Saturday 7 July 2007

Saturday Night Blabber

Aren't these the worst ones? Saturday night, a girl in her prime (all right, that's a stretch) sitting at home...
I had coffee with Trap today. So OK, I admit it, I was a bit over-dramatic... But hey, that's just me! There's nothing like gossiping about people you barely even know! It's tricky, though. You don't really know who is friends with whom so you have to censor yourself a lot. Just in case, y'know... Anyway, he said he had no idea anything was going on with LCB. Well GOOD! Not like I wanted to advertise it! Not that anything happened anyway.
Fox is trying to organise a barbecue for the selected few, lol. I said I'm in, as long as it happens after my exam, so now they're thinking about next Saturday which would be great. Barbecue, drinks, rummy... I'm no outdoor girl, but I think I'll survive.
J.K. Rowling has finished the last "Harry Potter" (here I go again). She said she had wept through the last chapters. Well who could blame her? I mean, I could cry right now when I think about it ending. And I'm a bit scared. After all, Dumbledore was killed, so literally anyone could be next. God, I can't wait the book!!!!
OK, let's face it - I've got nothing to say.

Currently reading: The Understudy, David Nicholls (supposed to be funny, but it's not so much funny as deeply depressing)

6 spoke back:

Unknown said...

Couldn't help noticing, you really do read fast - yesterday, you were reading "Innocence" and 2day you 're reading "the understudy". Now, unless it's a comic book, you must be world fastest reader!

Unknown said...

Hey, i'm back from a night out with my best friend. It was great (after a long time).

Anyway, glad i was finally able to catch some free time to have a cup of coffee with you.

You are over-dramatizing about Peki a bit. I'm kind of a surprised that the two of you didn't end up in bed, considering his reputation. Damn girl, whatever happens next, don't take it for anything more than a casual sex. And make sure it's a safe sex, who knows where his private's been to. :-D

Now I'm going to crash in my bed, working from 7 am. That leaves me with less than 4 hours of sleep. God and Heavens help those around me! >:->

Krissie said...

P, I actually read them both in two days. Yes, I do read fast, always have.

Trap, nothing's gonna happen, so no worries, k? That's a closed chapter and not a very exciting one either. lol

Anonymous said...

Trap seems like a nice guy.

Krissie said...

That's cuz he is.

Anonymous said...

ya think?