Monday 22 October 2007

Couch Potato

Dexter: I don't understand sex. Not that I have anything against women, and I certainly an appropriate sensibility about men, but when it comes to the actual act of sex, it's always just seemed so undignified.

That was a quote from a show I'm just beginning to watch, meaning I'm a season and a bit more behind but fear not, I'm getting there. Now, is it very disturbing if I identify with a serial killer?

I had classes today. Who would have thought I'd actually raise my hand to comment on Beowulf...
It was more like me when I was in English Language Practice. The entire class was based on one term: couch potato. That's me. I had a blast. The professor, a brand new professor we didn't have last year, said: You're not afraid to state your opinion, are you? Why no, professor, I am not. *grin* So I bravely stated that I'm a couch potato and that I detest all kinds of exercise. I don't give a shit about sports. Sue me.

8 spoke back:

Sassy Blondie said...

Hey Krissie, I just saw the movie trailer for the film version of Beowulf! Can you believe that coincidence? And how lucky are you to just read the summary! I had to do that whole fucker in 11th grade English class! We took it apart, piece by piece...SNOOZE!

Krissie said...

The summary turned out to be 50pgs long. And it wasn't so much a summary as the exact word-to-word translation to modern English. Gaaah.
Yeah, I heard about the movie coming up. I don't think I'll be rushing to that theatre.

Anonymous said...

Sex is overrated anyway. I find that the idea of sex is much more appealing than the actual sex.

Krissie said...

True dat, Belle.
But really, in my mind undignified is just the word.

Sassy Blondie said...

I forgot to mention that I love your picture of the couch potato! So cute!

Krissie said...

lol, thanks. It's actually me.

Sukhaloka said...

@Beowulf - :barfs:
Would you believe we have the fuckin' thing in Modern Eng translation this sem, and then I have to help Baby with it in Old English for his course next sem?!
We have the Beowulf, Exeter Book, vercelli, Aelfric, King Alfred in Old English. sir Gawain Romances, Canterbury Tales and basically everything written in Middle English, AND philology all in one course this semester. That makes one course out of four!!!

Wonder why I've been so cribby lately? WAH!! WAH WAH!

BTW, those Beowulf movies just get funnier and funnier. :D.
Loved your post and the honesty and the couch potato! :)

Krissie said...

Yes, we're reading all that and more this semester. I hate it.