Friday 25 May 2007

Friday Blabber

Aah, yes... Friday.
This is how it began. I woke up somewhere around 5.30 for no reason whatsoever. I just did. Then I couldn't sleep until 7.30 where I would have given anything just to be able to stay in bed but unfortunately, it was time to get up and drag my ass to the fucking P.E. So I got up, did the usual morning crap and went to the city. I got there around 9.15, went to the library to get some books and then sat by the river waiting for 10.30 to come so I could, oh joy, join my fellow sufferers in walking around the bridges in burning Sun. And then... the professor never showed up. Yep. I came for nothing.
So I returned home. Where I treated myself to a perfect getaway in my mind: sunbathing in the yard. See, I don't need the beach. All I need is the Sun. I threw bathing suit on and got out in the Sun for about 45 minutes. It got really hot in the first two. lol The drops of sweat gliding down my skin, accumulating in my belly button... Unfortunately, Ferdo thought it might amuse me if he climbed on my stomach and stayed there. It didn't amuse me. But as he is a completely unreasonable dog, I had no choice but to leave.
I've spent a part of my afternoon writing my essay on The Royal Shakespeare Company. Yes, it is just as interesting as it sounds.

5 spoke back:

Anonymous said...

See, I don't need the beach. (Kristina,2007:1)
to znaci da ne ides na more??? :)

Krissie said...

super mi je tvoje kvotanje. dođe mi da se ubijem odma.
a do mora ko živ ko (anočić) mrtav...

lady macleod said...

Perhaps the vitamin D will help with the essay?

Krissie said...

If only...

Anonymous said...

Is there a picture of the bathsuit with you in it?