Monday 14 May 2007

Monday Blabber

Let me paint you a little picture: A classroom. About 20 people sitting around their desks. The professor sitting at her desk. Me - on the floor on all four in front of all of them. Crawling.Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Let's leave it at that.
We're going to see a play, Maja and me, on May 22. It's called SHAKEspeare na EXit. Which is almost Croatian. lol EXIT is the name of the theatre. Anyhow, it's a play that has summed up all of the 37 Shakespeare's plays into one. And there are only 3 actors performing it. And the money from the tickets is going to charity. Which I don't really care about. I just wanna have a good time and I hope it'll be funny. Yeah, I'm selfish like that.
I had that Words and Culture presentation today. I volunteered to go first. I just wanted to get rid of that. I was so nervous... The words that were coming out of my mouth... Horrible. They actually laughed at me at one point for being so tense and forgetting the word. I just said "Don't laugh. I'm nervous." and the professor told me not to be. Then, when I was done, she said it was "nicely done" or something like that and that she liked how I was connecting the parts of it by using "this leads us to" and "to conclude" and "to wrap this up" instead of just memorising the data and just running through it. And then, if you think my crap was boring *coughJuliecough*, you should've heard the presentation that two girls had after me. Honestly, I don't think even the professor was listening to them. No one else sure as hell didn't.
And I got a B on Language Practice partial. No crawling was required.

5 spoke back:

Anonymous said...

Crawling on all fours were we? Krissie, did you type that just for me? ;)


Anonymous said...

Well excuuuse me ... to think it was hmm ... kinda boring ;)?!

I'm sure you did great because let's be honest how could any essay with this kinda crappy subject be interesting?
So I'm sure yours was funny and well written!! (I mean, have you failed any classes yet??? Mss Nerd!! ;) and I regard this as a compliment!)

XXX Julie

Krissie said...

No, Bel, I'm afraid we're talking true story here.
And Julie, thank you! (for the compliment, not the boring part, lol)

Anonymous said...

I'm really curious about the crawling part...
CONGRATS for your B!

D-HOR said...

The laughing? Ouch.

You basicaly telling them to shut their pie holes? Excellent.