Monday 21 May 2007

I've Got Nothing To Wear & Other Crap

Rant time, baby!
All right!
OK, stop.
That was to cheerful a start for the rant-post. Allow me to start again.
First of all, I've got nothing to wear. But you see, this is not the usual girly girl's I've got nothing to wear! cry while standing in front of the open closet before going out. Oh no. We're talking a much more serious case of nothingtowearitis. [singing]Is it cuz I'm cool...[/singing] Well, it's not. It's cuz I'm fat. I know, I know... You'll be biting my head off, yelling You're not fat!!! and all that but the truth is that none of my last summer's clothes fits me anymore. A few minutes ago I tried a skirt on. No. It stopped somewhere between my thy and my butt. I barely took it off. It was stuck for a minute or two. Then I tried a pair of pants. Same thing. And those are supposed to be a bit stretchy. They stretched all right. All over my planet-sized butt. Then finally I pulled one pair all the way up to my waist. Now, buttoning them was another story... So I did that somehow and it cut my belly into two. A lovely scene. Trust me when I tell you. But OK, if I wear this one shirt with them, it doesn't show. So I'm happy. Until I tried to sit down... Oh joy. I can't breathe. I can't talk. I CAN'T GET UP!!!
Fuck this. I need chocolate.
We were told today there'll be no classes between 12pm and 3pm tomorrow because there's some kind of a celebration at the Uni. Yaay, right? Wrong. We will be having Essay Writing 2.30pm-3.30pm. Crap. Crap. Crap. Was thinking I'd be getting home earlier. Unfortunately, I'll have an hour and a half to kill. Luckily for me, I was swearing so loudly while trying clothes on that my Mom, God bless her, came and gave me some money to go and buy me some pants tomorrow. She can't have her grown daughter running around the Uni semi-naked, right?
My sister didn't quit after all. Wait, wait, let me explain! She actually went to see her boss and told her she's quitting. Oh yes she did! My little brave sister! Then her boss got all surprised like OMG, but why??!!! and my little brave sister calmly told her everything that was wrong. Then her boss asked her to take a week and reconsider and promised to take care of the fucked up shifts so that she wouldn't be working like that all the time. Then my little brave sister told her that no other nurse would accept to work that way. Then her boss shut up. Went blank. Had nothing to say. Then my sister said she'll stay for a while to see if things will improve but also said that she is actively looking for another job. Yes, she told her boss that! So now we wait...
And tomorrow I am going to see a play. I am looking forward to that.
And if I'm not horribly mistaken (Majo, I'll be needing your judgment here!), I think I was online flirting on the R+ Forum with one of the guys from the radio... I have the convo but don't feel like translating it.

4 spoke back:

jenny said...

Ohh... I know how you feel when your pants dont fit. After I had the girls, I cant get into my old jeans. I must have a stack of 15 pairs and not a single one fits! :::Boo Hoo Hoo!!::: I cant bear to toss them yet, dreaming of the day I'll be able to slip them over my thinner hips.

Good for your lil sis for speaking up and putting her foot down! Hope the threat of losing a nurse will be a wake-up call for Boss-man.

Enjoy the play!!

Anonymous said...

If you are not mistaken, you think you flirted? Hahahahaha!
Which one was it?


Krissie said...

Honestly, Bel, I have no idea. I suck so much at these things that I have to ask people if someone is hitting on me. Seriously. It's sad, really.

lady macleod said...

Good for your sister, kudos there. You, go shopping!