Wednesday 18 July 2007

Grey's And Other Anatomies

I was watching the rerun of the third episode of the first season of Grey's Anatomy and McDreamy walks in looking like this (screencap from Screencap Paradise). I'm so into dorks. I think his clothes here is the pure perfection. Aah, McDreamy....

And while I'm watching this silly doctor show I'm hoping there are Burkes and Shepards and Baileys and all of them in Germany because my aunt, dad's sister, has a tumor behind her eye and her nose and is having a surgery on Tuesday. She is only 52. And it doesn't even seem real to me. I still have this immature view of life, this naive belief nothing can harm people I love. In my mind they are invincible, they are immortal. Even when my dad had a tumor removed (it was benign) I didn't for a second think he might not wake up or that it could be malignant. Death hasn't been a part of my life yet, not really. I lost a friend, yes, a friend of mine lost a baby girl recently, but I haven't lost a member of my family yet. I'm hoping this won't change anytime soon. Especially after hearing my dad say: Then I would be left alone.

6 spoke back:

Anonymous said...

*fingers crossed*


Krissie said...

Thank you, Bel.

D-HOR said...

He does look hot there. That's a dorky look? Well fuck I think that's how I'm dressed in my profile picture. A did label myself as a geek so I guess I wasn't far off. ;)

And I'll pray for your Aunt. Update us when you can. XO

Krissie said...

Thank you, Lindy, I will.

Unknown said...

Have a little faith...

Anonymous said...

I send her prayers for the best.