Sunday 6 May 2007

Looking Back

As I was reading all those different blogs lately (my favourites are on the left if you wanna check them out), I read about these people's days in high school. They were punks, and dorks, and trying to be who they weren't, and everything else in between. It got me thinking about me in high school.
Well... I hated it. From the bottom of my heart. With the fire of a thousand suns. I. Hated. It. I wasn't the popular girl. I wasn't the unpopular girl. I wasn't the smartest kid in the class (with the exception of English). I wasn't the dumbest kid in the class. I wasn't ANYTHING. I was invisible. And I was often depressed. And I didn't want to study. Ever. (I was just recently with a friend from high school and she told me how shocked she was when I was going through a phase of complete not-studying. She said it was unfathomable to her; how could someone NOT STUDY at all? I don't know, it seemed normal to me.)
I had no style. Well, I was a teenager, I know, but there were these girls having their hair done and their clothes always matched and their make-up was perfect... You know the type. I... I wore only black through 3rd and 4th grade, I think. Oh I wasn't goth or anything. I listened to boy-bands. I was just weird like that. People would tell me I should be listening to Metallica or some other "intelligent" band since my English was so good. I suppose they thought it was being wasted on lyrics like
Everybody, yeah/Rock your body, yeah/Everybody, yeah/Rock your body right/Backstreet's back, alright. Maybe they were right but I just like pop-music. (Yeah,present tense is intentional.) And Hornby is right when he (or John Cusack in the movie) says: What came first, the music or the misery? People worry about kids playing with guns, or watching violent videos, that some sort of culture of violence will take them over. Nobody worries about kids listening to thousands, literally thousands of songs about heartbreak, rejection, pain, misery and loss. Did I listen to pop music because I was miserable? Or was I miserable because I listened to pop music?
I was going somewhere with this... Oh yeah. The thing, not much has changed. I still listen to the music that makes me miserable, still have no style whatsoever, still don't feel like studying most of the time and I'm still average in everything I do.
I'm still waiting for my life to sort out.
This Ugly Duckling is still waiting for her Hollywood ending.

9 spoke back:

jenny said...

I like your blog.
I like pop music, too.
Hubby likes metal (sigh).
I'll be adding you to my blog links list, if you wouldnt mind...
Thanks for adding me to yours!

Krissie said...

Thanks for adding me.
And thanks for stopping by.

darth sardonic said...

i used to tell people in school "no, i didn't study" when they asked why, i would reply, "i was pretty sure russia was gonna nuke us and we'd all be dead before i had to take the test."

and i wasn't really kidding much either.

you sound like a late-bloomer, like myself. you'll come into your own. and it will happen fastest when you just accept that you are a boy-band loving chick dressed in black who has an overabundance of teenage angst (i didn't get rid of mine until about 28).

anyways, not that i really know shit about shit, y'know.

gonna get you guys all added later today. i'm such a lazy bastard.

Elizabeth said...

Your Backstreet lyrics made me laugh. Ah, those were some good days...

Anonymous said...


All teenagers think they're non-conformist. At least you really were and are.

You're wonderful.


Mama Bear said...

Krissie, you would've loved going to my high school since it was a paradox of love and war...a place where you could find people softly playing their ukuleles during morning recess then kicking the shit out of each other at lunch. Believe me, you'd have A LOT to write about! ;)

Krissie said...

Darth, I was actually kinda hoping a car would hit me or something (not fatal, just enough to put me out of school for a week or two). And I don't wear black anymore (it's beige and brown now - who knew there could get more boring than black!). Boy-bands... *hangs head*

Bel, I wish. I am the prototype of a conformist now.

Thank you all for commenting. You totally made my little boring day (that you'll hear all about soon).

Anonymous said...

Hahahahaha Backstreet's back Alright!
and true dat High Fidelity guy, I'm still wondering if I listened to music because I was miserable, or if the music made me miserable...

Krissie said...

It's like that chicken-egg issue, isn't it, Doc?