Thursday 16 August 2007

Thursday Blabber

I watched a movie on TV last night, for the first time in a long time. And it was a movie I haven't seen before. Lately I usually just watch the movies I already saw and liked. Anyway, I watched Heart and Souls with Robert Downey Jr. I just love him. I totally should have listed him with the rest of my crushes, lol. I think I first noticed him in Chaplin where his performance was just amazing, IMHO. I liked him in Wonder Boys and I absolutely fell in love with Larry Paul in Ally McBeal. So if there's a movie with him in it, I'll watch it. And it wasn't a master piece, obviously. It was rather a sappy fantastic drama but man, was he great when he played the other four characters who would possess his body! I just love how he can do both drama and comedy with such an ease.
I might get unlimited Internet from next month. Imagine that! And then, as I shared the exciting news with WFW, she reminded me of Prison Break starting next month and I was like WOAH! cuz I totally forgot about that and how I'll be able to watch it almost immediately. So fingers crossed to everything working out.
And I guess that's it.

5 spoke back:

Anonymous said...

Unlimited internet!! that's like the key to... EVERYTHING!
As WIlliam Wallace would say "FREEEEEEEEEEEDOOOOOOOOOOM!!"
yeah it's that big a deal.

for Bob Jr., he's great, he's fantastic. MEOW!

Anonymous said...

Europe will be downloading by the masses. And now you're one of us! Yay!

And Robert is HOT.

D-HOR said...

Mmmmmm Robert Downey YUM-EE.

BTW I like it when you do the movie reviews, you're good with detail and I'm never up on what's the hot movie to see. By the time stuff comes out to rent I just walk around the store like a zombie and then just start grabbing junk off the rack.

Although grabbing random crap IS better than letting my mexican choose, it's still not that great.

So anyways do tell when you see something, I'm always glad to read it. :)

Krissie said...

I'm still trying to get my hands on "Little Children", Lindy. As soon as I do, I'll review it for you.

Doc and Bel, thanks for sharing my joy!

AJ said...

Awwww, Ally McBeal. I thought I was gonna spontaneously combust when Downey Jr, JBJ, AND Taye Diggs were all on the show. Holy hotness, Batman!