Tuesday 15 May 2007

Reality Report

As usual, "Reality Report" means that I wrote what is about to follow earlier, in the class. Unfortunately, if I can write blog posts in the class also means that the class is extremely boring. Consider yourself warned.

It is 8.13pm and I am in the most boring class in the history of classes. You should see the expressions on the faces of my fellow sufferers. Actually, expressions is probably the wrong word. They are blank. Apathetic. They show no emotion whatsoever. Quite a few show no signs of life either. If you are wondering why we took that class in the first place, let me tell you that even though this is supposedly an elective course, we had no choice but to, in fact, take it. So here we are, dying a slow, painful death every Tuesday night from 7.15pm till 8.45pm. That's right, PM. I call it a graveyard shift. Thank God next week at this time I'll be at the theatre.
About going out tomorrow (I know you are dying to get the newest update - when someone so anti-social as me decides to leave the comfort of own room and sets out to meet a very heterogeneous, eclectic even, group of people, believe me, IT IS a big deal!), what I wanted to share was that I have met a girl from R+ forum. She came to us to talk to a girl from my study group and I just said I'm Kristina. and she said Oh, you're Kris. Well, I've seen you around. If it sounds like a completely irrelevant event, it's because it was.

And that concludes this week's Reality Report.
Now, about that going out... (I'm starting to annoy you, aren't I?) Maja and Anja are more excited about it than me. They are actually picking my clothes for me. I kid you not. I'm never gonna get married, but if by some screwed chains of events I end up tying a knot, I'll have those two as my bridesmaids. Seriously. I can picture them in their puffy pink dresses, bouncing around, squeeing, clapping their hands... Yep, totally them! (I'm expecting some angry comments from them now because of the dresses. Well, it's my fucking imaginary wedding! Deal with it!)

7 spoke back:

Anonymous said...

as long as they're pink... ja bas obozavam bit djeverusa! sad kad si to rekla, ocekujem da se u doglednoj buducnosti i dogodi! jedva cekam da stavljam ruzmarine! i da pjevam na stolu! i na oltaru! sta jos djeveruse rade?? to isto jedva cekam!! .........................NOT!!!!!!!!!!!

lady macleod said...

I've been 'bumping' into you on other blogs in the comments. I thought I would come over and visit.
All of Shakespeare in one play with 3 actors. Oh do include a review!
I'm sorry your class is so boring, but then you have more time to entertain us with your blog..the up-side.

I enjoyed the read. Thank you. I shall come again.

Krissie said...

Why thank you, Lady MacLeod!
And you, 100%... Dancing on the table, eh? Yep, I can picture that too.

Anonymous said...

Djeveruša???jel netko rekao djeveruša??!!!JA SAM ZA!!!samo daj, roza haljine, roza štikle, sve roza....JEEEEE!

nicbeast said...

Can I be a bride's maid?

Krissie said...

Duh, Nic! Of course! But you do realise that it's an imaginary wedding only, right?

nicbeast said...

Then I will only have to wear and imaginary ugly dress!