Tuesday 25 December 2007

So This Is Christmas..

...and I'm bored to death, as usual.
I was out last night even though I'm still quite sick. It was a perfect Christmas Eve: snowing but not cold, not cold at all, so the night walk was wonderful. We went to the bar we always go to. Oddly enough, I didn't get drunk, not even tipsy. The music was absolutely dreadful. Techno. OK, I know there are like gazillion terms for this music, rave, house, trance and what not, but I don't give a fuck, it's all techno to me. It goes bang-bang-bang on my head and I bloody hate it. Some say its dance music. Well excuuuuse me, but that's not even music in the first place. And really, is Christmas music on Christmas Eve so much to ask for??!
At one point a weird looking group of an elder guy, a woman and a boy came in. You could say they were foreigners. Anyway, after a while this guy approached Sonja and me and asked her for her name. She told him and it turned out he went to school with her mother. Then he asked for my name and I went: I don't want to say. He asked again and I said he was a stranger and I didn't wanna tell him who I was. Then he said: I'm a Serb. and I went: Well, I'm not. He realised I wouldn't talk to him so he asked Sonja if she spoke English and she said not really and I was afraid she'd refer him back to me, but luckily she didn't. It appeared he asked it cuz the boy was English and he wanted Sonja to dance with him. Sonja politely declined and the guy left. There are some weird people out there.
Then we left to another place where we danced and sang for a while but then the music changed into Serbian turbo folk, which is the worst music ever and I said I'm going home. We returned to our house and my Mom got up and boiled some sausages and we had breakfast at 3am and went to bed at 4.
And that was Christmas.

13 spoke back:

Anonymous said...

well at least YOU went out.

I went to church and drank hot choco


Anonymous said...


who is the blonde guy in the pic with your sister's bf?

and an older guy asking Sonja to dance with that younger guy... really now? ...

Anonymous said...

MERRY CHRISTMAS, KIDDO... to you and your family.
Get well.

Mighty Dyckerson said...

I didn't know they celebrated Christmas in Croatia. I thought you people worshipped trees or something.

Sassy Blondie said...

Krissie, you were out with cute boys? I'm so proud! And you look lovely in those pictures...not sick at all!

Krissie said...

LOL YKM. The other guy is a friend. There are other pictures of him in the blog. And yeah, how about that older guy??!

DOC!!!!!! Thank you and thank you.

Dyck, just because we live in mud-huts, doesn't mean we weren't saved by our Lord Jesus Christ.
Nice people with odd looking bonnets came on a ship a few hundred years ago and... Wait, no. That was America.
We've been Christians since the NINTH CENTURY. You know, before America EXISTED...

Thanks, Sassy. Its the light alcohol glow that has neutralised the sick.

Unknown said...

"I'm Serb!" What's with that? Seriously, I don't get it.

Do Canadians say:"I'm Canadian!", when they're in US?

What is wrong with people? Or just that guy.

Oh, and you had fun, girl. I spent the evening reading "Positive Thinking", ahem...

YKM said...

well krissie, that one guy friend is veeery cute! I hadn't noticed him in previous blog entries...

Krissie said...

You must've seen him HERE.

YKM said...

ahhh now I see. thanks for that lol

D-HOR said...

I just realized how much you crack me up with the whole you-wouldn't-tell-him-your-name thing. Ahhhh he must have felt like a douche.

But good girl, this way we know you won't take rides or candy from strangers either. ;)

Krissie said...

You know, if he had offered some candy, I might have told him my name. But hey, you don't get something for nothing!

Glitterstim said...

I'm sorry the music was so bad, Krissie! At least you had some good times with friends....that's nice.

And you're right about Christmas music on Christmas eve! Now, I'm looking at the flip side. It's the Saturday after and the stores are still playing Christmas music. Not the good stuff, though -- like rap versions of it. Ugh.

I hope New Year's Eve is better!

:o) BJ