Tuesday 15 January 2008

In The Library

As I sit here in the library I can't help but to overhear a girl talking to a boy. AT a boy, to be precise, because she's babbling like a crazy person and all he ever does is murmour an "uh-huh" or "mhm" or "yeah" every now and then.
"Yeah, so I had [insert class here] but now I'm free till 2."
Pause. (Maybe for him to suggest an activity? Not likely to happen 'cause the boy seems to be busy with his reading.)
"But yeah, not like I'll be bored or anything", she continues, "'cause I'm gonna go shopping or something."
"Mmhm", he mumbles.
"So you have your classes there at the corner, huh?"
"Yeah." Flips a page.
"We're all the way up, you know, where the rafters are."
Silence. Flips a page.
"Well..." And she wanders off to the book shelves.
A few minutes later she returns, sits in front of him, turns to him and stares at him as he reads. And as I leave some time later, she's still doing that.

6 spoke back:

D-HOR said...

Sad, sad, sad. Aaaaaaaannndddd Funny! :)

Krissie said...

It was not sad at all. LMAO

Sgt said...

I've had this happen to me before. You try to be polite about it, but they just don't take the hint.

Not that I'd hang out in libraries mind you... oh no!

Krissie said...

And what's wrong with hanging out in libraries, huh?!

Glitterstim said...

No hanging out in libraries?? I loooove libraries!

Krissie, this scene is hilarious! Poor guy. I wonder how long they ended up sitting there??

Krissie said...

As far as I know, they're still there... Staring... Flipping pages...