Monday 8 October 2007

Lost In Translation

I haven't posted in a while. No, I didn't get me a life or anything. I got me more computer toys. lol You know how I have flat rate Internet, right? So naturally, I've been busy watching lots of movies I've been wanting to see forever. But that's not all. I don't need subtitles, obviously, but people around me do, so I was looking for them but often the timing is off or they're full of nonsense. For instance, how does someone translate "Your feet..." with "You're trembling" is beyond me. It bugs me, of course. Then I asked a friend if there was a way to fix the timing and I ended up with all these programs for creating subtitles, fixing subtitles, translating subtitles... So for the last two days I've been fixing the subtitles for "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" because Sonja hasn't seen it and the subtitles simply suck. Who ever translated it, has translated "Frank and Alice Longbottom" as "including his daughter too". ???????????!!! Not to mention the translation of spells and names. It was funny at first, but that movie is 2h16min long. I still have 25 minutes of subtitles to fix. Nothing is funny anymore.
Honestly, I watched "Live Free or Die Hard" today subtitlesless and I loved it. lol Btw, isn't it sad that I watched "Sin City", "Little Children" and "Die hard 4" and liked "Die Hard 4" the most? lol Why yes, I am that shallow. Or simply in touch with my inner man.
Uni situation is still quite unclear. I do not know whether I'll be allowed to take some classes from the 2nd year or not and I will not know till the end of the month. In the mean time I'm expected to attend said classes just in case. Luckily, the ones I picked out are held on Mondays. So it would be one day a week only.

6 spoke back:

Stan Bull said...

Good evening!
Language is a beautiful gift. With it we can share our wants, our needs....but I-hate-translation work...Turkish is definitely the most screwed up language I've ever seen. Fuck that shit.

Krissie said...

And yet there's Turkish delight...

Anonymous said...

Nice to see you're doing ok. Hope the uni thing works out.

Anonymous said...

Live Free or Die Hard is... brain poison. Speaking as a computer guy, I must ask you to completely disregard all technical data in that film, especially that related to what they attempt to portray as "hacking".

Krissie said...

Seriously, Alan, do you really think I paid any attention to technical data while John McClane was blowing things up?
Or that I pay any attention to that shit in any movie, really?

Sgt said...

I'd say that you should sell your services to the movie companies for translations, but if they knew you did it off bootleg versions, that might not be so good... in any language.