Saturday 5 May 2007


I finished "In Her Shoes". I don't understand how grown people can hate their siblings. Yes, I know it's just a book but even chick-lit can make you think.
I have a baby sister. We fought a lot while growing up. I was going through a really bad case of puberty when she was 10 or 11 and I ignored her and she was annoying and she was asking millions of questions I didn't feel like answering. Then we were both in our teens and she was in the same places as me and I felt like she was stealing my friends (she was the sweet one, the friendly one and my God, of course she was the beautiful one) and it didn't feel good, didn't feel good at all.
But then we grew up. Yes, we fight still but in a different way. She's my sister, y'know? She knows me. She knows me better than anyone. Seriously. I think she knows me better than my mother and she sure as hell knows me better than me. She knows when I'm about to mess up and she knows exactly how it will happen. And we fight. But the best part is that I know, I KNOW, that at the end of the day, we'll get over it. I don't think we've ever gone for longer than one day without talking to each other. Of course, mostly it's because Mom never let us go on sulking. But I'm grateful for that. When I hear about siblings suing each other over a house or something... That will never happen to us.
No matter what happens, when she gets her paycheck, she gives me money. And when we're both in bed an she's thirsty, I get up and get her a glass of water. Some day there'll be no one but me and her. And I know I am blessed.

4 spoke back:

Elizabeth said...

That is exactly how I feel about my 3 brothers. I still talk to at least one of them every day on the phone, and visit them every chance I get. Thanks for the uplifting post. =)

Krissie said...

Oh I never meant for it to be uplifting.
If I inspire you or cheer you up - I fucked up.
Just saying.

Mama Bear said...

I loved reading about the bond you have with your sister. It gives me hope and something to look forward to when my own daughters grow older. Teach me more, oh wise Krissie.

Krissie said...

LMAO, Mama bear!
And let me switch you to my Mom, she can teach you a thing or two about raising two completely different daughters in a way that they end up being friends.