Tuesday 10 July 2007

Just Blabber

My breasts are swollen, heavy, a half of cup size bigger than usual and aching. The best time of the month. An ex would sense (or see) when that would happen and would go straight at them. I had to fight him off with a stick! Aching, dammit! Not to be touched!
Anyway... I'm at the train station today and there's this guy with two children. They are wearing matching blue/orange sweats and the older boy has beautiful curly hair, and he has a lot of it too, and the younger boy has short hair, "normal" boy's hair cut, and I'm thinking "Why on Earth would they let one boy grow all of this hair and cut the other one's short?" cuz it just seems weird. And then I see that the bigger boy is wearing pink shoes and has earrings and I realise that the "he" is in fact a girl. Poor thing. Not pretty. But here's my question: why do people dress a brother and a sister in the same clothes??! I mean, my sister and I were dressed the same a lot when we were kids and we didn't like it all that much and we were (still are!) both girls, for goodness sake! Another thing. As I was watching that guy I was thinking he's way too young to be having two kids, as I often do when I see these men with children around. I mean, I could be dating them (in theory), they're not old. And then it hits me: it's not them that are too young to be having children, it's me who is too old not to be having children! *chanting with fingers in ears* I do not hear bio-clock ticking, I do not hear bio-clock ticking...
And no, this post has no point whatsoever. But I guess that's allowed in pre-PMS state (another indicator of PMS approaching: longing for pancakes! Pancakes, anyone? I'll be making them later.)

4 spoke back:

nicbeast said...

Funny, I was dreaming of pancakes last night...

Mama Bear said...

If you think you're boobs hurt when you're PMSing, wait until you get pregnant. ;)

Krissie said...

To get pregnant, you're supposed to have sex...

Anonymous said...