Friday 11 January 2008

The Package

No, I won't be talking about penises. (Although, I just might, knowing who sent this package...) No, I got a package from YKM today! With lots of goodies! I have to share it with you so I took some pictures. OK, here we go:
This is a bath bomb. It's a strange coincidence too, since just a few days ago someone recommended someone in a show I was watching to go have a bath with a bomb strategically place in between... you know. It's supposed to really be something. Anyway, I'll let you know.

This a photo album and it's wonderful. You can't see it, but the back covers are covered in black velvet and it's so pretty! Oh and it says FRIENDS, see?

OK, this Santa thing.. You can put your hand in it so I can only assume it's the glove you use not to get burned on a hot pot or pan. Dunno. It's cute though. And there's a lighter with that boy that pees, you know, Belgians and penises... But I said it's not gonna be one of those posts so I'll just move on to the key chain with my initial made in lace. SO cute.

And then there is BELGIAN CHOCOLATE! White, milk, dark and with nuts. Woo hoo! Can't wait to taste it. But not before 5pm. It's alcohol to me. LMAO

You know what this is? A custom made bookmark! Laminated! Which is rather good thinking, cuz drooling would so ruin it in no time. And yeah, it's gonna mess with my reading big time but who cares when it's so pretty, right?
There's some illegal things I won't post pictures of here, a letter and a card (apparently only from Croatia you cannot send letters in the package, fucktards). Thank you, YKM, I love love LOVE it! xoxox

11 spoke back:

Van said...

Awsome goodies!
I can´t wait for the bath experience post.

YKM said...

you're SO welcome krissie!!

the santa thing is a wash cloth LOL. you don't use those over there? it's for in the wash your face or...

but I admit, santa's nose makes it kinda difficult to use :-p
I wouldn't use it as an oven-mit though.

Glad to hear you like it! :-)




D-HOR said...

MMmmmm chocolate!!! Illegal things??? Awesome.

Ok and OMGoodness isn't that a great pic of Went? What a great idea!

Krissie said...

LOL, Van.

See, YKM, it wasn't self-explanatory! I could've got burnt! LMAO

Dhor, you're new to this so here's a little something: there's no such thing as a bad Went pic. LOL

Anonymous said...

GOODIES delievered by The Post Office!
Now you don't get to see THAT very often!
I love gift baskets!
YKM, you are so cool!

Mighty Dyckerson said...

What's the deal with the purple scrotum?

Krissie said...

She is so cool, Doc, she is! And I'm totally enjoying it with emphasis on chocolate!

What's the deal with you making no sense, Dyck?

Sukhaloka said...

Wow, that's an awesome package, lol :D.
Sorry I haven't been commenting, but as I said on my blog - I've been quite a hermit lately. Not that I don't read you. Sheesh, woman!

Those chocolates are making me drool... mmm! And now I'm thinking of making a bath bomb for myself, hehe. Had to Google to find out what a bath bomb was in the first place :P.

Krissie said...

Sounds awesome, doesn't it?
Then you must share your experience as well, Suki.

Anonymous said...

Chocolate. I'm on a diet and you post about chocolate? BELGIAN chocolate that can be found in any store in any street here? Really?
Thanks a lot.


But what great gifts you got! And btw, do tell me what kind of stuff Belgians could send you that no-one else could that is illegal. Really.

Krissie said...

Sorry about that, Bel. I won't mention chocolate again. Oops, I just did. Sorry...