Monday 27 August 2007

Phone calls, Pancakes, Perez

Yesterday some idiotic girl kept annoying my dad with prank phone calls to his cell. Apparently he dialed the wrong number in the morning, than forgot all about it. Then later in the day she calls, he answers, she asks if he had called, he says he hadn't, she hangs up. She obviously didn't believe him, she thought someone was messing with her. And then she started her terror. First she sent a text message saying something like "You better tell me who you are quickly or I'll get annoying." My dad didn't answer and she started calling him just to hang up as he'd answer. For God knows how many times. Then I sent her a text saying "I think you have a wrong number." but that just pissed her off or something because she so didn't stop. So the last time she called him at 11pm! What a stupid bitch! I felt so sorry for my dad, to have a completely unreasonable Serbian bitch harassing him had to be horrible. (I know she's a Serb cuz of the language of her text. Fuckers, the war wasn't enough for them!) Then dad came to my room, all annoyed but with a great idea: he was gonna use her number and have some ads published, for selling cars and cell phones and possibly sexual favours so that she'd taste her own medicine! Ahahahahahahahahaha! I laughed my ass off! Brilliant! A bit extreme though. So I called our service centre at eleven something. I had to wait cuz apparently "none of the operators were available". Lazy fucktards! No way in hell were they all busy around midnight! So I listened to the world's most annoying music ever, heard that crap about busy operators and then finally some chick answered.
- T-mobile. How can I help you?
- Uhm, I was wondering if it was possible to ban incoming calls from a particular number?
- Well, you can ban ALL incoming calls.
No shit! And hey, did you know that you can TURN YOUR CELL PHONE OFF too??! I love my cell phone company.
Anyway, the Serbian bitch didn't call today so I guess we won't have any ads published... For now.

My sister said earlier: "You know what we haven't had in ages?" I asked what and she went: "Pancakes." Since her wish is my command...

And lastly, at a certain point I went "In your face, Perez!". Right now it seems like I should take it back. So I take it back... For now.

P.S. I'm in a title. A misspelled one (sory, Linds, but it's just too funny!), but a title nonetheless! Go check!

4 spoke back:

Anonymous said...

Odd phone call trifecta now in play. references go unnoticed; no humor results from nevertheless witty comment.

Unknown said...

You know what K, thaht is the only thing that bothers me; annoying fucktard being right. Fucktard, indeed.

Krissie said...

Alan, honestly, I have no idea what you said. Thanks for reading! lol

D-HOR said...

Son. Of. A. Bitch.
I. Am. Stooooopid.

MMmmmmm dirty rat now I want pancakes!!