Saturday 18 August 2007


I'm getting unlimited Internet next month. Yes, I am. UNLIMITED. INTERNET. STARTING NEXT. MONTH. !!!! I am beyond excited. Until now I haven't been able to watch any YouTube videos or d/l music or movies or new Prison Break episodes. YES, that too! And just in time for the new season. God bless my sister because she decided she simply has to be able to watch YouTube clips and exercise with Renata Sopek online even if she had to pay for it herself!
However, next month is also the month of exams. *shudder* So let's sit back and see how that works out! Or say a prayer for me so I don't look like THIS:
when I graduate. Thank you.
And now I'm off to watch The Holiday with my sister cuz y'know, Jude Law in that final scene is just all kinds of cute and sexy and adorable. And even though I don't think that movie had to last 128 minutes (!), it's worth watching it for that last scene. Or, if you think Cameron Diaz is as annoying as I do, you can just fast forward to it. But then you'll miss all the beautiful Kate Winslet and who wants that?!
I'm going out tonight. Just for a drink. Yes. Doing my hair, picking out clothes, putting make-up on, plucking eyebrows out... all for, most likely, an hour of utter boredom. Yippie-yay-yeay!

6 spoke back:

YKM said...

yihaaaaa to the unlimited internet access! awesome :p

also, why is the title of this entry 'FLAT'? I am really not following there...

Krissie said...

It's the name of the service: Max ADSL Flat. As in no limits, I guess.

Unknown said...

What? What?! Well, ok. Čestitam.

*goes off pouting*

*but is happy for you*

*no, is jealous*

*green with envy*

AJ said...

Krissie, you're gonna be such a youtube whore. I can tell, for I am one, myself. ;)

Krissie said...

YouTube whore for all things Wentworth. I know, I used to be in the first two months when I had unlimited Internet.

Jelena, then just come here and play! lol

Anonymous said...

... I have a hunch on how that evenening will end... hee hee!