Monday 9 July 2007


OK, it is as it is. Nothing to do now, all I can is try to deal with it the way I can. I'm not giving up, not yet, although I have to say I'm not hoping all that much either. I suppose having a little luck will play a part too. I better start right now. God, I need a plan. Even more importantly, I need to stick to the plan! I wish I didn't feel like a failure so often in my life. I wish I managed to finish something once! How come I always give up in the middle? How come I don't have the ability to deal with obstacles? Why am I so weak?
My mother says I got that from her mother. After my grandfather hung himself, she just gave up. She basically lay down and waited to die. She just didn't have the will to deal and I'm afraid I'm just like that too. People tend to laugh when I say I'm just waiting to die but most of the time I'm dead serious (no pun intended). I can't quite explain it. Robbie Williams said it best: I don't wanna die/But I ain't keen on living either. Speaking of Feel. I wish I could feel something again. This apathy thing... not all that fun.
I have no idea what I am talking about now. Rambling.

11 spoke back:

D-HOR said...

How about we stop freaking out about making some big PLAN to stick to and just not.

If you have no plan you can't fail it.

No plan, just hang out, go with the flow and try to enjoy yourself for a while.

Ok so that's WAAAAY easier said than done and I hope I don't hurt your feelings or offend you, lord knows that's not how I mean to come accross. I'm just talking off the top off my head.

But maybe???

Krissie said...

I only meant a plan for studying. I didn't ask God for The Great Plan. lol

Anonymous said...

No advice on that one from me. I make plans all the time and then not do a thing. Except worrying about the plan. I should work instead.


D-HOR said...

Oh well shit. I thought you were talking about guys and friends and stuff. My bad.

Krissie said...

lol, I always like your comments, no matter what you say.

D-HOR said...

Awwwwwwwwww xoxoxo (platonic) xoxoxo

Krissie said...

Platonic? Dammit, I must be doing something wrong!

Mama Bear said...

Krissie, instead of making a plan for studying, just stick your text book and notes under your pillow at night, and will the knowledge into your brain.

Wait, forget that plan...that's why I got a C- in Astronomy.

Anonymous said...

there can only be only one PLAN and it's THE PLAN! All the rest is wasted... just sayin'.

Krissie said...

Did you not notice I wrote "plan", not "PLAN"??! There's obvious difference! Hint: CAPS!!!

Anonymous said...

I did actually, but I had to make it clear for "the others", the unSistahs. And I like to state the obvious too, sue me!