Saturday 25 April 2009

Und doch hab´ ich Flugzeuge in meinem Bauch

Well... I wrote it. The timestamp to my "fic". I can't help but to add these quotation marks to it because... well, it's not exactly fiction if it happened, right? I mean, yes, it didn't happen to the characters in the story but it happened to me. More or less. Of course, I changed the names. Hell, I changed the genders even! But it's still pretty much what happened (or at least how I remember it. They say it's how most fiction writers work anyway, so there). So the original story was pretty much easy to write. It was already in my head (and for years, too) so I just let it out. It was sort of therapeutic. *nervous laughter*

Now, the end to the story was completely made up, obviously, and then it was sort of unfinished. People who've read it kept asking if I'd be writing more. I guess they wanted a more satisfying end. There's not much fanfic out there ending tragically and honestly, I like it that way. Happy end for the boys is pretty much given. So I started toying with the idea of writing a small timestamp to the original story. Round it up, in a way. And then, about a week ago the first sentence shot through my head and the rest... just sort of followed.

And now it's complete. I'm going to link it, but be warned - it's slash. That is all.

Flugzeuge im Bauch

The following parts are linked at the end of each chapter.

I WROTE A 20 000 WORDS LONG STORY. I still can't believe it.

Friday 24 April 2009

When we grew up and went to school...



Croatian students are on strike. We want free education.
This is us and we voted YES:

On what, you might ask. UNI BLOCKAGE. It started in Zagreb, then spread to Osijek, Split, Rijeka and Dubrovnik.
No classes, no quizzes, no partial exams until our demands are met. Students actually invaded classrooms in which some professors tried to hold their lectures and made noise to obstruct them.

At the students' meeting one girl, who wants to have classes said: I don't want to be oppressed by the DICTATORSHIP OF THE MAJORITY.
The crowd roared: THAT'S CALLED DEMOCRACY!
LOL, idiot.

IDEK. Mostly today I just played Boggle. *shrugs* Good times.

Sunday 19 April 2009

Some things are better left unsaid, but...

There've been too many tears falling,
And there've been too many hearts
Breaking in two.

There are things I cannot write about here and it's really fucking annoying. I locked this place for a reason and then I fucked myself up with letting people in without thinking it through. Oh well. I have LJ. Speaking of, if it seems like I'm not blogging as often as used to, I actually am. Just not here.

My grandma's funeral was actually pretty amusing. No, wait, let me finish. Yes, my family behaved completely inappropriately but guess what? It's who we are. And it's sure as hell who my Grandma was. First of all, when we arrived to the cemetery hours before the funeral, and we approached my aunt, Dad's sister, she was just about to start crying when my Dad hurried to say What's with you? You look as if someone had died. She laughed. Then later on, when my sister and her BF and my Mom's sister had arrived, we sat on a bench in front of the funeral home and just joked around. My Mom's sister, who is 70 years old, was a bit uncomfortable with the way we were all acting until my Dad said Oh don't worry. Your funeral will be much more cheerful. YES, I KNOW. Inappropriate behaviour is inappropriate.

So, this next bit requires some background info first. My Grandma's husband is not my Dad's father. He died of brain tumor when my Dad was 7. Oh hai, cancer, why don't you kill EVERYONE in my family! Anyway. My Grandma became a Jehova's Witness at some point and in 1981 she married another member of that sect and moved to another town with him. Now, they all like to boast about going straight to Heaven and being pretty much saints on Earth. Let me tell you, this guy? Anything but. He is cheap, he is cold, he is dumb as a post, and he's above all selfish. I'll never know how my Grandma managed to stay married to him for all this time. To illustrate, let's just say he wanted to kick us out of their house during the war when my village was occupied and my Dad was on the front fighting for the freedom of my country. Then my Grandma issued an ultimatum and told him if we left, she was going with us. He caved. He never loved us. Hell, he never liked us. The feeling was mutual.

He is a cheap bastard. The heating in their house has always been kept at the minimum. The lights had to be shut down the moment you left the room, even if you'd only go to the bathroom. When my Grandma's mother (who's also a horrible, horrible person, a bitch, really) had to be placed into a nursing home (where she lives to this day, mind you), and my Grandma had to give her pension to pay for it, he forbade her to phone us or anyone else, since now it was him who was paying the bills. No, I'm not making this up. When my Grandma had the stroke on Sunday afternoon, it wasn't until Tuesday morning that he called an ambulance. And then he didn't even let us know. Some random neighbour got our number from the book and called us. That's the kind of person this man is.

So when we were sitting around her casket, my family sat at one side and he sat at the other, alone. Well, he had his brothers Witnesses, but we stuck together. Judge us if you will, since then we've heard even worse stuff he did, so whatever. Anyway. At one point he uncovered her face and started wailing and lamenting in a very theatrical way. We may have rolled our eyes once or twice, but mostly we ignored it. Sayin shit like Why did you leave me now when I need you the most? (because she's selfish like that, how dared she die?) and You were always good to me, cleaning and cooking for me. (way to appreciate the woman she was, asshole) only showed how selfish he is, thinking about himself even at that moment. But then he said I was good to you as well. Never did I wrong you, never did I do you harm. and my aunt and I caught each other's eyes and we burst out laughing. God, that was embarrassing! We sat next to my dead Grandma and we couldn't stop laughing. But here's the thing: I could see it in my head - I could see my Grandma rolling her eyes at his theatrical mourning. And she would've been the first to laugh at him. So I think we made her proud.

The funniest thing that happened was when my aunt's friend sat between her and me and solemnly received condolances from uknown people. They didn't know she wasn't family ad she sat right there, taking their hands and nodding, picture perfect of grief. I mean, who does that?!

And then, on top of it all, the neighbour that informed us about Grandma having a stroke apparently tried to hit on my Dad. I kid you not. The woman would not back off. It was ridiculous. She kept following him around and my Dad asked me not to leave him alone. Unfortunately, when we first got to the cemetery, I had to use the bathroom, and by the time I got out, she already dragged him away to show him the grave spot. When they returned, my Dad looked pretty damn upset. And it had nothing to do with his dead mother. Later on he told me she'd pinched his thigh. At the cemetery! At his Mother's funeral! Who does that?!

Afterwards we went to a restaurant and she said to my Dad: You just sit wherever you want. and I could tell she was ready to follow him and sit next to him. So I backed him into corner and sat in front of him. I was seriously prepared to fend her off with my purse. Woman, just beacuse you knew my Grandma, doesn't mean you get to inherit her son when she dies! Seriously. P.S. Her late son was only 6 years younger than my Dad. P.P.S. My Dad is happily married to my Mom (so much so he told her about this woman advances immediately). P.P.P.S. She too is married and her husband was there.

Well, I think that about covers it. Lulz at a funeral. We has it.

Friday 17 April 2009

There's a songbird who sings

I might be little bit in love.

Please, check this guy out. He's one of the candidates in Cro Pop Idol and he's just ridiculously awesome. I hope he wins. Not enough to actually pick up the phone and vote, of course, but I cheer in front of the TV. I DO WHAT I CAN, OKAY?

Anyway. He's singing "Here I go again" and "Stairway to heaven". How could he not be made of win?

Monday 13 April 2009

In loving memory

It's funny how they said "six months to a year" a week ago. ONE WEEK is not SIX MONTHS and it's certainly not A YEAR.


She had lung cancer as a starting point and it spread to all of her bones and to her brain. So I'm calling a blessing.

Yes, of course it's sad. My Dad now has no parents left (he lost his Dad to brain tumor when he was 7 [my Dad, not his, cuz that would be... it's pretty obvious, I think]) and she wasn't that old anyway (74). But with the cancer and all, her leg was immobilised with a cast because the bone has... decayed or something and she never would've gotten up and out of bed again. And if you ask me, that's no life for a person to live.

Especially for someone like her.

She would've loved us laughing and joking like we did this evening because she laughed at all times. During the war, when my sister and I lived there, the four of us, my sister, my Mom, my grandma and me would play cards. Then I'd be paired up with her and she'd bluff and I wouldn't know and then we'd lose. I'd pout and she? She would laugh and laugh and laugh.

She'd curl my hair so when my Dad would come for a day or two from the front, I'd wear his beret on my curled hair and march around feeling like Lili Marleen.

When I was first starting school, she made me a sleeveless shirt and a skirt, white with huge red polka dots. The skirt had frills, of course, and the shirt buttoned in the back. Oh and the buttons? TINY SHEEP. I was a total princess.

She was Hungarian and she always spoke Croatian a little funny. She'd even make up words, especially pet names for us, words that meant nothing and everything at the same time.

My grandma was one of a kind. And she will be missed. R.I.P.

Nan's Song

You said when you'd die that you'd walk with me every day
And I'd start to cry and say please don't talk that way
With the blink of an eye the Lord came and asked you to meet
You went to a better place but He stole you away from me

And now she lives in heaven
But I know they let her out
To take care of me

There's a strange kind of light
Caressing me tonight
Pray silence my fear she is near
Bringing heaven down here

I miss your love I miss your touch
But I'm feeling you every day
And I can almost hear you say
'You've come a long way baby'

And now you live in heaven
But I know they let you out
To take care of me

There's a strange kind of light
In my bedroom tonight
Pray silence my fear she is near
Bring your heaven down here

You taught me kings and queens
While stroking my hair
In my darkest hour I know you are there
Kneeling down beside me
Whispering my prayer

Yes there's a strange kind of light
Caressing me tonight
Pray silence my fear
She is near
Bringing heaven down here

The next time that we meet
I will bow at her feet
And say wasn't life sweet
Then we'll prepare
To take heaven down there

Friday 10 April 2009

Just a perfect day, problems all left alone

Today my hair isn't stupid.

My sister, on the other hand...

So I'm watching Gilmore Girls and surprise!, there's Dean. Well, it wasn't much of a surprise since I only D/Led episodes with young Jared. Anyway. This convo ensues:

Sis: Dean! And it's our favourite one, too!

Me: Yeah, about that... *awkward pause* He was the only one.

Sis: What? No!

Me: Yeah.

Sis: Really?! You sure?

Me: *rolls eyes* From the pilot to season 5.

Sis: Huh.

I could totally tell she wasn't convinced. Well, I tried. From now on, this rat has left the failboat. She's on her own.

Thursday 9 April 2009

You're a butterfly and you want to be in flowers

I took pictures today. I'm sorry I bore you but they're so PRETTY!!!

Tuesday 7 April 2009

These things remind me of

Christel sent AJ, MT and me a Gilmore Girls fanvid of Rory and Dean because MT's been having Gilmore Girls marathons for a while now, and I'm almost done with Dark Angel so I'm gonna start with Gilmore Girls. Don't judge me, I'm pretty sure they're both legal in those.


When we first watched Gilmore Girls, my sister and I kinda sorta crushed on Dean. From his very first appearance on screen. She said, "Huh. This Dean is kinda cute." and I said, "Yep. Uh-huh." Since then, an episode without Dean was made of fail. Little did we know, so were we.

Because when Gilmore Girls returned for season 2 (or maybe it was 3, I cant really tell, it was a century ago), my sister said, "Oh noes! It's a different Dean!" and I said, "Oh noes! It is!" I have no idea why we thought it was a different guy. Was it the hair? Did he grow taller? I don't know. I just know we spent quite some time mourning the loss of the "cute Dean from the beginning". Because that one was, like, way prettier than the new one. I don't even know.

When we fail, we fail like a family, I guess.

So I was re-watching the first two episodes last night and I don't think my poor old heart can take it.
P.S. He may have been 17 at the time. *facepalm*

Saturday 4 April 2009

Yes, you

I love you.

For oft, when on my couch I lie / In vacant or in pensive mood

"Daffodils" (1804)

I wander'd lonely as a cloud

That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine

And twinkle on the Milky Way,
They stretch'd in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

The waves beside them danced; but they

Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:
A poet could not but be gay,
In such a jocund company:
I gazed -- and gazed -- but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:

For oft, when on my couch I lie

In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.

By William Wordsworth (1770-1850)

Friday 3 April 2009

Wish I was too dead to cry

I wish I could talk about everything that's on my mind and in my heart but I can't. It just makes me wanna cry.
If you've noticed my gmail status says Busy all the time, it's just because I don't have it in me to talk right now.
I read your posts. I just don't really feel like interacting.
Instead, I'm just watching How I met your mother and ignoring the world.

Thursday 2 April 2009

I miss my hair

You can't always get what you want

Dear movie theatres in Osijek!

The both of you suck ass. I hate you. GIVE ME FRIDAY THE 13TH! I was promised Jared Padalecki on April 2nd months ago. You, apparently, do not deliver.

Oh and did you know that IMDb says it should've been here on FEBRUARY 26TH? Yeah, NO.

I just want to go to a theatre all alone, sit at a perfect spot with a huge bag of popcorn in my hand, maybe some pumpkin seeds just for the hell of it, and watch Jared Padalecki breathe wearing that T-shirt. Is that too much to ask?

Not only did I not get to see it when the rest of the world did, now I can't see it when Zagreb can? Instead, we get Inkheart, Duplicity, and Monsters vs. Aliens. Brendan Fraser. SERIOUSLY?!

DIAF, theatres in Osijek. Literally.


Wednesday 1 April 2009

Nothing left to lift me up