I have nothing to say and I'm saying it.
Damn I thought it was another one of those blog-survey things. Ah well. Why do you have to be "complicated?" I prefer "Unique." ;)
I was called that today.
Well then who needs a survey?Was it from an Ass or a Decent human?
The latter.
I think it matters more what you think of yourself than what others think anyway. Everyone is complicated AND unique.
Actually, some people are true clichés and plain out boring, but that just me.
I say: just be yourself!That is indeed what makes the "one of a kind" thing work.;)Don't let the others tell you what to be, how to be or change your personality.You are what you are.One of a kind!
Krissie, you should really consider some medication for all this negativity. It's starting to give me a headache...
Probably the same way your morning perkiness gives headache to your co-workers.Can't we just get along as we are?
or like a sticker i once had on a bass i owned said, "comfort the disturbed, disturb the comfortable." always felt that bout summed it up with me.
Yep, that sounds just like you.
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11 spoke back:
Damn I thought it was another one of those blog-survey things.
Ah well. Why do you have to be "complicated?" I prefer "Unique."
I was called that today.
Well then who needs a survey?
Was it from an Ass or a Decent human?
The latter.
I think it matters more what you think of yourself than what others think anyway.
Everyone is complicated AND unique.
Actually, some people are true clichés and plain out boring, but that just me.
I say: just be yourself!
That is indeed what makes the "one of a kind" thing work.
Don't let the others tell you what to be, how to be or change your personality.
You are what you are.
One of a kind!
Krissie, you should really consider some medication for all this negativity.
It's starting to give me a headache...
Probably the same way your morning perkiness gives headache to your co-workers.
Can't we just get along as we are?
or like a sticker i once had on a bass i owned said, "comfort the disturbed, disturb the comfortable." always felt that bout summed it up with me.
Yep, that sounds just like you.
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