Saturday 2 June 2007

The Game

Tonight is the game night. It's Croatia vs. Estonia. I love our football (soccer, you Americans) team! Sister's bf is coming, I'm making popcorn, and who knows, I might even have drink or two! (If I do, at least one will be in the name of Wentworth Miller, who is 35 today! Happy birthday, Mr Miller!) So let's hope that we win as we did so far!

I've been studying stupid sociolinguistics. Bloody hell, it's so boring and we have 7 chapters (7!!) to learn. Last time it was only 3 and even then I barely got a C out of it. It won't be pretty on Monday... And the fact that I'm so terribly distracted is not helping, not helping at all! ) I'm in trouble.

Well, it seems as if in two weeks I will be doing a Brazilian. Ha. God help me.

UPDATE: I just waxed sister's bf's chest. I'm thinking I won't be doing a Brazilian. *shudder*
And after 1st half-time, Croatia - Estonia 1:0.

4 spoke back:

Anonymous said...

First Croatia YAY! and France was great vs Ukrainia lol I know I said I don't watch but this morning I caught the summary of the game and it looked like it was a good one.

Second, good luck for your exam monday, I wish you all the best, you're my little genius brat, you'll ACE it!

Last, WAX your sis'bf's chest???? WTF?!
It seems like a cruel thing to do to a guy, poor thing!

Anonymous said...

so did CRO win? Belgium lost and I don't think I could care less...
our team really sucks so I've become indifferent to soccer.

so you wax your sis' bf's chest? doesn't that create ackward situations once in a while at your house? lol Reminds me of that scene in 'the 40 year old virgin' when he gets his chest waxed, POOR GUY. He was bleeding and everything, looked horrible. And just like in that movie, once you've started you've got to finish! There's no walking out of the salon with half a brazilian done Krissie! lol

Krissie said...

Yes, you'd think it was awkward... But it wasn't. I asked him if he'd do my legs even. I was joking, of course.
And yeah, he bled too a little...

Anonymous said...
