Tuesday 1 May 2007

A Day In (Non)Life

Well, myspace is giving me crap again. What else is new, eh? I am so gonna switch to some place else one day...
It was "Dead Fall" tonight. Y'know, Michael and Sucre in the river, Michael all wet and trying oh so hard to move that tree off Sucre's leg... Yeah... Well damn you, Wentworth Miller! I am seriously ruined for life. Why did PB ever have to be shown to us in Croatia? WHY? I'm too old for this shit, I really am. I can't concentrate on anything except for him. It's crazy. Again, what's new... I texted that former Went-addict friend of mine, asking her if she's watching wet Went and she said she's not watching this season at all cuz it was bad for her health. I wish I had her strength.
I'm going to see "Notes on a Scandal" tomorrow. I hope it's good. The reviews are good but no one I know has seen it. I guess everyone is going to see "300". I don't want to. I'm just weird like that. I ususally have no desire to watch what everyone else wants. Unless, of course, there's someone really hot in the movie. *snicker* But these days it's only Wentworth Miller and he's in no movies at all. Which sucks. Wentworth Miller, if you read this, GO MAKE SOME MOVIES!
What else? Yeah, Labour Day tomorrow. Dad is barbecuing in the yard, Sonja and sister's bf are coming over. I hope the weather serves us. It's no fun if it rains or is cold.
I watched GA tonight. Is Denny going to die? Someone mentioned something to me but I'm not sure anymore. Anyway, since I heard that, every episode I see, all I can think of is: "Is this the episode he dies in?" I know, I watch too much TV... Still nothing new here.
I should get a life. Soon.

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