Sunday 20 May 2007

Sunday Blabber

Funny, I haven't had a Sunday blabber so far. Well, there's a first time for everything.
Today I cooked for the first time in a long time. My Mom is at work till 3pm, sister works the whole day so me and my Dad were on our own. And it's kind of sad because it isn't Sunday if we're not all at the table at noon.
Sister is quitting her job. She's had it. They treat her like help there instead of an equal and she's a nurse just like everyone else but she came last and she works like this: Monday-Thursday 2pm-9pm, every week, no exceptions, and Saturday-Sunday 7am-2pm, and most of the holidays. Then they call her to fill in for those who are on vacation or sick or whatever. For instance, last Friday, which is the only day off that she has, her boss called her and told her to come in the night shift cuz one of her colleagues was sick. I only found out cuz I accidentally walked out of the room and saw her standing in the bathroom, crying. Who could blame her? It was her only day off!! And another thing: she's 23 and she never gets to go out because she either comes home at 9.30pm or she gets up at 6am next morning. And she's not like me, she likes to go out. Poor thing. Not to mention her salary. For instance, in hospital nurses make 4000-5000kn; in this nursing home she makes 2300-2500kn. And she's so responsible and hard working and she can find a better job than that. I am totally behind her as is the rest of the family. She doesn't have to put up with that crap anymore. So I say, good for her!
I totally forgot about this! It happened on Thursday. It was just after the HT class. We (Maja, Anja, Martina and me) were going to have some coffee so we were passing by one of the cafes and there they were, sitting on the terrace, HT and this idiot girl and another girl from our class, having coffee, talking, hanging out. It turned out that they sat there for about 2 hours. 2 hours! There is no justice in this world. None whatsoever.

2 spoke back:

Anonymous said...

Your sister is my hereo for the day.


nicbeast said...

Yes. Mine too. I feel her pain entirely. Make sure she blogs with detail how she went in to work and told them to go fuck themselves. I want to live vicariously.