Monday 20 August 2007


Remember how I said I was going out for a night of utter boredom? Well...
One drink turned into 5-6. Combine that with not eating entire day and do the math. I got drunk. Like I haven't got drunk since 2003. I remember talking about the year of celibacy. I remember trying to show my sister's bf how my legs aren't shaved. At the table in the bar, that is. I remember dancing with different people in a club. To the world's worst turbo folk music there is. They tried to make me dance with this guy but I refused. I kept some sense. I think. Then I asked to be taken home. Where I put myself to bed. Then got up. And puked in the middle of my room. In the dark. Then had to clean it. See, I naively thought that was it. I threw the alcohol out and I was safe. Little did I know. About a half an hour later I manged to get to the bathroom then ran into mother as I was walking out. She didn't suspect anything. So I went back to sleep. I walked up around 8am when my sister returned from work. Guess what happened then. Why yes, I was still sick and she saw me. I asked her to keep quiet. She screamed at me "Clean it up!" and "I can't believe you!" and "You're 25! Will you ever learn?!" but didn't say anything. Until I got sick again right before lunch and mother followed me to the bathroom. Crap. Then my darling sister blurted out that I puked before and yelled at me for embarrassing her around the village and asked what I have done and if I puked in public. I said I didn't but she didn't believe me until her bf and Sonja told her I didn't. All my mom wanted to know was if I made out with anyone. Again, I said I didn't and they both just shook head at me in disbelief. Anyway, later my sister yelled at me some more because she can't stand when people come to her and tell her about me and said that the was shaking with rage when she caught me vomiting in the morning (I'm sorry I bring it up so often but it's how it was) and said I shouldn't go out if I can't act normal and all kinds of stuff. I slept through the day, avoided sudden moves, had some soup and slept some more. Sonja was there, probably to comment the event with my sister and just got her more mad by saying "I guess some people have the need to drink." Like I drink on regular basis. That didn't help, didn't help at all. So there was all this fuss when all that actually happened was that I got drunk and danced. But welcome to my life. We were taking pictures and videos but I had to ask sister's bf to delete it from his cell before he came for obvious reasons. I'll just say that at one point I said "Shoot me drinking!" Not the wisest idea, I realise now.

Today I went to get my new ID. It's hideous. So so ugly. Horrible. Luckily, I'm not stuck with it for ten years as I originally thought, but for five. Yay.

7 spoke back:

Anonymous said...

Your sister is in bad need of a reality check. That being said, I'd love to see you drunk.

Krissie said...

My sister needs a hard kick in the butt but knowing her, she'd tell. Then I'd be in trouble - again.

D-HOR said...

Your sister is a rediculous fucking bitch I'd say. What the fuck is so WRONG with her that she feels the need to make you look bad over the most stupid little thing?

Is she jealous that you're smarter than her?

I'm chalking it up to her feeling inferior and therefore feeling the need to bring you down - but only because I can't imagine someone being that much of a raging cunt for NO reason.

Maybe you should e-mail this one to her. Be sure she gets the comments as well.

Krissie said...

I guess she just likes the weather up there, on her perfect steady-job-
-not-getting-drunk daughter's pedestal.

D-HOR said...

So -
she sucks up
sucks dick
and doesn't have any fun doing it.

Great life.

(ok maybe a bit toooo far? I know it IS your sister and all but it popped into my head and I can't help it so don't hate me ok?)

Anonymous said...

soooo... is someone drunk *hiccup*... here???

Kiddo, listen up to the grown up *garf* sowy! errr... yeah listne very carefully : Alcohol is bad. You should do alcohol... cause it's *hiccup* baaaaad. If you do alcohol then you'll be bad. Don't do alcohol!



As an adult I like to advise young kids like yourself to do the right thing.



Krissie said...

Lindy, hating my sister here is not only allowed but highly appreciated. Carry on.

Doc... *shakes head* One must know one's limits. Unlike you. tsk tsk tsk...