so easy, talking to her, laughing with her. No awkward silences, no worrying about what I sound like, nothing. And I realised it's cuz it was HER. She's my FRIEND. We never met but it makes no difference. When you spend almost a year and a half talking to someone pretty much every day, you have every right to call them a friend. It was as easy to talk to her as it is to talk to Sonja or Nikolina. Only in English. LOL

This morning pop-pop-pop, Skype call window popped up on my screen. It was Nic. She just decided to call me out of the blue. So funny, I also had her on my Skype list for months, and today we finally talked. Awesomeness in speaking! No pauses, no weirdness, just chat of two friends. Sure, I worry about my English but fuck it, they understand me and they're my friends! They'll love me even if my grammar or pronunciation isn't flawless, right?

So I told Maichan about my recent talks and what does she do? Goes to AIM and calls me! With webcam on! And then it's HER who worries about what she sounds like cuz apparently, she sounds like a 12yo girl! LOL And she so doesn't! But that's not all. Even her husband sticks his face in front of the cam and greets me. And he's the guy who has read and recorded my retarded Voting!fic for CLSPN_PODFIC. Aw-kwaaaard. LMAO It's just that... It wasn't.

So yeah, I skipped a Language Practice class today but I practiced anyway! Internet ROCKS! And so do my online friends. So fuck you, mockers, I don't care about what you say, it's my life and it's my way!

Thursday 1 May 2008


*I can feel her heartbeat from a thousand miles...* (That's my cell phone ringing.)

I take a look around the table.
Father - check
Mother - check
Sister - check
Sister's BF - check
Sonja - check
Me - yup, check, I'm totally here

So... who could be calling me? Must be a wrong number. I pick up the phone, unknown number, I can hear music blasting on the other end (it's Labour Day today, people are out BBQing and partying and shit) and say Hello?
- Hey, where are you?
- Um... who is that?
- It's Miki, I left you my beer to hold it for me.
- Er... wrong number.
- Ow. *click*