Friday 14 December 2007

12 Days Of Christmas Wheat

Day 2
There's still nothing. It's watered and left where there's enough light. Maybe tomorrow...

And completely unrelated to the wheat... It snowed today. And my dog isn't exactly bright. So he sits in the snow and shivers. Freezing his furry ass off. And ends up looking like this:

2 spoke back:

D-HOR said...

Waaaaiiiiiiitttt a minute! Is that HIDDEN wheat I see growing in the background???? What kind of shenanigans is this?


Krissie said...

Yes, it is. I sowed that on 5 Dec, on St. Barbara's day. You can do it then as well, but I usually sow it on 13 Dec and that's "the real wheat" to me. LOL Don't worry, I won't plant the older wheat for the newer. :)