Saturday 12 January 2008


Pictures from the play:
hot AND a doctor - be still, my heart

Oh. My. God.
I am seriously crushing on this guy. Hello, fantasies!
Cheating on your TV boyfriend with your theatre boyfriend is allowed, right? RIGHT?!
First of all, I was meeting a friend in front of the theatre 2 hours before the play and as got there, Živko was standing there! I almost squeed. I'm such a fan girl. Shoot me now. I grinned stupidly. I'm such an idiot cuz when Jelena came and said HI to him, I so should've asked her to introduce me, but damn, I was completely lost.
Anyway, the play was really good, but then again, how would I know? When he came to the stage, Maja and I GASPED and HELD HANDS. We were in the SECOND ROW! So cool. Jelena's comment was: He ... developed nicely. Damn right! THOSE PECS! And then at one point he was taking his shirt off and we held our breaths but - motherfucking fuck! - he had another shirt on. But he's also talented, his comedic timing is perfect, and he sang and rapped and he's just all kinds of lovely. I'd hit it. And really, how often do I say that? Even with that beard and all.
What was the play about? Beats me.

Pictures not from this play but enlarge them anyway:
on the poster he's the last one on the right
and in the picture below... well, he's shirtless and wet.
Now, if you'll excuse me...

12 spoke back:

Anonymous said...

Nice specimen that theater boyfriend of yours, really really nice... especially when all wet... And he's good at it too!

Krissie said...

Specimen... That's so impersonal.
I like it.

YKM said...

I have to agree with you one this one krissie, he looks great! and I think I actually prefer him with beard lol

so you have no clue what the play was about? love? murder? aliens?

Krissie said...

I'm pretty sure there were no aliens. Hard to say, really, cuz I'd stop paying attention whenever he'd leave the stage. LMAO

Nah, I'm just kidding. It was about a man who has a wife and a best friend and likes his life until he finds out he's got cancer and is gonna die in 18 days. His wife leaves him, his friend doesn't wanna have anything to do with him and he ends up dying alone. It was sooo funny! Oh, did I mention it's a comedy? The end is bitter though.

AJ said...

Holy mother of God!!! *passes out*

That is all.

Krissie said...

Ahahahahahahahaha, AJ, I know right?

Van said...

The poster got my attention because the tittle is in my language (or Spanish?!) lol.
Nos vamos a ver = We'll see

D-HOR said...

MMmmmmmm I do enjoy that chest shot. :) glad you had such a good time, thank got he was hot so you didn't have to pay attention to the plot. Who needs plot when you can have hot?? :P

Plus it's good to hear you all hot and bothered about something *cough cough* fridged my ASS. :PPPP

Glitterstim said...

Oh, he's BEAUTIFUL! I might need to download these pics and fantasize about your theater boyfriend, you mind? LOL Dang, I'd spend all my money being at every play he was in, every night!

:o) BJ

Krissie said...

I knew that would get you, Van.

I know, Dhor, I had the hardest time writing the paper cuz I kept going back to the blog to stare.

BJ, greedy much?! LMAO You have actual men in your life, for goddess' sake! Unfortunately, it was just a one time thing - that theater is from another city.

Glitterstim said...

LOL Krissie! I'll keep to myself here....and just look ;o)

And what's wrong with travel for a pretty guy? I think your actor-man needs a groupie! You!

:o) BJ

Krissie said...

I'd make an excellent groupie... Except for the sex part. LMAO
Hell, with him, I night just go for that as well!