Sunday 28 October 2007

My Potential Mental Disorder

What mental disorder do you have?
Your Result: Manic Depressive

You have extreme cycles of highs and lows. Sometimes you feel like you don't know who you are. One week you could be very hyper and happy and the next week you are slow and depressed.


ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder)

OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)

GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder)

What mental disorder do you have?
I can't say this came as a surprise. It's not that I have it, it's just that I might have it. Or, to put it this way, if I had a mental disorder, this one would be it. (I'm not fooling anyone but myself, am I?)

I am bored out of my mind,yet I can't make myself read the other half of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. Maybe cuz it's even more boring than doing absolutely nothing but listening to music and staring at the screen with no one to talk to.

12 spoke back:

Anonymous said...

Cool, apparently I may have OCd.

D-HOR said...

Oh well fuck me I had 3/4 of a bar on everything but OCD. I was almost FULL on the paranoid/anxiety deal. Well duh that's what my special pills are for.

I love it when you do these quizzes cuz I always forget about them but then I spend the next 4 hours or so doing them. Fun fun!!

Krissie said...

I knew you both were crazy.
I'm sorry, I meant normally challenged.

Stan Bull said...

I got the lot of 'em. And a few more besides. And some that have yet to be identified by medical science. I'm pretty sure about all that. Come Over to the Dark Side. It's tearing the universe apart and causing scientists to tear out their hair. Isn't it time you got to know dark energy?
Oh yeah....

Stan Bull said...

One day, when she tires of Pepe, Hor and I will tie the knot. It shall come to pass, grass hopper.

darth sardonic said...

man, i think that it is possible that i MIGHT have all of those disorders in some form or another lol. is that bad?

Krissie said...

It just makes you colourful, Darth.

D-HOR said...

Hey why did I have to be crazy while darth got to be colorful??? :)

Krissie said...

That's for Mother Nature to answer, Lindy.

Anonymous said...

Apparently I have ADD with a side of manic depression.

Mighty Dyckerson said...

What does it mean if your computer crashes when you submit your answers??

Krissie said...

So Belle is crazy too and Dyck... Well, he is special in so many ways.