Saturday 20 October 2007

Random Blabber

Random thought: Jason Bourne makes German language sexy. Jason Bourne makes Russian language sexy.

I have a new layout. I'm not particularly happy with it but I needed a change.

Good news about Beowulf. It turns out I don't actually have to read the epic itself but only the summary. Phew. Cuz those lines were killing me, let me tell you that.

I asked kind people to help me find a program for extracting RAR files today. Seriously, if someone told me a year ago I would be looking for computer programs today... A lot happens in a year, no? And we learn every day.

Nic shared this link with us today. For those of you too lazy or too uninterested to click it, J.K. Rowling has told the world that Dumbledore was gay. I'm not sure I needed to know that. I keep picturing him and Snape... I will not finish this sentence. I'm just gonna leave you with that thought.

13 spoke back:

Stan Bull said...

I've never met anyone who actually read "Beowolf". It's unfucking readable. You should be reading stuff by Tom Clancy. Now that's literature!

Anonymous said...

Husband and I have just watched both the Bourne Identity and the Bourne Supremacy (because we want to watch number 3 and have to freshen up the knowledge) this weekend and I was thinking the exact same thing! Did you know he speaks DUTCH in the first movie, when he addresses himself in the mirror on the boat? He asks himself in Dutch to reveal who he is. And he does it WELL, let me tell you. I mean mee-fucking-ow. Matt Damon as Jason Bourne... Yummy! And that scene where he cuts the German girl's hair? Right before the kiss? Oh. My. God.
Okay, gonna stop now before I make a fool of myself.

Too late?

Anonymous said...

And Stan... I actually read parts of Beowulf. We had to in Middle-English literature class at uni. And be able to translate it into modern English. Belgian uni is a bitch, but if you survive you can actuall say things like 'I've read Beowulf', lol.

Krissie said...

Actually, Belle, I'm right there with you with the kiss scene.
Now, I don't give a crap about Matt Damon, it's all Bourne. And yeah, Russian and German also seemed authentic (can't judge Dutch though, lol).

Tom Clancy, Stan? I think I might have read one of two of his books.

Anonymous said...

I know Jason Bourne's real name! And you don't! Ha! Ha!

I've never actually read anything by Robert Ludlum. If anyone has, is it any good?

Krissie said...

David Web, isn't it? Or something like it.
No, I haven't read Ludlum.

Krissie said...

See, one should google before replying, not after. It's spelled Webb, not Web.
Then again, I knew the name...

YKM said...

Well, maybe I'm the only one, but I love the new look! Very well-organised :-)

Anonymous said...

I just noticed you called me a liar. When have I ever lied to you... that you know of?

D-HOR said...

He's GAY??!!??! She made him GAY? Ok I'm sorry but it sounded like in her interview that she made him gay just to piss off Christians. She SAID it was a stand for tolerance but come ON it's not like this big GAY thing ever actually came up. If she was making such a big stand for the gays she should have gave him a boyfriend. Lame. The Christians DID get their panties WAY in a freakin wad over these books but she could have found a smarter way to get back at them.

At least in the next movie he could shoot rainbows out of his wand.

Krissie said...

When have I ever lied to you... that you know of?


At least in the next movie he could shoot rainbows out of his wand.

Ahahahahahahahahahaha! Unfortunately, in the next film he...

Sassy Blondie said...

First, Jason Bourne: Yummy. I'm addicted to the trilogy...can't wait until I can get the last one.

Second, why does everything have to be so fucking politically correct? Was GLAAD strong-arming Rowling? Who the fuck cares who's gay or not in a fictional series? In a non-fiction series? Jesus! Can't an old wizard just live his life in literature without being dragged out of the closet? As if anyone EVER wondered, "Hey, I wonder if Dumbledore is gay? He does wear some shiny robes here and there!" It's not like he was conjuring Judy Garland or singing show tunes for the love of Mike!

Grrr....sorry Krissie, it's just so stupid.

Krissie said...

It is stupid. I, for one, never ever thought about HP characters' sexual orientation. Who the fuck cares.
Seriously. *shakes head*