Thursday 25 October 2007

King's Window

I saw Secret Window today. It was all right. Johnny Depp was good as usual. Did he ever do a movie that sucked? I don't think so.
Anyway, you guessed it, I read that story before watching the movie. In fact, I read it quite some time ago. And it scared the shit out of me. It was one of those stories that I, for God knows what reason, read around midnight in my bed. I know King scares me. That's why I love him. When I was reading The Shining... Oh boy. To say that I was scared would be an understatement of the year. I was terrified. It so happened I was reading that at night in my bed as well. I was sleepy as hell. The problem was with turning the light off. I was supposed to get up out of my bed, walk across the room, turn the light off, and then walk back to my bed through the dark room. While in my head Johnny was still waving his axe at the poor kid with the little help of his dead friends. That wasn't gonna happen, not before I saw the evil beaten. So I kept reading, flinching at every sound. (I had cats sleeping in my attic right above my head. They would nest a lot, occasionally flipping things over... *shudder* It was like being in a horror movie.) Then finally, around 4 am, I finished the book. I could go to sleep peacefully knowing that the little shining boy was safe and sound.
Same thing happened with Secret Window, Secret Garden. It's a great story and I had to finish it. There's a lot of the suspense that King created with his words but movie failed to capture it. That bothered me. Then again, it could be the fact that I simply knew how it ends and I knew what the twist was. So maybe sometimes it's better not read the book.
But I'd rather have a ruined movie than a book any day.

7 spoke back:

Sassy Blondie said...

If you like that kind of horror fiction, have you read any Dean Koontz? His stuff makes it hard for me to sleep too...just like Stephen King! I love it though!

Krissie said...

Of course I have read Dean Koontz! Gimme some credit! lol

Anonymous said...

I like Koontz better than king actually.
But that movie was LAME, and I hadn't even read the book. Still haven't.

Anonymous said...

Although, lame? Johnny was in it, after all. I'd watch him eat an orange and pay for it.

Krissie said...

I wouldn't say lame but I've seen better. lol

And speaking of Koontz, I was just thinking the other day how they should make a movie based on Odd Thomas.

Sassy Blondie said...

THAT could be an awesome movie, Odd Thomas! Good call, Krissie! I think of how awesome Misery turned out....

Krissie said...

Oh Misery was so cool! I was freaked out for ages. I still can't watch it again.
And Odd Thomas is my fave Koontz's novel. The ending... Well you know. *off to cry*