Saturday 11 August 2007

Saturday Morning Blabber

I ended up slightly drunk last night. How, one might ask. Well...
We went out to dinner, Sonja, Dražen, Davor and me. We went to Kovač Čarda for the best fiš paprikaš in the area.

The boys took us by total surprise when they paid for it and we didn't even have to repay them in sexual favours. Then, as we got in the car and left the village, suddenly there was this heavy rain, wind, fog... I couldn't see a thing. We stopped for a few minutes, the rain seemed to have calmed down so we continued but then it got even worse. The road, the sky, the forest on both sides of the road - all of it was just a gray blur to me. I have no idea how was Dražen able to drive. I kept thinking we'd get killed. At least the last supper was good, right? Anyway, we survived (obviously) and got back to Sonja's. She got really upset when she discovered the window was left open and one of her books, the one she's studying from right now, was soaked. Stupid rain. But then she brought wine for them and Stock and Coke for me and the plan was to get drunk. I didn't really, just a little bit but Sonja and Dražen did. My sister's bf then came too so I took his cell and took pictures (if I find out how to transfer them from the cell to the computer, I'll add them later) and even made videos of the two of them dancing. Yeah, OK, I danced a bit too, but I still claim I wasn't drunk. Davor fell asleep. it's what he does. The first time he was ever in my house he got so cosy he fell asleep too. It was too funny. About ten people in the room, making noise and what not, and he sleeps like a baby. Then I gave Dražen a foot massage. After all, he did buy me a dinner, lol. He said I should get a statue. LMAO Then I got bored and went home.

Oh and, we're not going to the hills. That's cancelled,thank God.

I've added some pics and I managed to upload the video too! Imagine that!

EDIT: I almost forgot to write about something that has deeply disturbed me yesterday. Sonja told me about it. She was out for a drink with these guys and Dražen's brother, this guy, shows up, not entirely sober. So they're talking and he asks: "And how is Kiki?" smiling widely. And then Davor goes: "And as soon as you mention Kiki, you smile..." Married bastard! I know you won't understand why it bothers me, but... I'm supposed to be over him. It's been fucking years and he's married and has a bloody cat and I watched the video of his wedding and... I know this will sound so incredibly stupid but I wish he wouldn't mention me ever. I hate men.

22 spoke back:

Unknown said...

I knoe, this is english-only blog, but if you can, hell, so can I.
You, you SPONZORUŠO! (If fišpaprikaš passed your english filters, this will too).
As I was saying, You SPONZORUŠO!!!
A guy buys you a dinner, and you give him a foot massage? A f...a foot massage?
I better start saving some money, or I won't be able to afford myself that thai foot massage you promised me.

Krissie said...

Don't be a bitch, P! The guy's been my friend for ages.
Besides, you only promised me doughnuts!

Anonymous said...

Krissie, that last pic of you... muy caliente. You are a verrrryyy pretty lady. *suppresses bi urges* Really. I absolutely LOVE your eyes.

Krissie said...

Thanks, Bel! I think you're exaggerating but thanks anyway.
There's a video now, did you see?

Unknown said...

No I think she's not exaggerating.
You do have beautiful eyes

Krissie said...

Why thank you, love. *blushing*

Anonymous said...

So what language is that, anyways? Because it's sure as hell not english, but it somehow reminded me of the taste of tequila. Odd, because Tequila is in Mexico, not Croatia.

I could look it up, but then I wouldn't have a chance to leave a comment. And I like leaving comments.

Krissie said...

It's Croatian, Alan. Really. We do have our own language.
And I like when people leave comments so this might work out just great.

AJ said...

Awwww, you look beautiful, K! ;)

Mama Bear said...

Yes, Krissie, you look lovely! Someone has a video of me belly dancing at my Grandmother's party, but I'll be damned if I ever let it get posted on the web!

Unknown said...

Krissie,dont deny it YOU ARE PARTY GIRL!!!

Unknown said...

Thanx for inviting me,the blog is interesting and freshy

Krissie said...

I am so not an you're welcome.

Anonymous said...

OH Kiddo you are a fine looking woman!!!! The eyes, the curves, the boobs, I LOVE IT ALL!!
I wanna party with you too!!!

Krissie said...

Come! We'll party! Fuck Canada, Croatia starts with a C too!

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA FUCK CANADA! That's what I've been saying for months... Let's make love and live out of thin air and water in Croatia, the country that holds my dear Brad!!!

Krissie said...

Well, we do have food... And I'm sure a nurse could get a job...

Anonymous said...

i don't want a job I wanna live with you and take care of you!

Krissie said...

You need a job to take care of me. You don't expect me to work, do you?

Anonymous said...

do I???
hmmm... I must ponder on that.
Now Canada seems more attractive again.

Unknown said...

You do look amazing in that last picture!!!(without trying to sound lesbian ... SO what if I do?It's not a crime!)

Krissie said...

Not a crime for you. It is for me, Jailbait!