Monday 15 October 2007

After-Class Blabber

Hooray, hooray! I am back!
Yes, that is how it feels. After all the dreading and worrying and nail-biting and sleep-losing I am ecstatic about being back to class. Even if it is to two classes only. I'm not all that excited about reading Beowulf though but it'll pass just like everything else has.
It's not so great to be cut off of your old study group, especially with pretty much no feeling of sorry from their part but you know what? Anja and I will survive. (Although I did say we might be asked to wear a yellow star on our sleeves soon.) In our English Language Practice class there are people from other years I know already from other classes and when we had the chance to transfer to a group where our old colleagues are, we didn't.
So guess what one of our assignments is? We're supposed to write something like a journal entry every two weeks, 300-350 words long, free style, free form, topic of choice. I was on the verge of asking the professor: Can I just link you to my blog? but I held back. It doesn't mean I won't be copy/pasting some of my old posts instead of writing entirely new papers. *wink wink* Another assignment is a book report on a book of our choice that has to be 300 pages or longer, in English, and not older than 10 years. HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS, BABY! We also have to extract 50 words unknown to us previous to the reading of the chosen book, translate them spell them phonetically and use them in a sentence. Now, how does one pronounce Accio?
So I'll be having classes on Mondays only but it's Mondays all day long. Anja wondered what I would be writing about during the week nop that I'll be in classes only one day a week. I don't know. Can we call it a blog if I post weekly? lol Nah, I'm sure I'll come up with the usual shit as soon as I get to have something, anything going on in my life. I'm so looking forward to that.
I bought me a jacket today. I think it was the fastest jacket shopping in the history of jacket shopping. The first store I went in, the first jacket I tried on - SOLD! My sister approved. It must mean it's all right then.
I've sent a DVD with PB epis to Perla today and Mama bear just told me she had sent me GQ Mag today. What goes around... I love my online friends. Even when they make me cry.

5 spoke back:

Glitterstim said...

What cool assignments! Sounds like you have a creative teacher! That's good :o)

Enjoy! I hope it all goes well!!

And cuuuuute jacket :o)

Anonymous said...

I am soooo happy for you! I hope you'll enjoy it all year long!

Sassy Blondie said...

Beowulf, eh? Nothing like the epic poems, huh? I remember having to read that in high school and thinking, WTF? LOL Good luck! It's actually a pretty cool story.

Krissie said...

Story can be cool all it wants - if it's hidden behind archaic language and bloody lines, I'll hate it!

Sukhaloka said...

Krissie, I so agree with the comment on Beowulf.

And when one's prof is more focused on making us fear him than like the subject...
I'm reading the stuff on my own(finally, LOL), cramming as usual, and I finally like it. Sheesh, such profs should NOT BE ALLOWED!