Saturday 13 October 2007

Heroes & Cowards

I'm getting quite irregular with this blogging thing, aren't I? Do you miss me? lol Well, just in case anyone was wondering where I was, I've been watching Heroes. Frankly, I think I got addicted to it. That's one hell of a show and why I've waited this long to see it, I'll never know. Yesterday I saw 9 episodes. Yes, nine. I simply had to catch up with the season two. Don't you just love the shows that keep you on your toes? I wasn't going to watch 9 episodes yesterday, really. But as I would get to the end of the each one I saw, the cliffhangers were just to tempting and I simply had to carry on. That, and I obviously had nothing better to do yesterday. Anyway, can't wait for the new episode. (Like I really needed another show to watch.)

I'm scared. Of going back to classes on Monday. Even if it is only two classes I'm gonna be taking. I dreamt of being back last night (my mind is troubled by it, obviously) and I dreamt of Maja telling me I was supposed to read "Banket u Blitvi" (it's a novel by one of our great writers, Miroslav Krleža that I've never read nor are we going to be reading it this year - it's a really weird choice, brain!) for the next class and that I shouldn't worry cuz it's only 6pgs long. Anyway, I wonder what it's going to be like and I wonder if I'll be able to do better this year. I hope I will.

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