Sunday 2 December 2007

I Have No Title For This Post

Yesterday was a lovely day indeed. First of all, it was warm enough for me to wear a skirt in December. And even take my jacket off at one point. And that's war, people. Secondly, I got together with Maja and Anja for a coffee. But I'm jumping ahead of myself.
I was doing some shopping, nothing important, really. I sent out some Christmas cards and then went to the meeting point. But I was 15 minutes early and knowing those two are never early, I quickly went to a nearby store and bought me a shirt. Yes, that's how long it takes me to buy clothes (or boots but let's not go back to that). So we went to a cafe and talked and laughed and generally had a lovely time and when we were leaving the waiter told us to come again. Little did I know that I'd come back running half an hour later! I left the bag with the shirt there. Clearly I'm an idiot.

7 spoke back:

Anonymous said...

You're not an idiot... I once left $50 worth of electronics in a mall because I was in a hurry to get some Ben & Jerry's ice cream.

Van said...

Things like that happen, don't worry.
At least you got your shirt back.
I hate loosing my bags.
That doens't happen very often but when it happens I go mad.
That reminds me that I don't know where I put my brown sun-glasses...I hope I didn't loose them º_º

D-HOR said...

I took out 1200 dollars from the bank once for a down payment on a car, went grocery shopping, and when I came outside to put the bags in my car I sat the wallet on top of my car.

And drove away.
With the wallet with the $1200 still in it.

But the coolest thing ever?? A City Worker stopped beside the road to pick up a fallen tree limb out of the road (like 2 miles away) and noticed it on the side of the road. He took it home and showed his daughter-in-law that I actually KNOW in real life (and she likes me thank god) and they called me and asked me if I had lost anything.

I bought him a nice wallet and gave it to him with $50 in it. What a cool dude.

D-HOR said...

Ok and we could never go clothes shopping together because I would drive you insane. I can spend hours and HOURS trying on clothes, and more clothes. (actually I usually go strait to the dress section and try on a bunch of really pretty dresses and try to figure out an excuse to buy them, and that takes up a good hour and a half even BEFORE I buy the real clothes that I need.

I really love dresses. :)

Stan Bull said...

I wore a skirt yesterday too! ah, the sense of liberation...

Krissie said...

Alana, we all know the importance of ice cream, especially during PMS.

Good luck finding glasses, Vannie!

There are still nice people in the world, Hor. Who knew. And yeah, no shopping for the two of us!

I'd go shopping with Stan, though. We could buy matching skirts and then wear them together!

Glitterstim said...

Oh don't call yourself an idiot! If you are, then I am, too. I leave a trail, and my daughter inherited the trait from me.

In fact, while in Salt Lake City, this precious man I used to work with followed close everywhere I went....picking up my cell phone and handing it to me, picking up my camera and handing it to me.... Whata nice guy, to look after me like that!

:o) BJ