Tuesday 7 August 2007

Pool Is Cool

And I mean that quite literally. We went to the pool today and the water was so cold it would take me about 10 minutes to gather the courage to enter both times I made myself get in. I gave up completely the third time. I pondered on the thought of going into the one for kids cuz the water was a bit warmer there and water that is up to my knee would also save me from drowning but I guess it would have been a little too odd. Besides, inflatable swim bands seemed to be a must-have and I didn't want to stick out for not having them. And for being a grown up. My bikini is too small. I bought it when I was much thiner, when I had about 15 pounds less and now my boobs are almost falling out of it. Wonderful. But no way in hell am I buying a new one when this was the first time this entire summer that I went swimming. (When I say swimming, don't take it literally. I don't really swim, I stand by the edge of the pool holding to it or sitting on it. In case you didn't realise, I'm not much of a swimmer.) OK, we're going again tomorrow but then that's it. Good thing was that there was not many people, at one point the pool was completely empty. Before the rain, Yes, there was rain but later in the afternoon and it was actually a good thing because at that point I was bored anyway and wanted to go home. There was no cute guys whatsoever. None. Zero. Nada. Not a single one. It's so sad. We had a great lunch though. Mmmm food then at least. I had calamari and fries with tartar sauce. Yes, I'm simple like that. I didn't get sunburned, it's a miracle since I can't remember the last time I have exposed myself to the Sun. Applying so much lotion that I had white marks on the skin might have prevented it though. All in all, it was a nice day.

10 spoke back:

D-HOR said...

You wear a bikini?

Ok that sounded wrong, I'm SURE you can pull it off, (Oh you Pooooorr baby your boobs are too big - screw you btw) but I just wouldn't have figured you for the type. It's that whole you think you're a recluse thing, I just didn't peg ya for it.

Anyways glad to hear you're a one of us hors, and are having some fun (or good food at least :)

Krissie said...

I can't really pull it off but what else am I to wear?

Unknown said...

Go commando!
Then let me know where to find you! :))

Krissie said...

It wouldn't be my first time, love.
Not at the pool, though.

Unknown said...

Wow, you also go to the mall nude? Now we're two of a kind!

D-HOR said...

Phineas if you keep leaving clues we're going to be able to find you from the police reports. ;)

Krissie - I love the tankinis.

Unknown said...

No need for storming thru police reports
Just google me up!

Krissie said...

But how could I stuff my right cup to make my boobs appear even if i was wearing a tankini, Lindy? I need cups, dammit! lol

Anonymous said...

That's the sole reason I read your blog.

Krissie said...

There shall be no bikini pics of me ever. EVER.