Monday 1 October 2007

Here We Go Again

Well, I went to the Uni today. I met a girl who is in the same situation as I am and she told me she was told we're supposed to go to the first lectures from the second year and then ask the professors if we could listen to them. But then I was told i only had to fill out form to ask to be allowed to listen to the lectures I chose, without having to ask the professors anything. And don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that this girl gave me th wrong information. Oh no. It's just an example of how four people in the same office will tell four students four different things. It's like they make up rules and regulations as they go along. And each of them make up their own. It's never boring at my Uni, I can tell you that.
I'm gonna be missing my friends though. Not so much this year, cuz if all goes well, I'll be with them in almost all of the English classes, but then when I finally get to the 2nd year, they'll all be in the 3rd and that is going to suck big time. Not to mention meeting a bunch of 18yr olds all over again... lol I highly doubt I'll find a group as cool as this one was once again.
So yeah, I'm a bit down with the whole situation now but I guess it's just something I'll have to learn how to deal with.

2 spoke back:

Glitterstim said...

Stick with it, Kris! It'll be worth it in the end. I know, being in there with a bunch of youngsters is annoying (sometimes), but you'll cope just fine. Don't let it get you down!

And with the people in that office -- unfortunately, I have seen that at every university.... It's frustrating. Our Human Resources office here is particularly bad. There's one guy who absolutely has no idea what he's doing and his boss is not much better. I keep having to involve the Big Boss to get anything done right. How do these people keep their jobs??

Take care!

Unknown said...

Bologna process the Balkan way - as they call it at my Uni.

Did you know that there is no failing the year in Bologna process? Well, in a society with mature, intelligent individuals we would be out in the streets, protesting. But, alas, we are not in one such society...