Tuesday 29 January 2008

Tourist Tissue

WARNING: period TMI post
Carry on at your own risk.

I had an exam yadda yadda yadda and after I was done, I went to the bathroom. A suspicious reddish smudge made me think period is on its way, in fact, made me think the period is just about to start. Being padless, I put a paper tissue into my panties just in case, figured it'll hold a drop or two till I get home. I got out of the bathroom and out to the street and there I was, on my way to the train station when I felt something odd. I felt something moving. Something moving inside of my panties and up my ass. Yep, the tissue was on its way up, up and away. It kept climbing up until it was stuck to my back under my pantyhose. I rationed it wouldn't fall out in the middle of the street but it was such an incredibly weird feeling that I got to a store and picked up a shirt to try on as an excuse to go to the booth and get the tourist tissue the fuck out.
I also bought the shirt.
And I didn't get my period. Yet.

9 spoke back:

Sgt said...

I so thought this was going to end with you finding a bug of some sort.

At least you got a shirt and some attention to your nether region for your troubles.

Krissie said...

OK, how creepy would it be to have random bugs in your underwear?

YKM said...


I thought the story was gonna take a nasty turn (literally) but fortunately for you, it didn't :)

I once had a spider 'fall' into my panties...went camping, sitting on this wooden toilet and from the ceiling he came down. freaked me the fuck out!!

I got him out and changed undies :p

D-HOR said...

BWAAAHAHAHHAHAAHHA Ohmygosh!! It for real traveled all that way? You must really swish your hips when you walk! Oh, oh, hahahahahahaa you really are the best, LMAO!

Okay and I'm glad it didn't fall out onto the street btw, cuz that would suck more than I could laugh at and I like laughing.


Krissie said...

Itsy bitsy spider.... Ahahahahaha!

Yes, Hor, it traveled all that way. I was half-wondering if it would go like really high, maybe to my neck... but it didn't. Phew.

Van said...

Oh my god Kris.
What a situation...But you handle it well, I must say.
Plus it wasn't your period.
False Alarm!

Anonymous said...

Oooooh The Brat is having her first period!!! How adorable!

Krissie said...

I know, dripping blood IS adorable!

Anonymous said...

see, that's why you have to pin the tissue on first THEN the panty. It wont move. Lesson learned. At least it didn't travel down your pant leg. Again, lesson learned.

ps. tmi?
Well, hell this whole post is tmi. *shrug*