Thursday 17 May 2007

Went Out After All

EDIT: Some of the guys from last night and I am there too, lol (and no, those are not weird Croatian names, those are their forum nicks)

How, you might wonder. Well... Let me first tell you that I want to write so many things now but I'm pretty sure that I'll screw it up. You're warned. Ok, here goes...

After I told everyone at the forum that I'm not coming after all, they all went like Duh! We knew it! What's the excuse this time? and so on. Then one of the guys, who happens to be from my village told me he'd be going by train and suggested I went with him. (Uočimo naučeni preneseni govor, Majo i Anja! hahaha) After careful consideration that took about 5 minutes I decided I'd go! What the hell, I had to leave the house eventually. And I simply left. I met the guy at the train station and we got to the Radio Plus. We were the first ones there but soon enough people started coming. I ended up meeting around 30 people! Imagine my shock! But the best thing is that they are all so different, and yet open to everyone and everyone tried to talk to everyone else and people took pictures and we laughed... I don't have the pictures yet. If I get them, and if I'm happy with them, I'll show them to you. If I'm not... Well...
Anyhow, everyone was so surprised to see me in flesh! It was like So you're Kris! or Oh, you're the donkey! (cuz the very well known donkey is my avatar at the forum) and then they would take a good, long look at me. To be quite honest, that felt a bit weird. lol I met two of the hilarious guys that create my favourite R+ show, 10 do 12, and they are as hilarious in person as they are on air. Plus, one of them is really, really cute, baby face an' all, just my type. And I gave him a little kiss on the cheek. And then as we were talking later, and people were saying they were our celebrities and stuff, I asked if I could get his autograph and he asked where would I want it and I said Wherever you want. Of course, he asked if could sign it on my boob! What is it with people and my boobs??! (Did I mention I wore a top with quite a deep cleavage? lol) Not that it has anything to do with anything. Just saying.
I'm really sorry for not being able to transfer the convos into English. A lot of it was you had to be there type of convo and even more were the intern jokes. Like when 30 people shouted She's like so whatever from Avril's Girlfriend (it's one of those jokes, that song) and then continued the conversations like nothing interrupted them. LMAO But y'know, you had to be there...
One guy felt the urge to share his entire love life within the two minutes of meeting me, including the part of him and his current girlfriend having sex for the first time. Oh yeah, the girl was there too. So he was in the middle of the story when she walked up to us and asked what we were talking about. Awkward much? I just said He's telling me your love story. (I know, euphemisms, euphemisms...) and she said Well, don't let me interrupt you then! and bounced away. And he kept going...
So at one point I looked over my shoulder and saw a boy that looked oddly familiar but I had no idea why or where I could have possibly met him. Then, a few minutes later, I basically bumped into him and it hit me: we went to the same high school! But that's not all! He was a year older than me (I'm pretty sure he still is, lol) and our classes shared a classroom, we would be there in the morning and they in the afternoon and vice versa. And I had such a crush on him for three years! Of course, I didn't say that! What I did say was Hey, I know you! and he gave me a weird look. That didn't stop me so I continued with Opća gimnazija? Class A? (that's the name of my high school and his class) and he nodded. So we shook hands and he said his name and I went Oh, I know your name! Luckily, it was dark so he didn't see me blush. He also didn't find out how I wrote a note on his desk asking for his name in 3rd grade. Nor did I share that I remembered what he wore in high school. Maybe that's just me, but I'm pretty sure it would freak him out if he knew that an unknown girl remembers what he wore 10 years ago. But he's still cute. Not as cute as in high school though.
Is it just me or is this post really boring? Yeah, it is. I'm sorry. It's cuz I didn't drink.

EDIT: (I'm thinking I'll be editing this post forever, lol) I forgot to say this: I didn't tell my Mom I went alone, just left her a note saying I'm out and would be back till 4am (BTW, I came home at 2am) and she thought I left with Sonja. Then today I told her I went out with a completely unknown guy I met online. Then she heard I came home with two unknown guys. I'm pretty sure she's in her room, still shaking her head at my recklessness...

22 spoke back:

lady macleod said...

I'm glad you did get out after all. Now, what happened with the high school crush? Are you seeing him again?

Krissie said...

Good God, no!
First of all, I don't date!
And second, I don't date!

nicbeast said...

Yes, I think you should see the high school crush AND "Plus, one of them is really, really cute, baby face an' all, just my type. And I gave him a little kiss on the cheek. " Rack 'em up girl!! Get yours!!

Krissie said...

Jeez, Nic, I don't know how things work in the US of A, but here... It doesn't work that way. And let me tell you, I'm so not gettin' mine! LOL

Anonymous said...

komentar na prvi dio posta:
mogu samo citirat baby: "YOU'RE WILD!!"
komentar na drugi dio posta: ok, nisi spomenila da si bila OPSJEDNUTA njime (primijeti pravilnu uporabu instrumentala) ! i da se sjecas sta je imao obuceno!! omg, to je sve... :) 100%

Krissie said...

Well, nobody puts Baby in the corner. I went there by myself.
A opsjednuta... ma nisam.

Anonymous said...

ok, ovaj tip u crnoj majici je totalno sladak. ak je to taj "znam ti ime" onak totalno se slažem s tobom-slatkiš;)))) btw smijem s tobom sljedeći put???pjevat ću na karaokama ak treba....

Anonymous said...

hmmm...pitam se zašto mu iznad glave piše high school crush??!!!lampica!!!a zato...

nicbeast said...

You people are making it increasingly hard for me to live through you vicariously when you ARE NOT DOING ANYTHING!!!

Anonymous said...

anja, anja, vrati se na staru boju... e, kristina, bas ti je super ovaj blog. pozz (hehe, koji internet jargon... iliti svemrezje zargon :))

Krissie said...

I know, Nic, I know. I have no life. I apologize.

And Anja, isn't he cute?! And yeah, you can come. Of course you can. You have a boyfriend, so you can come! LMAO

Krissie said...

Ok, who's Anon 10:55pm??!
Tell me!!!!

Anonymous said...

hehe, jesam se kamuflirala... vis sta ti zargon radi... ccc...

Krissie said...

Ajde, nemoj me frustrirat'!

Anonymous said...

ne, ti zbilja ne znas?? omg... pa ORNAMENT!!!

Krissie said...

OMG, pa ne, naravno da ne. Ku'iš, onak' mi nabaciš "E super ti je blog!" k'o da ga fucking prvi put vidiš! Šta ja znam, možda privlačim široke mase... hehehe

Anonymous said...

You went out! And you saw two cute guys! I repeat after Nic: How am I supposed to live through the singles I know vicariously, if they do not do anything? Huh?!


Anonymous said...

Now that you went out and had fun, I hope that you'll repeat the experience often enough.
"I don't date"
Where did I hear that line??
Hmmm... Will you lose your soul if you date?

Krissie said...

LOL, Doc, I really don't date (not that anyone asked me to in the last 2 years so it doesn't matter anyway) and I don't think I'll be repeating the going out any time soon.
Bel, living vicariously through me... Ahahahahahahahahahahaha! *wiping tears* Ahahahahahahahahahahaha! *cracked ribs* Now look what you've done!

Mama Bear said...

I'm back from the dead...sort of.

Clearly you must've done something right in your past life if you're hanging out with all these hot guys in this one. ;) You go girl!

Krissie said...

What hot guys?

Wet For Went said...

I'm glad you had a good time! You totally should have hit on the crush while you had his attention!